Am I Over-Moisturizing My Hair??


So Wavy Baby
This is my current moisturization regimine. I notice that my hair is usually a bit oily afterwards:

1. Use Surge

2. Apply Moisturizer (New Image Avocado Oil & Shea Butter Moisturizer(Oil based) or Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer(Water based..I think)

3. Spray in a sealant (Jojoba-Aloe Braid Spray..even though I don't have braids (it's contains essential oils, like Jojoba Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Almond, Olive Oil, Soy Oil etc)

I moisturize twice a day and I do these steps on wet and dry hair, depending on whether I washed my hair or not. Now my question is...Is this technique correct? I heard I am supposed to use the Moisturizer, and then the the sealant (Jojoba-Aloe spray).

The braid spray leaves my hair a bit greasy. I want to switch to another sealant. But now I'm not even sure if the spray is even required. I am so confused
Should the sealant be used before or after a serum? or are they the same thing?
If your hair is left greasy than you probably don't need as much product as you're using. I could never apply an oil based product twice a day without the greasies, though. As for the sealing question, I have no idea since I'm not aware of all the "sealing" theories. The only "sealing" I do is I use an oil based butter on freshly conditioned hair.
Wow that routine twice a day sounds quite hectic, a bit overthe wall. Keep in mind that there are many forms to moisturize your hair without wetting it or drenching it. Many use serums, OR hair lotions (ORS olive oil works quite well), OR simple spritzing. To tell you the truth when I first joined the forum I was so overwhelmed with all the great information I wanted to do it all, daily conditioner washes, extreme moisturization, the works. Eventually, I got over the mania and simplified my routine. My hair seems to be thriving off my new routine and is better than it ever was.

but then again, everyones different.

Is your hair Super Dry why the moisture overdose?

It sounds like the braid spray prolly is what is leaving your hair dont have to do so much to it twice a day either...not with the oils anyone. I've used a next image product(cocomango moisturizer) and that itself left my hair extra oily...anyhow, like someone suggested, a good creme hairdresser or misting/spritzing with water and sealed with a little light oil might suffice..only at night though...or just misting throughout the day..that seems simple enough...hopefully the expert ladies will come along soon
thanx for the advice guys, I guess I am kind of overdoing it, but what about this "adding serum". A sealant is a oil you put on after moisturizing to keep help lock it in. But what about the serum, is it to be used like a sealant?
Some serums act as a sealant..some other creamy products do also like mango butter...but a serum, used after you add your leave ins and oils, because they are basically silicone based, provide a barrier so the strand doesnt dry out...i hope i explained that correctly
you did..thanx all, I think I actually may understand some of this stuff
. I was really over-thinking and making everything way to complicated. What would I do with out LHCF