A step closer to being natural-a bit long


My new stylist is on the same page as I am. She always asks my opinion on my hair goals and offers advice and commendation. I had reservstions at first because she was a white stylist. I kid you not, she is better than all the black hair dressers I had. She is not nosey, nor is she critical of my goal to go natural. My other stylist just couldn't wait to get a relaxer in my hair. Each time I went, she eyed my hair critically and asked what I was doing to my hair. I hinted one time to her about going natural and she laughed at me and said that I could never handle my natural hair. :mad: I already had issues about that and was insecure about going natural. Since then, I've been doing my own hair or trying to do it, I should say. Relaxers after relaxers til I found this site. Now, I love my new stylist, who is helping me with my goal to be natural. I just got 2 more inches cut today and a color, which i really don't care for because it's too light. It's my fault for being so vain! :lol: Anyhow, she gave me ideas about deep conditioning-she said slap some mayonaise on your head and sit with a hot towel around your head. Sound familiar, guys? Anyhow, I can't wait to be fully natural. She says God gave me beautiful curly hair. :lol: I'm going to try to handle my natural texture and will finally be 100% natural when I go to her when I come from vacation on July 10. I'm just happy that I don't have to hide my hair goals anymore. thanks for listening to a sista blabbing! :lol:
I'm glad you found a great hair stylist that is willing to deal with natural hair.

Did you share your stinky challenge regime to her? If so, what does she think of it?

Also, how much natural new growth do you have?

Best wishes to you and your hair!