A simple introduction...


Well-Known Member
So I wrote this long detailed introduction added pictures and somewhat of a timeline only to find out that my internet had gone out and that i had been logged out... So here it is in a nut shell. I've been a lurker for about 2 or 3 years now and I am currently transitioning for the second time. My last relaxer was in October 2007 and the last time I used heat was in February of 2008. I plan on doing my BC either October of 2009 or 2010. Hmmmmmmm there isn't much else to say except I'm very excited to finally be able to get involved lol. Here are some pics of my hair pre relaxer, relaxed and transitioning. Can you guys help me out with my hair type?

pre relaxer- for some odd reason these wouldn't post correctly so here's a link to some pictures of me before i relaxed for the second time.




These transitioning photos are from like May so I've come a ways from these. Hopefully I'll get my camera fixed and update a little. Well that's me in a nut shell
Hi and welcome! I'm not very good at hair typing, but I'd say maybe 4a...however, I'd like to add that you can't really tell until after you do the BC. My hair looked a lot different than I thought it would while I was transitioning than it did after my BC.

You have beautiful hair :)
:hiya3: and :welcome3:
Glad you stopped lurking. I can't help w/ the hair type, but I will say your ng is pretty! Good luck w/ your transition!