Accidently Texlaxed


New Member
Okay, I just got a relaxer but I didn't base my scalp first. So I was unable to withstand the burn and had to go ahead and rinse a few mins early. Now I'm texlaxed. And I didn't intend to be. Is there a way to correct this? I mean, should I just wait until its time for me to get a relaxer then go over that area again, or is there something else I should do? I have fine hair thats in pretty stable condition right now. I'm open to suggestions. It's not that I don't like this texlaxed hair, its just not pratical for my lifestyle. I wanna get back my bone straight thing.
The only way to fix it is to do a corrective relaxer meaning run the relaxer through your hair again. I would wait 6 weeks or so before you do it again.
my retouch also came out texlaxed but im going to wait til i get new grwoth and everything to correct this, it hasnt been too bad actually with the texlaxed bit it just looks different but in terms of moisturising and stuff its no different
Thanks ladies. I'm gonna wait it out then. Just one more question... when I do my corrective relaxer, do I keep it on the texlaxed hair just as long as the new growth or do I only keep it on there for a few mins?
this is what im goin to do song bird, ill do a strand test on my texlaxed hair to get how long i should keep it in, i imagine it will be shorter than the ng so ill apply on ng first then after ive finnished then quickly apply it on texlaxed part then proceed with smoothing the ng