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No matter how much I moisturize my nape never feels as moisturized as the rest of my I doing some wrong?

If anyone is having this problem...what did you do to get thru.?? I use to moisturize my hair with BB's moisturizer and seal with nourish shine...that wasn't good I moisturized with BB's and sealed with JBCO...still not you think I should get a different moisturizer or just use water and seal with JBCO???

Please help...

I had this same problem, so one day I saturated all my nape hairs with Kids Organics Shea Butter Moisturizer and seal with a lot of coconut oil. When I woke up in the morning my hair was so moist!!

U have to bun, or braid it to help keep the moisture in. HTH
What has helped my moisture balance is water, glycerin, aloe vera juice. I mist my hair w/ this before then apply my shea butter moisturizer, and seal w/ coconut oil. It keeps it well moisturized all day.

No matter how much I moisturize my nape never feels as moisturized as the rest of my I doing some wrong?

If anyone is having this problem...what did you do to get thru.?? I use to moisturize my hair with BB's moisturizer and seal with nourish shine...that wasn't good I moisturized with BB's and sealed with JBCO...still not you think I should get a different moisturizer or just use water and seal with JBCO???

Please help...

When I had this problem, I found I had to drench my nape with moisture. I would do it overnight. My magic potion was CD's some of maugerite's magic, s-curl, and a heavy oil like Evoo. And like classi123 said, braiding it really holds the moisture. I could not use all of that on the rest of my hair, it would have been way too much, but my nape loved it. The next morning my nape would be soft and moisturized.
What has helped my moisture balance is water, glycerin, aloe vera juice. I mist my hair w/ this before then apply my shea butter moisturizer, and seal w/ coconut oil. It keeps it well moisturized all day.

cosigning, except sealing with jbco. my nape used to look rusty, for lack of a better term, once i started concentrating my moisturizer on there and sealing, I started getting little ringlets. lol.
cosigning, except sealing with jbco. my nape used to look rusty, for lack of a better term, once i started concentrating my moisturizer on there and sealing, I started getting little ringlets. lol.

what how much of each product did you use??
If your hair products contain lots of silicones, and your hair doesn't like them, it will block moisture from your hair. Clarifying will help, and them using products with no silicones or water soluable silicones.