A piece of a man is better than no man...


All natural!
We say this sarcastically a lot on this board, to explain the actions of women behind their trifling men.

I wonder though, have you ever actually heard a women voice this opinion, sincerely? I have heard something very close to this sentiment coming from my students' mouths, more like "Well at least I GOT a man!". They also let you know through other bits of conversation that it is really horrible not to have a man at all...no matter how sorry he is.

But these are children.

Have you heard a grown woman actually admit this sentiment?
I have a couple of friends that has said the same thing your students are saying. I always put that mess in check, I'm to much of a woman to play myself like that. I'd rather be single, with my dignity and self esteem in tact than to put up with foolishness
I think some women may not be vocal about it, but it shows in their actions and the relationships they keep:perplexed
Does "I don't want to be with him anymore (blah, blah, blah. troubled relationship speech), but I don't want to be single." count as part of that idea?
I think some women may not be vocal about it, but it shows in their actions and the relationships they keep:perplexed

This :yep:. Most women may be shame to admit it, but look at their current relationship and their actions clearly show that this idea is running rampant amoung grown a$$ women.
Yes I have heard women express a similar sentiment. I have a family member who would say "1/2 a loaf is better than no bread at all" meaning having any kind of relationship was better than nothing. She was referring to her relationships with sorry men and married men :nono:. She's a mess but I guess you can tell that from her comment :look:
OMG- someone JUST posted about woman saying this not too long ago, and I had the same reaction. We talk about it, but I'd never heard of someone actually saying it, it blew my mind.

I wish I could remember what thread it was.
No I have never actually heard a friend say that but their actions spoke louder than words. Low self esteem will/can make a girl lose her mind over a man and just take him for all that he is (even when the bad SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO out-weighs the good) just so she is not lonely.

Some women/girls feel they are not worth anything unless they have a *!c* in their bed/life. Which is sad!
I refuse to think like this. EVER!! Women that think like this must not ever plan on being married. If a man knows that he doesn't have to give you anything to keep you in his life then he won't. Women always wonder why they been with the same guy for 10 plus years with no ring and getting cheated on every other week.
Does "I don't want to be with him anymore (blah, blah, blah. troubled relationship speech), but I don't want to be single." count as part of that idea?
I would say so. She's admitting for whatever reason he's not for her yet she'd rather that than nothing. She said that out loud? :ohwell:
Yes I have heard women express a similar sentiment. I have a family member who would say "1/2 a loaf is better than no bread at all" meaning having any kind of relationship was better than nothing. She was referring to her relationships with sorry men and married men :nono:. She's a mess but I guess you can tell that from her comment :look:

OMG- someone JUST posted about woman saying this not too long ago, and I had the same reaction. We talk about it, but I'd never heard of someone actually saying it, it blew my mind.

I wish I could remember what thread it was.
I have not heard someone actually say this. I don't think I'd be able to pick my jaw up off the ground.

I mean, what do you say? Do you try to refute it? Just let it be??
My close friend from childhood told me this over the holidays. She was telling me all of these awful things that she and her "SO" go through and when I couldn't grasp why she was still with him her response was "I'd rather deal with his mess than to not have a man at all". Go figure.
I have not heard someone actually say this. I don't think I'd be able to pick my jaw up off the ground.

I mean, what do you say? Do you try to refute it? Just let it be??

The times she has said this has been to justify her actions. There really is nothing to be said because she doesn't listen. Plus, she really thinks she's doing something by having a man no matter how sorry he is. This comment is her reply to any attempt at trying to make her see how messed up her relationships are.
old lady told me this not too long ago when she learned I was divorcing my dh.She felt like no matter what he did or didn't do, stay married to him. ah, can you say kma??! Lol. :grin: If she wasn't old I probably would have told her that.

Seriously though, I think that if women collectively upped our standards & demands, men would have no choice but to rise to our level. But, these days most men find it quite easy to locate womenz who will put up with their *ish & say it smells good. :nono::nono: Not me though, I.ain't. the.one.
The first time I heard that idea expressed was in the song Just Be Good to Me by SOS Band (circa 1983). I just listened to it for the first time in forever. The lyrics are so pathetic, but the song is so damned catchy!

