Am I hopeless?


New Member
Hi everyone, hope everybody is fine. My hair is healthy and I am getting close to WL but I have a problem hair is thin. I have always wanted thick hair but my hair is just naturally thin. I pop pills use oils and grease etc all they do is make my hair healthy and long. My hair isn't getting any thicker I have to put curls in it to make it look thicker my hairdresser told me extensions thins out the hair. I would try wigs but I don't like fake hair what can I do to make my hair become thicker? I don't just want it to APPEAR thicker but actually BECOME thicker. Please help. :sad:
If your hair isn't naturally thick it won't become so. My hair is FULL and has Volume but it is very thin!
Yeah My hair is thin as well.....Just the luck of the draw.....When I was relaxed I kept it roller set for volume....although it wouldn't hold a curl but for a minute...but flat ironing it made it too straight and it looked thinner.....Perms made it look so much thinner I am finding out for my hair

It is looking a bit thicker now that it is natural and curly ...I hope it lasts..but I am not banking on it
Fine haired ladies need to be careful with product, the wrong products/ oils will make your hair look weighed down and thin.

I'm texlaxed

Are you relaxed? If so, consider texlaxing or going natural.
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Do you think hair transplants would help?

Transplants...from your avatar it does not look that serious....

With thin hair's all in the products, the cut/style .....Relaxers makes thin hair look thinner at least with mine it did

I am curious as well ....are you relaxed or natural?
I thickened up my hair by using products that my hair loves (Joico and Ceramides) and by significantly cutting down on the heat that I use.

Using henna will also thicken up the hair a bit.
C'mon, are you SERIOUS?

You would go THAT far for thick hair?:perplexed

A lot of people do, its a million dollar business.

OP, what types of styles do you wear? You can create the illusion of thicker hair with braid outs, caruso sets, rollersets, flexirods, etc.

You do have options. Wearing your hair straight may not be the best choice.
^ I agree with those suggestions...But the Op said she did not want the appearance of thicker hair...she wanted thick I am curious to if it can be done...since I have fine hair...didn't think it could
^ I agree with those suggestions...But the Op said she did not want the appearance of thicker hair...she wanted thick I am curious to if it can be done...since I have fine hair...didn't think it could

Right, I missed that part. There's really nothing you can do to make your hair thicker if you have naturally fine/thin hair.

Maybe you could try henna, it coats the strands and makes them feel thicker and heavier.

It was too drying for my hair though, be sure to moisturize really well.
Relaxing breaks the bonds of the hair down I believe. :look:
However, there are many great people here at LHCF that would know a lot more. I wish you the best.
OP, I'm not sure this issue can be resolved with vitamins, creams or oils either way, but are you talking about fine strands, or a low density of hair coming from your scalp?

Aside from going to the extreme of a hair transplant the only thing I can think to tell you is to consider going natural. I wonder if maybe the chemicals are subtly damaging your scalp and causing your hair to thin out. Whether or not this is the case, I believe natural or even texlaxed hair would give you more volume.

Relaxers thinned my hair out terribly it was see thru.....My hair appears 10X fuller now that it is natural...even though I know in reality it isn't

I never knew about Tex-Lax'n when I was relaxed ...boooo
Relaxers thinned my hair out terribly it was see thru.....My hair appears 10X fuller now that it is natural...even though I know in reality it isn't

I never knew about Tex-Lax'n when I was relaxed ...boooo

See that's the one thing I'll miss about relaxers. My hair is really thick (dense) and I actually liked the fact that the relaxers thinned it out some.

For those who have really thin hair, I think that going natural might provide the best solution. Plus I'm in favor of it for health reasons! :)
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OP, I feel like I'm suffering from the same thing. And, seeing your post has made me realize that I may just have to deal with it. I have to agree with the other ladies though. There's nothing you can do to actually make your hair thicker. All you can do is use products that give the appearance of thicker hair. However, if you've been using anything like oils, grease, butters, or anything of that nature, be advised that the more you use those things, they more they weigh the hair down and make the hair appear thin. I suffered from that a long time ago when I used to use the forbidden Pink Oil Moisturizer religiously. Since turning away from that, I'm thinking now that the reason my hair appears to be thin is from flat ironing too straight or breakage from stretching my relaxer. I am relaxed, but haven't had one since Sept. 09. Based on what I've read here, I've narrowed my causes down to 3 things. So, if you don't get the responses you're looking for, my suggestion is to do some more research here and other places on the web. That's what I've been doing. If you're really concerned, maybe you should ask your stylist or even consult with a dermatologist. Maybe they can help you determine if you just have naturally thin hair. I don't know much about these things, but just decided to try and help you if I could.
I put rollers in my hair for volume when it was natural it looked fuller but my hair was never really thick sadly I just found out it runs in the family. Thanks for the advice ladies I will just have to work with what I have.
My suggestion would be too go natural/ lay off the should see a vast improvement in the thickness

Also I would say look at you current detangling routine. Within a few months after I started being extra careful when detangling I noticed my hair was will need to treat your fine hair like silk!

I have fine hair too....I just have a full head of fine hair that has a ton of volume (even when I dont want it too) so I feel your pain
Honestly I dont know whether or not they actually work...Im just throwing this out there. Have you ever tried a volumizing shampoo?
Maybe try some thickening poos and conditioners...BTW-I know you said you've tried oils but have you tried Castor oil?
Try stretching your relaxers out as long as possible, if you don't want to go natural. Also, textured styles like bantu knots, braidouts, and rollersets help add volume. For straight hair, rollerset and wrap instead of flat-ironing. Good luck....
OP you can see in my siggy the first pic I am relaxed. I started texlaxing my hair and you can see the results in the second picture. Texlaxing can make your new growth much thicker
I have the same problem. I agree with the ladies that it's more of a hereditary thing. You can control the illusion but not necessarily make it BECOME thicker. For me what works is a rinse that's one shade darker than my hair (I love Jazzing's black cherry) and to keep my hair rolled. The overlappping of my ends with my hair slightly bent under gives the illusion of thicker hair.

I saw an episode of "What Not to Wear" and Nickarojo (sp) the hair stylist was doing a lady's hair which was extremely thin. He cut just her ends in a certain way that made it look thicker. He also added some waves and curls. It was a huge transformation.
Try stretching your relaxers out as long as possible, if you don't want to go natural. Also, textured styles like bantu knots, braidouts, and rollersets help add volume. For straight hair, rollerset and wrap instead of flat-ironing. Good luck....

All great points. The only thing I would add is that if you want to stay relaxed- use the mildest strength.
We can't increase the number of follicles on our head. Even hair transplants place hair plugs in existing - albeit dormant or dead - follicles. So OP, you'll have to work on volume and illusion.