Am I making progress???


New Member
Could you ladies take a look at my profile pic and compare it to this one. I had to go home for a couple of weeks for my sister's graduation events and I had to use heat so I decided to do a length check. Even though Im not quite sure what length I am, I think Im making some progress and I even have a little new growth coming 4 weeks post!!!!!!
thanks... thats what i've been trying to concentrate on.. my ends. Ive been using cantu shea butter leave in and redken anti snap on them before I do my rollerset. And then wrapping it up whenever Im at home and keeping them as moisturized as I can. Im about to wash my hair tomorrow and i need to buy a really good deep conditioner. Can y'all suggest something. Ive already used Keracare Humecto and ORS replenishing pak but I would like to try something else. I don't want my hair to get use to them. What do y'all suggest.????