I couldn't stop chair dancing even though I was mad at the song. :lol:

YouTube - S.O.S. Band- Just Be Good To Me

Just Be Good To Me

Friends tell me I am crazy
That I'm wasting time with you
You'll never be mine
That's not the way I see it
'Cause I feel you're already mine
Whenever you're with me

People always talkin' 'bout, your reputation
I don't care what you do to them
Just be good to me

Friends are always tellin' me you're a user
I don't care 'bout your other girls
Just be good to me

You may have many others
But I know when you're with me
You are all mine

Friends seem to always listen
To the bad things that you do
You never do them to me

People always talkin' 'bout, your reputation
I don't care what you do to them
Just be good to me

Friends are always tellin' me you're a user
I don't care 'bout your other girls
Just be good to me

Life is a game of chances
So I'll take my chance with you
And you I won't try to change
We talked about it and I'd
Rather have a piece of you
Than to have all of nothing :nono:

But just be good to me in the morning time
Just be good to me, in the afternoon or evening
Just be good to me

I'll give you love, I won't smother you
I'll give affection, I won't bother you
I'll be good to you, you'll be good to me, yeah, yeah
Just be good to me

I'm not the jealous type, I won't tie you down
When you need me, I'll be around
I'll be good to you, you'll be good to me
We will be together, be together
I have two family members who have said this. One's DH cheated on her and had three (yes THREE, by two different women) children outside of the marriage. She told me at this age, she couldn't see herself dating, and she needed someone around to grow old with. The other's SO is an alcoholic. He even raised his hand to her one night when she tried to keep him from leaving the house drunk and taking his 4-year-old DD with him. After all of that, she still told me "he's never like that" and she needs him in her life (translation: he has a decent job and gives her $$$ to make up for treating her horribly).

I forgot, there was one girl I met years ago; she was 16 and had a two year old son. She was dating the son of a woman who owned a chain of childcare places here. One day she was mad he was seeing another chick. The next day (literally) she was all smiles talking about she didn't care as long as she was the one he was spending all his money on. And that he had told her she was so fine, he wouldn't get her pregnant because he wanted to keep her body nice.

How could I have forgotten that broad?
Former BFF who is now an aquantance said the following about her husband. "Well I know that I shouldn't be with him, but he is my HUSSSBAND" Meanwhile, dude has cheated on her and she has seen the evidence (video), plus he cheated before they were married and she was well aware, he moved out into his own apt and has women around their kids. I can go on.

She keeps on saying if she can find a good man she will divorce her husband. Me and two other people told her that she is never going to find a good man because a good man WOULD NOT entertain the mess that she is in. I point blank ask her would she date a guy who was in the situation that she was in, if she were single. Of course she said no, because it is mess. SO, I am like, what do you expect.
The first time I heard that idea expressed was in the song Just Be Good to Me by SOS Band (circa 1983). I just listened to it for the first time in forever. The lyrics are so pathetic, but the song is so damned catchy!

I couldn't stop chair dancing even though I was mad at the song. :lol:

...And you I won't try to change
We talked about it and I'd
Rather have a piece of you
Than to have all of nothing :nono:

I'll give you love, I won't smother you
I'll give affection, I won't bother you
I'll be good to you, you'll be good to me, yeah, yeah
Just be good to me

I'm not the jealous type, I won't tie you down
When you need me, I'll be around
I'll be good to you, you'll be good to me
We will be together, be together

That's kind of different though. Many songs about unrequited love express that sentiment. They're saying they are so in love with THAT PARTICULAR PERSON, that they will take whatever crumbs they throw them. They're not saying that a piece of ANY MAN is better than none at all.

Back to OP. No, I've never heard any woman say that.
Yep I posted about someone at work who said this about a week ago. She is in a Jacked up relationship and she said having half a man is better than no man at all
Not these exact words but I've heard people's actions/words basically say something close to it. I'm like, "why do u put up w/xyz from him?" and they are like, "well, I ain't got nobody else thinking about me, so why not? at least I got somebody."
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When I was very young a family member of mine only ever went out with married men. Because of this I was always aware of this thought process and felt that if that was the case then I wuld prefer to be without a man. They don't worth that much to me.

Being with less than you know you deserve chips away at your self worth slowly but surely. It really is not worth it.