Am I the only one who does this...


The Credit Countess
With all of the talk about the baggie method and moisture, I decided to take is a step further. I have started doing to add some curl activtor, EQ Mango Butter to a plastic cap and wearing it when I'm at home until I go to bed. My regimine right now is:

1. CO wash every other day

2. Add baggie with mixture in it to ponytail wet/ Surge

3. Go to bed

4. In the morning Surge .Add phonytail/bun

When I get home:

1.Add plastic cap with mixture is it

2. Tie hair down with scraft and go about my business in the house.

3. Take plastic cap off, surge and tie with scraft

In addition I am thinking about wearing my plastic cap and a scraft when I go to exerice, since when at the gym I take offf my phonytail/bun to exerice :D .

So again my question is does anyone else where a plastic cap in addition to the baggie for moisture while in a protectiv style
I had thought about wearing a plastic cap when I exercise, under my scarf... Hmm, I may have to try that.
Lately I have been using pure shea butter on the length of my hair. After I apply it I put on a plastic cap and leave it on till I'm ready for bed. I take off the plastic cap and just put a baggy over my bun, tie on a scarf and go to sleep. My hair is so soft in the morning and my ends feel great. I keep wondering why I wasn't doing this a long time ago.
LadyR said:
bummping for more replies. No one else thought of this or have try this method with results. Please reply.

Hey LadyR- :wave:

When I think of baggie method I think of really wet and moist hair. I generally douse my ponytail with scurl, ego boost and seal with a petroleum based product. I, personally, can't see myself doing this to my whole head :lol: That would be funny! I'd look like Ed Grimly from the old Saturday Night Live! :lachen: :lachen:

However, for me to see benefits in doing this, I would have to drench my hair in some sort of moisturizer and scurl and cover, just like we used to do when we had Jheri Curls. Then I would have to wash it out. I couldn't just take the cap off and style it would be a mess!!!

I do, however, see the benefit while working out because heat will be eminating from your head and create a 'steaming' effect inside the cap. You have to wash or rinse your hair anyway after a vigorous workout.
I have just been doing this for a little while and I haven't done the gym thing yet, however my hair doesn't have a mildrew smell to it, I'm not getting my hair wet just moist, plus I CO wash as lest every two days if not daily