Advice Needed on Crispy Knotty Ends


New Member

A little background 1st: I transitioned from a relaxer for a year, ending April 2011. Once I big chopped, I had about 6 months of growth but I thought I'd damaged my hair because the front was wavy and straight, not coily.Due to this, I BC'd again in August 2011 to less than half an inch all around. (I really resent doing that) My hair is now 3 to 5 inches long in different spots due to trimming. Even after trimming the ends, the new ends are just like the old ones.

I cowash at least 2x a week and DC at least once a week. Ends feel bad even after DCing and sealing. I use many different products and leave-ins. (I'll add some of them to the bottom of this post). My twists don't look good because of a wack patch in my crown that is shorter and more coarse than the rest of my hair and due to the wavy front. The rest of my hair can range from what I think is 3c to 4b. I've done henna and think that it's made the wavy patch straighter.:perplexed Since twists don't look good, I've even let my hair shrink after apply my leave-ins. :nono: I know better but I guess I'd lost my mind because that just made my crispy knotty ends worse. I have no styles for my current length. Puffs will just make things worse. (I've worn them for months on end). I'm starting to think I should trim, DC and get braids so my hair can rest for a bit. Bottom line, why keep trying to grow my hair out if I have to keep cutting it. Thoughts?

Also, my head is down in the pic so the pieces sticking up are in my crown. Sorry it is kind of blurry and dark.

DCs: Organix Macadamia Oil Treatment, Henna, Shea Moisture DT Masque, ORS Replenishing Pak, Hollywood Beauty Mayo (not used at the same time, of course)

Leave-Ins: S-Curl, Cantu Shea Butter, Shea Moisture DT Masque, Argan Oil Treatment

Sealants: Argan Oil Treatment, Grapeseed Oil Mix, EVCO, EO Mix

Moisturizers: S-Curl, Shea Moisture Coconut Oil & Hibiscus Mist, TW Protective Mist Bodifier, any conditioner I run across.

Conditioner: Any cheapie

Shampoos: Castille Soap, Nexxus Therappe, HE HH


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    coarse crown.JPG
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for me what has saved me from crispy knotty ends is aloe vera juice. Also eliminating all sources of drying (sulphates etc)

I spritz my hair after Im done washing and before I put in my leave in

also check the luscious healthy ends and aloe vera challenges
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Try moisturizing and sealing daily also try keeping your hair in a satin bonet while your indoors. Ive found that keeping my hair tied down helps keep it moisturized longer and I keep my hands out of it. Also I would Eliminate sulfate poo ASAP
Try moisturizing and sealing daily also try keeping your hair in a satin bonet while your indoors. Ive found that keeping my hair tied down helps keep it moisturized longer and I keep my hands out of it. Also I would Eliminate sulfate poo ASAP
Thanks, I rarely shampoo with the sulfate poos. I moisturize and seal often and wear my bonnet while home. I think I'm going to get some good shears, trim and wear braids for about a month or two. I'll be sure to moisturize my hair while braided.