Am I the only scissor happy fool here?


New Member
I think that I am holding my self back with all the trims I do. I just recently got a perm, and I of course examened my hair until I found something wrong, and cut it. I did a trim...then when I went up to NH, to see my mother I realized I did an uneven trim so I cut some more...came home, and cut some more...WTF :perplexed

Um, I am depressed now, I see all this long hair around me,and I am like UUUUCCCKKKK!!! can a sistah just get shoulder length hair damn. I have no Idea what my problem is. My year will almost be up. I will have nothing to show for all my efforts but Its my own fault.
No you are not the only one!!!! I am the same way that is why I wear braids. Braids keep the shears out of my head. I am a stylist so I like the clean blunt look/precesion cut. Therfore I am always in my head. What seems to help me keep the shears away are to get rid of the shears at home so I have no access to them & also keep my hair braided or in flexirods. Hope this helps you.
I am not scissor happy, however, I do enjoy the look of thick healthy hair. Your hair does not look healthy with those scraggly little ends people hold on to trying to achieve lenght. In my opinion, short healthy hair looks better than long hair that is not blunt.
i was a lil while ago but i realized in june my hair was the longest it ever was and with split ends. if i would have let it grow it would have been even longer with splits so my battle with splits is over i was dusting daily what a fool
indefinite said:
I am not scissor happy, however, I do enjoy the look of thick healthy hair. Your hair does not look healthy with those scraggly little ends people hold on to trying to achieve lenght. In my opinion, short healthy hair looks better than long hair that is not blunt.

My sentiments exactly. :yep:
My problem is that it was not split! I wear a bun 95 % of the time so I just was bored, and trying to find something to cut. :mad:

Best believe I am not one of thse that holds on to thin ends...but I think that I am too in love with teh scissors. My hair is always blunt. It grows blunt, it is always been cut blunt. I am just tired of cutting what progress I make. I seem to be addicted though :wallbash:
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Bmm said:
My problem is that it was not split! I wear a bun 95 % of the time so I just was bored, and trying to find something to cut. :mad:

Best believe I am not one of thse that holds on to thin ends...but I think that I am too in love with teh scissors. My hair is always blunt. It grows blunt, it is always been cut blunt. I am just tired of cutting what progress I make. I seem to be addicted though :wallbash:

Girl, if you're bored, you can cut my hair. :lol: I definitely can relate. My hair is damaged so I'm constantly trying to trim the damaged ends off. I trim about 2 times a month. I'm ready to cut it all off!! I also love that clean blunt look but can't achieve it without cutting my hair really short like ear length.
I used to be VERY scissor-happy but i'm proud to say that I dont do it as often as I used to anymore. Every 8 weeks, it seems that I need to dust and that's what I do, although in September i gave myself a real trim. I try to keep my ends out of sight so that the thought of trimming isn't on my mind all the time, but if the ends look a wee-bit see through, then i dust...

the thing is, dont' cut straight across, just take sections of your hair, lift it, look at the ends, and snip a bit off... that method makes you lose almost no length at all, but ur ends are still good.
no you are not. If the hair is split or damaged get rid of it. If you want to have your hair even, even it out.

But cutting all the time will cut out your progress.
I don't consider myself scissor happy at all. I always get a little trim every 12 weeks or so, though. It just keeps my ends looking nice. I never go longer than that either. Hasn't affected my growth as far as I know. If i didn't trim regularly there would just be more to chop of later so I just get it over with and accept it as a necessary evil-- imo, no pain, no gain. :ohwell:
I am also addicted. I have been dusting all too frequently lately. I need to go and hide my scissors. I am so mad at myself like I will never make it back to brastrap or longer. :wallbash:
No you're not the only one... I get mine dusted every other relaxer (1-2x every 2 months or so). Just because your hair is dry doesn't mean it's damaged though.... I thought my ends were hellacious but my stylist slapped in some really good conditioner and I was graaaaaaaaaand. My hair falls flat when it's all one length so I got layers cut in. I love it. :D Happy growing. Don't feel too bad.... *hugs* just make sure it really needs it... can't go by looks alone.