About to give CWs a chance... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hi Cuzins!

I'm so irrated that the only way my hair stays straight now is if I get a Dominican blowout OR if I skip my workouts... I'm 8 months post and want to preserve my sexy :look: while keeping my hair looking at least decent.

How often do you CW while exercising? Once a week? Everyday? And what are you doing with your hair AFTER conditioner washing if done multiple times per week?
I cw 7 days a week. I usually do it at night so that it will have enough time to dry.

I exercise every day so no kind of style would hold anyway, so I can't be much help to you there, sorry. I just bun it up, glam it up with some hair candy and keep it moving. Then do it all over again the next day.:lachen:
I cw 7 days a week. I usually do it at night so that it will have enough time to dry.

I exercise every day so no kind of style would hold anyway, so I can't be much help to you there, sorry. I just bun it up, glam it up with some hair candy and keep it moving. Then do it all over again the next day.:lachen:

So, I assume you workout in the evenings?

I workout at 5:30am... So I guess that means I'll have to have a wet head going to work, huh? :look: Oh, well... I'm not that into "hair candy" as such since I think it all looks silly on me. I'll go with my bun and headbands until I get sick of it I guess.

Thanks for the input :)
I stopped co-washing because I am lazy. I think I will cowash tonight. lol. But, when I did co-wash, I was doing it 3-4 times a week.
So, I assume you workout in the evenings?

I workout at 5:30am... So I guess that means I'll have to have a wet head going to work, huh? :look: Oh, well... I'm not that into "hair candy" as such since I think it all looks silly on me. I'll go with my bun and headbands until I get sick of it I guess.

Thanks for the input :)

I workout in the late morning/early afternoon and sometimes the middle of my head is damp depending on how hard I have exercised.
I cw 7 days a week. I usually do it at night so that it will have enough time to dry.

I exercise every day so no kind of style would hold anyway, so I can't be much help to you there, sorry. I just bun it up, glam it up with some hair candy and keep it moving. Then do it all over again the next day.:lachen:

This is me too. Short and sweet. :)

I CW everyday and I shampoo very rarely. And when I do shampoo I use Dr. Dronner's Almond Oil Castile soap or PM Tea Tree Special. I add honey & EVOO to my Suave conditioners.
Hi Cuzins!

I'm so irrated that the only way my hair stays straight now is if I get a Dominican blowout OR if I skip my workouts... I'm 8 months post and want to preserve my sexy :look: while keeping my hair looking at least decent.

How often do you CW while exercising? Once a week? Everyday? And what are you doing with your hair AFTER conditioner washing if done multiple times per week?

I exercise 4 times a week and CW once a week (wash on Sunday, CW on Wednesday, wash on Sunday, etc.) and use a hair dryer w/ attachment (I know, I'm bad...) each time. I tried letting my hair air dry, but that didn't work out so well for me. :nono: