A Post of Compassion


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I'd like to open this forum with a prayer for the marriages of those here in LHCF; that they never have to go through the heartbreak of divorce and it's devastating effects upon the wife, the husband... even more, the children.

Father in the name of Jesus...

I pray that divorce will never take root in the lives and marriages of those here in this forum. For divorce is an uninvited element which has no dominion in marriage.

When a man and woman come together it is for that reason above all others, that they are joined together as One and cannot be separated, nor torn assunder.

Heal the hearts of those who've been 'there' in despair; bring life to their hearts again and peace within themselves and with one another.

All the more, let none come to this point of divide. Instead, seal them as one which can never be undone, by any means nor human interference or demonic design.

Let not the marriages of this forum be contaminated by the world and it's evil flair. Protect them all because you care. Let there be no abuse, be it physical, mental, or spiritual. Let it be love that abounds and keeps their relationship upon solid ground, seeded and nurtured by you, Father God in Heaven.

Protect marriages, protect lives, protect hearts; no longer torn apart.

In Jesus' name, I pray... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

Not mere words...God's Covenant and Pure Meaning of Marriage between a man and a woman.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh;

So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

Genesis 2 vs 24 -- Matthew 19:6
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Thanks. I'll accept this prayer for my second marriage. I'm getting divorced, and I cannot wait until it's final.
I would like to say Thank You for this forum. I really feel that it is a much needed forum, so that those of us that are going trough divorce have somewhere for support, advice, etc.