After shampooing your hair do you...??? - Poll included

After rinsing out shampoo do you?

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I just spoke to a male hair-care person at the JcPenny salon in my area (Albany,NY). I was asking him about the Deep Brilliance line and he told me they were discontinuing use of that line. Anyway, I drilled him with alot of questions (even though I have no intention of going to another salon for services again). Once I told him that I wash my hair everyday he, of course, threw the red flag up.:lol: But anyway he was telling me about the Humecto and I told him that it wasn't acting right and I didn't like it that much, he asked me how do I wash and condition my hair; Seemed like an easy question to answer so I said I wash it, rinse it out, and put the conditioner on it. Anyway, he told me that in order for the conditioner to penetrate (along with some other scientifical phrases that I didn't totally understand), I had to get the excess water out first by placing a towel over my hair to let it soak some of the water up or gently squeezing the water out. That must be my problem! I never squeeze the water out of my hair or place a towel over it until after I've rinsed the conditioner out. It sounds like something I should know but I just have never done that unless the instructions specifically say to do so.

I would like to know what everyone does after they shampoo their hair. Do you just slather conditioner on as soon as you rinse the shampoo out or do you do what he said should be done by letting a towel soak up the excess water or gently squeezing the water out. I'm really interested in what everyone does; thank you! :)
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Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

I always squeeze excess water out of my hair after rinsing the shampoo out. After that I slather conditioner on my ends first then on the rest of my hair. I dont think you have to put a towel on your head though, or at least I've never done that.
Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

I've ALWAYS gently squeezed excess water out of my hair. I guess I did it mainly to get a good foam from my conditioner tho. Now I know that their are actual benefits to doing it.
I gently squeeze out the excess water because I don't want the conditioner to get watered down and running down my face and/or neck. However, I don't use a towel. I leave my hair a little damp so that the conditioner can spread around more easily.
yea i gentaly squeeze the excess water out of my hair...than glob on some conditioner and put a plastic cap on my head and wrap a towel around it for a while...and than rinse...
Wow, looks like I'm the only one that doesn't do it. I will definitely be doing this from now on though!
Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

candibaby said:
I always squeeze excess water out of my hair after rinsing the shampoo out. After that I slather conditioner on my ends first then on the rest of my hair. I dont think you have to put a towel on your head though, or at least I've never done that.
this is what i do too....and i always overuse ends get more attention than the rest too...
Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

If I wash my hair in the shower then I just squeeze the water out and apply conditioner. If I wash in the tub or sink I towel dry.
kitty18 said:
I gently squeeze out the excess water because I don't want the conditioner to get watered down and running down my face and/or neck. However, I don't use a towel. I leave my hair a little damp so that the conditioner can spread around more easily.
This is what I do...:)
I gently sqeeze the water out first then apply because 9x out of 10 I put on a plastic cap and sit under the dryer and I don't like when the bag feels with the excess water...Now I'm glad I do.
kitty18 said:
I gently squeeze out the excess water because I don't want the conditioner to get watered down and running down my face and/or neck. However, I don't use a towel. I leave my hair a little damp so that the conditioner can spread around more easily.

Same here with me
Yeah I squeeze the excess water out, put a towel over my head and then go apply my conditioner. I always leave the conditioner in the bathroom and I shampoo my hair in the kitchen sink.
Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

I usually towel dry then add my conditioner. Excess water in the hair tends to dilute the conditioner and its ability to work optimally.
I too squeeze out the excess water, then apply conditioner to my hair and ends (with special attention to my ends). Then my hair goes into the plastic cap.
I squeeze a little water out, so that it's not dripping, then I apply the conditioner. But, next time I will try towel drying first!
Hmm I don't usually squeeze the water out because I do wash and go styles and the hair must supposedly be soaking wet for the styling product I put on afterwards to absorb (like Jessicurl Rockin Ringlets, etc.). I guess I will try getting rid of some of the water first.
I voted that I squeeze some of the extra water out which is what ive been doing lately. Honestly though I've tried letting a towel absorb some of the water and it worked better for me so i guess I'll be going back to that.
Re: After shampooing your hair do you...???

I gently squeeze the excess water out simply b/c I don't want it running all down my back/body. Glad it's beneficial!