A Newbie's Question About Protein.... Please help!


New Member
Ladies I need your wisdom!

Is doing a protein treatment such as Mega-Tek or Aphrogee once a week too much for your hair if you're cowashing 2-3 times a week? I'm confused!!!! :wallbash:

Oh, BTW I'm relaxed (Only 5 weeks post). 4a/b with a thin grade of hair.... HELP!!!
I would only use one of them, Mega Tek is the growth aid (scalp treatment) so if you are doing that once a a week when you co - wash that should be fine IMO but see how you go.

Which Aphogee do you want to use? I know one is the hard protein (two step?) so i don't advise using that once a week especially if you want to use Mega Tek as you may end up with some serious protein overload. Maybe use that once a month.

I have the 2 Minute reconstructor but i haven't used that since i started Mega Tek last September. Again if you have this i wouldn't use it weekly if you are doing Mega Tek.

You could try the reverse of your combination by applying MT 3 times a week then co- washing once a week.

I apply MT every other day, co wash then Deep Condition.

Trust me your hair will tell you what it needs plus the MT will thicken your strands up make sure the protein/moisture is balanced.


A lot of ladies in the protein challenge use protein once a week with no problems. I'm one of them. Now the aphogee 2 step is not made for weekly use. You can get tons of tips from ladies in the challenge. I have notice my hair healthier using protein.
The Aphogee 2 step damaged my hair (my hair didnt like hard protein) so if you do use it, use it with caution and definately not on a weekly basis. God bless..