About saving money and fine tuning


New Member
One of my Major resolutions for this year is to get the most bang for my buck! when it comes to hair products and the economy. I am trying out a few things and they are working well so far (2 weeks into my new regime that I posted a while back). /images/graemlins/smirk.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Conditioners I use 2 main bases: Nature's Gate: and Indian Powders and Hoof Moisture (a moisturizing protein conditioner by Straight Arrow. For example: Instead of trying to buy several conditioners that have some of what I need, I have been adding Avocado Oil to my Nature's Gate Hemp conditioner (that contains jaborandi and Butcher's Broom- follicle stimulators.)To my Hoof Moisture: I add hemp oil,castor oil, emu oil, sheep sorrel extract and nettle extract and palmetto extracts and peppermint and tea tree oil ess. and use these two as my primary conditioners after every shampoo. I do a pretreatment condition once a week and I am currently using up the shampoos that I have on hand to wash the pretreatment out as it is pretty intensive and heavily coats the scalp and strands. My clarifying shampoo is the Eqyss Shampoo and nothing does the job for my like this, without stripping my hair and leaving it dry and btittle. The other shampoos that I am using up are by Natures's Gate as well. I have settled on the Natures Gate Hemp conditioner as a keeper for my moisturizing conditioner. I want to eliminate the bulk of products and concentrate on achieving my hair goals with the basic products that I have found to give my hair what it needs. I incorporate the Indian Powders + Fuller's Earth + Henna into homemade hair masques, and include my favorite strenghthening and conditioning oils into whatever I am doing, as needed. I love Indian Mustard Oil, Emu, Hemp Oil, EVO, Castor Oil and Avocado and Aloe Vera gel or juice /images/graemlins/tongue.gif. I have a lot of other products. It is interesting how combining some of these extra products that I just want to use up are saving me money because I can throw in some essential oils etc. and suddenly it is a masque, detangler, cream rinse,daily moisturizer etc. (For a daily moisturizer, I use left over conditioners, castor oil, glycerine and liquid lecithin mixed up. Since I moisturize my hair at least twice a day, this is a money saver. My hair can take a lot of product since it is thick and bra strap length at the back. I am shampooing every 3 days and rinsing one day in between. I am focusing on Moisture, Strengthening, Thickening and Lengthening. It is definitely paying off in maintaining thickness throughout from root to tip. As you know, I want to retain 8 inches of new growth this year by December 31-2003 which will bring my natural hair to the bottom of bra strap length at the back. top of bra strap on the sides and armpit length in the front. ( I am growing out bangs.) Since I have learned that one of the keys to getting very long hair is to MAXIMIZE THICKNESS of the hair strands AND MAINTAIN IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH, so that the hair can handle or sustain the LENGTH, it is very thick and I am still pushing the thickness. LOL. I figure that by the time it gets to waistlength, it will be thick to the very ends, without split ends and very little shedding. I shed about 2 strands of hair per wash or rinse. My cousin (who has waistlength hair) checked my ends in November and exclaimed " I can not believe you do not have any split ends!...she really hunted through...and then wanted to know why I don't have them, since she knows I am not a trimmer. Of course I shared some of my tips with her. Does any one else care to share about how they utilize left over products to save money and yet get everything they need for their hair? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
If a conditioner is not that good, I add olive oil to it and use it as a deep conditoner. If it is really bad it becomes pet conditioner. Those really harsh shampoos make good toliet bowl cleaners (creepy huh?). Some people have even used them as body washes, but I haven't tried that yet. You could always post items on the swap board if you don't like them.