Allergic reaction not been treated yet. . .


New Member
I went to the doctor yesterday for my severe scalp pain problem, and the doctor asked me if asmtha ran in my family. I was just like, what does asmtha running in my family have to do with anything. The doc said that even though I don't have asthma, since it runs in my family I still carry the genes and enzymes, and those enzymes make me more likely to be allergic to a numerous amount of things and have bad reactions. My main question is, since my allergic reaction from the hair glue and/or perm hasn't been officially treated yet, could that be a possible reason as to why I'm still having pain?

I have a friend who did not know she was allergic to latex...had it in the tongue of her shoes...rash went all the way up her legs...Pain for months...

Have they given you anything for the pain...or do they fear that you are so shouldnt take anything until they can narrow down what the problem is?
I'm taking pain pills, it helps but the pain is still severe. Where do I go from here? Should I maybe go to an allergist to get treated for my allergic reaction, and to determine for sure if I had an allergic reaction. thanx for your response, I really appreciate it.
Also not that if asthma runs in your family, most likely eczema or even dermatitis will too. That may be what your experiencing on your scalp.

Or since that skin is so sensitive, something you put on your hair may react badly even though you may put it elsewhere on your body and have no reaction.
If you are still having pain, whatever you had a reaction to is still there. Allergic reactions don't last forever if the allergen is no longer present. You need to cut out ALL processed hair products and then get to an allergist and tell them what happened. You could have chemical sensitivities and they can test for that. You may have to call around to find an allergist who will do tests for chemical sensitivities, but I know that it can be done. Let them run the tests on you.

In the meantime, for shampooing, simply use water and maybe some baking soda for clarifying. You don't need a detergent to clean your hair and that's all shampoos are. For conditioner, simply use mayonnaise or honey or combo of both. For sealing in the moisture, simply use a light oil from an organic food store - olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc.

Do something fast!!!
Are you opposed to using natual oils as salves until you see another doctor?

Something soothing like aloe may give you some temporary relief.
thanx a lot for the info!! Another question I have is that when I first got my extensions glued in, my scalp and head hurt on contact. After the extensions came out, my scalp was red, irritated, swollen, with a few blood and puss bumps, and a few other bumps. Is this a sign of an allergic reaction? And, even though my scalp is healed externally now, since the reaction hasn't been treated is it still possible to have pain even though my scalp looks healthy now? Thanks.
Definite sign of alergic reaction...

You need to find out what is in that glue...and make sure you stay away from it for LIFE...I am surprised by the severity of your reaction..that you did not go into Anaphylactic obviously cannot be near that stuff...just be glad that it wasnt applied in such a large dose that it could have done severe damage...

How did you sit through it?!?!
Oh, it's already healed externally? How long has it been? Even though something has formed a covering on the outside doesn't necessarily mean that it is completely healed on the inside. Kinda like when you have a c-section baby and everything looks great on the outside but you can't do any lifting, etc. for at least 6 weeks sometimes more depending on your body. When I had a lumpectomy, the scar itched and hurt for longer than it took for the outside to heal. That may be why the doctor gave you pain medication. It may just take some time to completely heal on the inside. Make sure that you're eating right, etc. so your body can be in correct balance to heal itself.
Your posts have convinced me to make an appointment with an allergist--I'm gonna make an appointment tomorrow.

I've taken so long to make an appointment with an allergist b/c I live in a small town now, and the city is a few hours away where an allergist is and I've been busy with school and what not.