

New Member
Okay, so I think I'm addicted to this site(amongst other things). And I'm becoming a product junkie. I cowashed my hair on Tuesday with VO5, honey, cholesterol, olive oil and castor oil. While my hair was still wet, I put just a bit of castor oil on the ends. I let it mostly air dry and then when it was just about dry, I blew it out. Then I flat ironed it, massaged some olive oil into my scalp and wrapped it.

When I combed it out yesterday, it was so soft and silky feeling. My hair is always better day 2 after washing, which is where I'm at today. However, all I want to do is go home and cowash it again, instead of leaving it because it looks good, just because my hair likes it so much.

Between this site and my cousin who is a member(sammy214), I'm finding a wealth of information. Gosh, I love it.:grin:
LOL! I know im obsessed! lol... ill try to be good at work and close out the browser, then i find myself opening it back up 20 minutes later just to see the latest post......sick! Somebody help me...too much great just let get away w/out taking it in. LOL:spinning:

And then on top of that they keep on adding other great forums... OH geez....
:lol: Don't expect it to go away any time soon, either. I'm more than two years in and STILL can't get enough LHCF! :D
Yeah...I'm addicted to hair boards...especially LHCF! Last weekend my internet connection was down and I had a fit!!!!!!!!!!! I called the cable company and talked to everyone's boss and by the next day, the cable company came out and rewired my whole apartment so that I could get a better wi-fi signal.

What website do you think I logged onto first?
OK I spend HOURS on this site. Yes it really is like an addiction. But I call it "research". :look: Last night I spent 5 straight hours on here and almost made my self late for work! Pitiful!
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Okay, so I think I'm addicted to this site(amongst other things). And I'm becoming a product junkie. I cowashed my hair on Tuesday with VO5, honey, cholesterol, olive oil and castor oil. While my hair was still wet, I put just a bit of castor oil on the ends. I let it mostly air dry and then when it was just about dry, I blew it out. Then I flat ironed it, massaged some olive oil into my scalp and wrapped it.

When I combed it out yesterday, it was so soft and silky feeling. My hair is always better day 2 after washing, which is where I'm at today. However, all I want to do is go home and cowash it again, instead of leaving it because it looks good, just because my hair likes it so much.

Between this site and my cousin who is a member(sammy214), I'm finding a wealth of information. Gosh, I love it.:grin:

From one T to another I am right there with you. Even my kids are asking me why do you keep going to that web site about long hair? :blush:
Girl. like I told the other Female who posted about this, I really feel like its a true addiction, this is all I think about, its crazy, I freakin Love this S#$%, sorry, but yes this site is absolutely amazing, and its not just the information. its like a Family here, you meet people, compare notes, its just Great!!! Love Yall!!!

My Name is Leesh, and I am a Addict!!!! ( Right hand raised!)
This thread is so funny :grin:. I too am an addict and I have the numerous Sally, BSS & Walgreen receipts to prove it.

I have bought so much conditioner, moisturizers, hair accessories, hair polishers, etc that's it's a shame :yep:. Now, I'm hiding conditioners cuz I can't let my hubby see them :nono:.

Yep, my boys are always asking, "why are you always looking at hair stuff"? or "Oh no, more hair stuff", as I lug in bags of conditioner.
I am one addicted to this site--definitely. I am constantly learning a lot and being even informed of current sales. It was this site that I found when I decided to start my hair journey. I am so happy to be a member of here.
How about I'm at work right now on the site and yes I am addicted. I just went out yesterday and bought the silk elements conditioner based off of a review from here. Yes, I am pitiful, but what can I say. I have learned some new tricks for my hair and the bonding is great. All I can say ladies and maybe a few gents, is that you all ROCK!
T I just have to say we welcome you into the umm I mean site. Looking forward to hooking you more...I mean giving you more information to your journey. :blush:

I suggest you keep the following near your computer: :yep:

Visine - all day and late night viewing ahhhhh research
Diary - Create one online or have pen and pencil ready for all the products, ahhh what I meant was all the information you will need to keep.
Tissue - You will need it for laughing and crying
Learning to Count to 20 - Some things you will read will make you so upset or mad you will want to type out your thoughts immediately. WARNING, take a deep breath, think about it and then respond or reply and remember sometimes what you type may or may not come across in the manner in which you intended because perceptions of what people type is different than when they hear someone say the same thing.

