A simple trick to rate the moisture of a product...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when you try new products it's hard to truly tell if it's truly moisturizing, and if it's sticky or not, and if it's too oily/greasy. Becuase you use so many products that it's hard to tell which one is doing the job. So here is something that I do which helps me choose a moisturizer, leave- in, oil, serum, etc. I wash my hands really really good (so that I know they will feel "dry") after they dry... and then I apply like a quarter sized squirt of the 1 product. You will be surprised with all the BSS products that you think it feels good on your hair...but on your hands it feels greasy, or sticky after an hour or so. Also you will be surprised at all the moisturizers that leave your hands greasy, but still make your hands feel "dry" after an hour or so. So bottom line, if it can't hold moisture on your hands for a few hours, then chances are it's no match for ur hair!!! FYI: Salon products win hands down in the "moisture hold" and "no residue/stickiness" tests.
I normally rub the product btwn two fingers to see if it's sticky, moistuizing and etc. I wish they had Try Me products out in stores for moisturizers like they do lotion.