AA Christian fiction novels...a powerful thing


Well-Known Member

On my spare time, I like to read fiction novels. I’m so impressed with the AA Christian fiction novels that I’ve read. Although, the novels are fiction, they are so empowering, inspiring, and meaningful, but yet humorous.

I’m half-way through the novel entitled "Joy" by Victoria Christopher Murray. The story line of this novel is incredible in which many Christian women can relate too. Some things happened in one of the character’s life where she had to stand on her faith. Non-believers questioned her God and beliefs but the answers that are given to the non-believers are eloquently written. I’m not finished with the novel, but I’m just in awe with what I’ve read thus far.

I’ve also read "Sunday Brunch" and "Sweet Magnolia" by Norma Jarrett and I felt the same way with these books. I think it’s amazing how God uses this vehicle to bring His Word on a level that can reach so many people. As I previously mentioned, these books are fiction, but so much healing, deliverance, restoration, and wisdom a person can receive from these novels.

So Ladies, have you read a Christian fiction novel that has ministered to you? If yes, please list the name of the book and author.

I use to be an avid reader. I've slacked off quite a bit in that area lately. :ohwell:Anyway I've read several of Victoria C Murray's books. I luved them all. I think the last Christian novel I read was "He's Fine but is he Saved"....Kimberly Brooks. I really liked that one too.:yep:
I use to be an avid reader. I've slacked off quite a bit in that area lately. :ohwell:Anyway I've read several of Victoria C Murray's books. I luved them all. I think the last Christian novel I read was "He's Fine but is he Saved"....Kimberly Brooks. I really liked that one too.:yep:

I finished up the book "Joy" by Victoria Christopher Murray last night. I'm officially a fan of hers. I look forward to reading more of her books:grin:!
I use to be an avid reader. I've slacked off quite a bit in that area lately. :ohwell:Anyway I've read several of Victoria C Murray's books. I luved them all. I think the last Christian novel I read was "He's Fine but is he Saved"....Kimberly Brooks. I really liked that one too.:yep:

I like that title....I'm going to have to check that one out!
I haven't read a Christian fiction novel that I haven't loved yet.

In fact when I go to the library the first thing that i look for is Christian Fiction fast.
I just finished reading The Single Sister Experiment by Mimi Jefferson and couldn't put it down. :grin: I love Victoria Murray too!
i've never been a fan of Christian fiction (no, i have no idea why) but i positively LOVED

Redemption by Jacquelin Thomas

i also have a friend who has several published works of Christian fiction and i like her writing as well.
I really enjoyed "Fall from Grace" by Ryan Phillips.

I really appreciated not only the great plot line, but the fact that it wasn't "cheesy" like some Christian novels can be :look:.
Good thread PinkPebbles. I'll have to check some of these out. Like KLB, I've really slacked off in my reading. Wish I could balance all that I want to do. :yep:
Good thread PinkPebbles. I'll have to check some of these out. Like KLB, I've really slacked off in my reading. Wish I could balance all that I want to do. :yep:

I understand....I'm in graduate school and I was tired of HW and studying last weekend:blush:. So I went to the book store and stumbled upon the perfect novel that ministered to me! I read the book in two days. I have no idea when I will get the luxury to read another novel....But I'll try to sneak it in...LOL.
My #1 hobby is reading books, so I have quite a few.....
  • Soul Matters by Yolanda Tonette Sanders
  • He's Fine, But is He Saved by Kimberly Brooks
  • Joy by Victoria Christopher Murray
  • Temptation by Victoria Christoher Murray
  • Sex in The Sanctuary by Lutishia Lovely
  • The Single Sister Experiment by MiMi Jefferson
  • Secret Sisterhood by Monique Miller
  • Speak to My Heart by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Nothing but the right thing by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Watercolored Pearls by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Sweet Magnolia by Norma Jarrett
  • Sunday Brunch by Norma Jarrett
......... that's just to name a few :laugh:
I really enjoyed "Fall from Grace" by Ryan Phillips.

I really appreciated not only the great plot line, but the fact that it wasn't "cheesy" like some Christian novels can be :look:.
Ryan Phillips is the TRUTHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I loved "Saving Grace." Her style is sooooo organic and poetic. I've only read her first one, but I will look into Fall from Grace.
My #1 hobby is reading books, so I have quite a few.....
  • Soul Matters by Yolanda Tonette Sanders
  • He's Fine, But is He Saved by Kimberly Brooks
  • Joy by Victoria Christopher Murray
  • Temptation by Victoria Christoher Murray
  • Sex in The Sanctuary by Lutishia Lovely
  • The Single Sister Experiment by MiMi Jefferson
  • Secret Sisterhood by Monique Miller
  • Speak to My Heart by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Nothing but the right thing by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Watercolored Pearls by Stacy Hawkins Adams
  • Sweet Magnolia by Norma Jarrett
  • Sunday Brunch by Norma Jarrett
......... that's just to name a few :laugh:

Wow, thanks for sharing! I've read some of the ones you listed and look forward to the bolded!
I am an avid reader. When I have time. hahaha. Right now I am reading Oliver North's book JERICHO SANCTION. I am about to get of LHCF and continue reading. Nice night inside.

Here are the books that have changed my life. Seriously.

Frank Peretti: This Present Darkness

Frank Peretti: Piercing Darkness


Frank Peretti: The Visitation

Changed the way I look at spiritual warfare.
I really enjoyed "Dance into Destiny" by Sherri Lewis! It's such a great love story!
I also enjoyed "In greene pastures", "For love and Grace," "More than grace" all by Kendra Norman-Bellamy!!