Am I getting the "growth" itch?


Active Member
I have changed my regimen withing the last couple of months; natural hair oils including JBCO, Ovation Cell Therapy and supplements. I use Shea Butter only on my hair, the Ovation and oils are for my scalp. I wash once a week, co-wash during the week and clarify. I also do the infusion? method. Anyway, withing the last couple weeks or so, I have been getting an itch. It's not all of the time and it's not bad, just the occasional scratch will do. I remember my Granny saying that means your hair is growing. Is this true? If so I love it!
Your hair is constantly growing, so I'm not sure if the itch can be attributed to growth...hmmm. Maybe sudden growth spurts can make your scalp itchy? I really don't know.

Is this your first time using those oils on your scalp? could it be that they are making your scalp itch?
No this is not the first time using the oils. I think it may be a growth spurt because it is longer now at least an inch. Kinda want to measure but kinda don't for a while; I'm trying not to start doing that all the time because I know I will obsess over growth. Plus I plan to wig it up so I won't have my hands in it so much because it us so thin.
black people have been saying this for years, itchy scalp means your hair is growing, not true or so i heard. i know when i took biotin i had itchies for several days until i got use to it
My scalp itches all the time and my growth is pretty much the same all the time. I've heard this saying, but I never put much into it.

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The last time I had a growth spurt my scalp didn't "itch," per se, but rather felt like it had "creepy crawlies" - weird tingling and crawling sensations. About a month or so later is when I noticed the new growth.

I'm experiencing this again since changing my diet.
The last time I had a growth spurt my scalp didn't "itch," per se, but rather felt like it had "creepy crawlies" - weird tingling and crawling sensations. About a month or so later is when I noticed the new growth.

I'm experiencing this again since changing my diet.

I've also had the tingles on my scalp. I notice growth at this point