Mscoco, you are to funny! I already started keeping a diary. One end shows what I do and when I do it. And the other end starts with my list of products.
I wish they showed a log in count just like the posts count. Because my post count does not show you how incredibly addicted I truly am!!!

I need my fix daily. Other people just don't understand...Conditioner is my life :)
I wish they showed a log in count just like the posts count. Because my post count does not show you how incredibly addicted I truly am!!!

I need my fix daily. Other people just don't understand...Conditioner is my life :)


And don't start visting the other areas such as politics, natural living, entertinment, and dare I say it OFF TOPIC - Woooo weeeee.
Yeah..this site IS addicting im always suposed to do homeworks on my laptop and i keep the browser with this site open so i can take a break every 5 minutes :look:

LOL today i went to the drugstore to get me a blowdryer... then i saw that herbal essences conditioners where on sale. I said outloud ''Oh Lord help me now!'' This yt lady near me looked at me, frowned and kept walking... sad lol
happens to the best of us. LOL

i don't consider myself as addicted as i was when i first joined, but i DO make a point to log on at least once a day. like someone else said, i'm sposed to be studying right

BUT i have learned so much...i can't even tell you how grateful me and my follicles are that we discovered this place!
Thank goodness this site isn't like a persons house or something. If so, I'd be arrested(repeatedly) for stalking.
OK I spend HOURS on this site. Yes it really is like an addiction. But I call it "research". :look: Last night I spent 5 straight hours on here and almost made my self late for work! Pitiful!

I thought it was only me.....LOL

When I first found it, I'd come here and there, but in the last few weeks I've spent hours upon hours on this site (thats just in one day)...I can't get enough!!!! I LOVE THIS SITE! Ok, I'm extra I know...LOL :lachen:
Okay, so I think I'm addicted to this site(amongst other things). And I'm becoming a product junkie. I cowashed my hair on Tuesday with VO5, honey, cholesterol, olive oil and castor oil. While my hair was still wet, I put just a bit of castor oil on the ends. I let it mostly air dry and then when it was just about dry, I blew it out. Then I flat ironed it, massaged some olive oil into my scalp and wrapped it.

When I combed it out yesterday, it was so soft and silky feeling. My hair is always better day 2 after washing, which is where I'm at today. However, all I want to do is go home and cowash it again, instead of leaving it because it looks good, just because my hair likes it so much.

Between this site and my cousin who is a member(sammy214), I'm finding a wealth of information. Gosh, I love it.:grin:

told ya you'd be hooked:yep:
Thank goodness this site isn't like a persons house or something. If so, I'd be arrested(repeatedly) for stalking.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I'd have a restraining order! LOL I must say after a very long day of driving unappreciative, rude, and crazy Chicagoans all day, I can't wait to come home, turn on the laptop, grab a drink and some snacks, and woosah......right here !

If I didn't have you ladies, I'd go insane!:drunk:
I log in at least 4 times during my work day and even send things to my personal email from the site cause I can view some pics. I am in my own little world at work. I sometimes find myself laughing out loud with tears streaming down my face.

I dont talk alot at work cause people are too nosey but one of my girls from work is a memeber too and she will email me at work and tell me to get on and go to such and such.

I am so addicted and I have spent so much money that within the past 6 mos and could have bought a used late model car.

My hubby told me to get a hobby and I bet he never thought about this. Well that is what he gets:lachen: name is Qiana and I a ADDICT!!!

I truly cant imagine my life without this site!!! Im talking about staying up til 3 and 4 in the AM on LHCF and paying no kinda attention to my bf whatsoever!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:I feel like Im cheating on him.