A tip for Dandruff Sufferers


New Member
Hi All. I am not usually one to have a problem with dandruff, but this winter I have really suffered with a dry and itchy scalp some weeks. For the last 2 weeks, I really had a case of horrible dandruff that would appear 2 or 3 days before the next wash. Anyway, I consulted my beautician about this at my last wash and she fixed me right up. I don't know if I am sharing a new tip or not, but it is new to me and might help somebody else, I hope. Anyway, she took a bottle of regular alcohol and slowly poured that on my scalp while we were at the bowl. Well, just a warning-it is really cold. But soothing and I haven't noticed any dandruff yet. It also makes your scalp feel pretty good too. She followed up with a moisturizing shampoo and I deep conditioned for 15 minutes with a moisturizing cond. under the dryer.

She was surprised that I didn't know that you could do this and said she has always done this for her clients who have a really bad case of dandruff. Per her expertise, it is good to cleanse the scalp once in a blue moon with alcohol and is not harmful for the hair in anyway provided you moisturize right afterwards.

Ok. Hope this helps someone else out there.
Scorpio -- that was a really interesting tip; but it is not good for me because I scratch the He_ _ out of my scalp too often.......... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I know it will be very helpful to other dandruff sufferers here.

There have been a few things that actually got rid of my dandruff! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

1. Wash hair at least once a week. Twice is nice, but if I don't (usually don't), I find the next tip helpful.

2. Put some water on your scalp, whether spraying it or soaking your hair, or simply massage it in. This helps cool off the steam to me. I like using cold water or warm, but never hot!

3. Rubbing Profectiv products on my scalp after I was my hair. I use Break-Free after I wash it, or in the middle of the week. Used to use Root Health, and I'm thinking about going back to this one. Either way, these 2 work the best. And they also have an Anti-Itch serum that I use sometimes too, for the itchies.

4. Moisture period. Preferably not anything thick, or that's asking for trouble. Light oils can do the trick.

5. If you like grease, then the best one is TCB Hair Food, or their Scalp Conditioner. I used Castor Oil for years, only to have the problem aggravated by its thick content. TCB greases are light and they add a nice shine to brown hair, which is generally hard for this hair color. I only use thick greases when I use my Remington curl setter on my hair, and I just use the thick stuff on my hair only. I also may use a thick grease on my scalp before I perm. That's just about it. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif