After reaching your you have the urge to BC or Transition

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I just started texlaxing last September after being natural for maybe 2 years. My hair is APL and everything is great I have been having this desire, this itch if you will, to either BC or start transitioning. Am i nuts?!!??

Anyone else considering 1 of the 2 even though their hair is having no problems? Come sit on my couch, let's share some wine, fruit and cheese, and talk about this :yep:
Is this growing thing fun for you? Because Im new at this, and it is not fun for me. When I reach my goal I will not start this stuff all over. Have fun BC-ing! LOL
I feel you. I had that feeling when I first reached BSB. I kept thinking and thinking about. Fate happening and I ended up going natural anyway.
Well I can't say that I reached my goal of BSL but once i got APL in the back I was ready for something new so I transitioned. Ofcourse there were other reasons also but not because my relaxed hair was unhealthy.

I think once you understand how to care for your natural or relaxed hair folks don't stress about getting their hair cut cause they know whatever road they choose they understand what to do to have healthy hair.
I got to my goal of APL last year, then after some damage --> breakage, I got a major trim/cut and had to let go of at least 4 inches of hair. Less than 2 months after, I just thought, "Now's my time to transition, my hair got as long as I had wanted it to.". I didn't feel the need to grow my relaxed hair back to APL.... and my transition began....

My next few goals are:
1. BC (latest Dec '09)
2. Full SL Natural (Maybe Dec '10?)
3. Full APL Natural (Maybe Dec '11?)

That should take me a few years before I set more goals :-)
I already know that once I get a little past full BSL, I am going to start transitioning to natural....that is if I don't fall too in love with my relaxed, BSL hair
I'm natural but I have the urge to relax and then cut and transition again. Weird I know, but I would love to do a style like this:


I won't do it, but sometimes once you hit a goal it's like..."now what" :look:
My goal is to get to waistlength and chop it all off and go natural and watch my natural hair grow to waistlength.
My relaxed hair is crazy healthy. But I'm thinking about transitioning/chopping. So yeah, I'll pick up a piece of cheese and eat it with you :lachen:
Maybe when I'm 50, lol...

I think at that age I'll wear my hair super short again. Until then no, but that's how I'm feeling now at 28
No desire to do anything but let it grow longer right now. Maybe flat iron or rollersetting but nothing more drastic than that.

What is that song they sing in church? Wouldn't trade nothing for my journey now and I've come too far! LOL
I should reach my ultimate goal of full HL in 2010. After that, I plan to just enjoy my hair while I maintain the length and keep it healthy. I have absolutely no desire to BC nor transition...I love my texlaxed tresses to much.
I'm natural but I have the urge to relax and then cut and transition again. Weird I know, but I would love to do a style like this:


I won't do it, but sometimes once you hit a goal it's like..."now what" :look:

That is a cute cut!!

Is that YOU in your sig?? O M Goodness! Your hair is amazing
Hi ladies,

I just started texlaxing last September after being natural for maybe 2 years. My hair is APL and everything is great I have been having this desire, this itch if you will, to either BC or start transitioning. Am i nuts?!!??

Anyone else considering 1 of the 2 even though their hair is having no problems? Come sit on my couch, let's share some wine, fruit and cheese, and talk about this :yep:

yuppers :) It is to the point That People at my workplace Who i don't know have come up to me and requested I Refrain From cutting my hair "this time". You never know who is watching you or your hair. If i get the Urge This round I hope to transition And not big Chop-i Said 'hope to' :)
Last summer I was on my way to a healthy BSL and early summer, I decided screw going for BSL and decided to transition. I think it's like another poster said, once you understand good hair care for relaxed or natural hair, you have no prob changing it up or BC'ing b/c you know what you have to do for it to grow back and maintain its health.
Last summer I was on my way to a healthy BSL and early summer, I decided screw going for BSL and decided to transition. I think it's like another poster said, once you understand good hair care for relaxed or natural hair, you have no prob changing it up or BC'ing b/c you know what you have to do for it to grow back and maintain its health.

So just because you have good hair practices and know how to grow long hair, you gonna do this forever? Just go back and forth, cutting and growing your hair? I think I'm going to be content and enjoy my hair when I make my hair goal. I don't wanna be on a hair journey for many years.
So just because you have good hair practices and know how to grow long hair, you gonna do this forever? Just go back and forth, cutting and growing your hair? I think I'm going to be content and enjoy my hair when I make my hair goal. I don't wanna be on a hair journey for many years.

Well, some of us get bored with the same thing and do things to shake things up a bit :) I am FOREVER unsatisfied with my hair. Now that i'm texlaxed i'm like...hmmmm I wonder what it's like to be natchal again :rolleyes:
No, I don't think you're nuts pass me a glass of wine! I was just right at shoulder length which was my goal. Then my Stylist cut it some and set me back, but it was pretty healthy overall. Especially once I started stretching my relaxers to nearly 12 weeks, but I got bored with it because I wanted more volume. The only way I would get it was with roller sets, so I decided let me try going natural. It may be even healthier, I'll have fuller hair and I basically just wanna see how long it will get. I did the BC and here are my plans (for now)...

Let it grow to arm pit length this way it will be a true shoulder length unstretched.

Try all the different hair styles I couldn't wear with my relaxers.

Try a texlaxer when and if I get tired of dealing with the thick natural hair.

When I turn 50 or 55 (I'm 41 now), get a relaxer and chop it off again. The only reason I'll get the relaxer is to wear the short straight style. Or, I may not even get another relaxer, but I do know I'm going to wear it short because I'm loving my TWA! I think once I get older the longest I'll ever wear it will be a chin length bob, which I don't think will ever go out of style and you can still change it up.

So, I feel you I get bored too! :yep: