Allergic to synthethic hair- HELP


New Member
When I took out my last weave my hair had broke. Since my hair is short when she braided my hair for the tracks she added synthetic hair. I had the weave in for one month. I think I am allergic to synthetic hair. Why? WHen I got cornbraids over the summer my hair fell out with the synthetic hair yet I dont have a problem with human. I saw a woman in my neighborhood weaving a girls hair who was shorter than mines. The girl who was getting her hair done had her hair braided without tracks...What do you all think about this. I would like to get a weave again in a couple of weeks but do not want to be bothered getting it if synthetic hair has ot be used. I must be allergic right?
Hey girl, I hope this link has information that will help you: Grow Afro Hair Long--Braid Regimine
Sweetyb said:
Hey girl, I hope this link has information that will help you:]Grow Afro Hair Long--Braid Regimine

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever tried putting the synthetic hair in a bucket of shampoo, then drying it before you put it in your hair? I used to do that with synthetic hair and it worked fine for me.
If you follow the rw braid regime you won't have breakage after you take out the braids. I would avoid the synthetic hair if I were you. I know it makes me scratch!
my scalp is REALLY sensitive. so whenever i got braids, my scalp would itch really bad from the synthetic hair. so i started washing the braids immediately after having them put in. i never had a problem with it after that. so i agree with the person that said to wash and dry the synthetic hair before having it braided into your hair. if all else fails, ask them to use human hair throughout.
You dont have to be allergic to the hair but synthetic ahir is really drying so you have to take extra care of your hair and moisturize liek crazy. Did you moisturize regularly when you had the synthetic hair.
Wow, sorry to hear that. Maybe you can try human hair weaves sometimes in the future. Sometimes people grow out of their allergies and irritations.
i think it's the color in the synthetic hair as well that irritates my scalp. i've never had human hair braids.

anyway, hey, i have psoriasis too!! if it was anything else, i'd celebrate the coinkidink... lol!
My weave was a human hair weave. But when she braided my own hair she added synthetic hair becuase she said it wold be better when she sewed in the human tracks. I asked her today if she would be willing tro use human hair to when she was braidning my own here and she seemed attidutinal about it. Looks like I better go to a different hair salon
You can have her use a net weave instead of fortifying your braided hair with synthetic. She can braid your hair in whatever pattern she uses then sew the net onto you hair then sew the weave onto the net only.
synthetic hair is very drying. It absorbs ALL the moisture and nutrients from your hair. Is it really necessary to cornrow your hair with sythetic hair before attaching the weave. I always just cornrow my own hair. Maybe you should try using human hair or if you really must use sythetic hair, try spraying you hair with water daily.