A newbie could go broke trying everything that's recommended on this site! Whew!


New Member
Henna, powders, ACV rinses, oils, cons, poos, pre-poos, scalp treatments, natural products, relaxers, cheapy poos and cons, curling prods, gels, waxes, dryers, flat irons, hair candy, combs, brushes, clips, the list goes on and on and on... WHEW! :spinning:

Y'all are making this PJ sweat and shake and scratch my neck on a regular basis! :look: I'm becoming a "hairhead"! :lachen: *in my Pookie from New Jack City voice* All this stuff just be calllllllllllllllllllllin' me! :lachen:

Desperately trying to KISS and not jump on every bandwagon! :wallbash:
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Yes please do KISS, dont get caught up in the hype. Stick to whats working for you right now and only go looking for the missing steps in your regimen and stick to those.

I will say between YoutTube and LHCF I did get some really helpful tips on products that would work better on my type 4 hair, like ORS lock and twist gel for twists and I stepped my game up to a better heat protectant....but easy does it girl, dont get overwhelmed, just identify the cycles your unique hair goes thru and be sure to only get products for that.

There are so many different products because there are so many different heads of hair, do you girl KISS and observe but dont jump on every bandwagon.

Sidenote, your curls look lovely and moisturized!! Congratulations and good luck on your transition!:yep:
I so understand what you're going through! I've been on my hair care journey since sept 07 and I'm just now learning not to buy everything I hear about! These last 2 years I know that I've spent at least a thousand dollars on hair products, which is a lot for me. I probably only used to spend 100 a year on hair products. Now I know that I have to stick to what I know is best for my hair and keep it simple. I will try something new every now and then but no more buying every new rave! Good luck and stay strong!!!
Lol..put the conditioner down. :-)

It is hard, trust me I have spent a small fortune on haircare because of LHCF. Keep it simple though; for me now that I am natural my regime is SO freaking simple: shampoo or cowash with baking soda every few weeks, leave-in conditioner in and twist or cornrow or use gel and twist/cornrow and that is it.
I porosity treat my hair with vineager or a porosity conditioner when I "remember" but that is it--no henna, i rarely deep condition, I haven't rollerset since going natural and hardly use a moisturizer.

I have ALOT of conditioners from my relaxed days: protein, light protein, moisturizing, daily, reconstructors---it is a shame really. Then I have a GANG of rollers, a Caruso roller system, TWO hooded dryers, two hand dryers, about 4 flat irons--it is really disgusting :-<

So being natural has helped relieve me of my PJism....kinda.
Girl I feel you, I went so broke and half of the stuff I brought and tried and didn't work, I got rid of......some things I'm giving a second chance and are having better outcomes than last time like Creme of Nature Ultra moisturizing shampoo and I'm about to buy Sabino Moisture Block again and give that a try.....I know jumping on bandwagons can be addictive, but get to know your hair first and the products will come.....like for me, I can't baggie or deep condition over nite, my hair sheds way tooooo much for that, and with pre-pooing, I don't see a point in doing that if I use a sulfate free shampoo....things will add up....that's why I took time away for the site, but I was going broke and not making enough time for my college work.....so I feel you..but the products will come.....just don't buy cuz everyone says it good for their hair.....
Please don't buy all of this mess!I would stick with
-Deep Conditioner
-Leave in
-Heat Protection/+ serum
-maybe a bottle of oil
Yeah it can be a bit overwhelming. I'm 2 yrs in as well and I'd say only in the last 3 months I have solid staples and a consistent reggie. Not that it takes that long to do, but because I went over-board with the PJism:rolleyes:. At one point I had a small room full of hair stuff.... **hangs head in shame**....Instead of sticking to what worked, I would go back and forth between those and the new stuff ppl would be raving about. Jumped on alot of bandwagons too, in addition to transitioning, BCing, texturizing and now relaxed and growing out a pixiecut.

From a recovered inconsistent PJ: read labels, look for trends in ingredients that your hair likes instead of trying every new do-dad.Once you found something good stick to it, unless it stops working for you. Like BlackMasterPiece said, look for prods to complete your reggie.

Must.Not.Buy.More.Hair.Stuff. :lol: I try now to get my fix by looking at all those ladies whove grown their hair from TWAs and pixie cuts to great lengths. And guess what? nearly all of them keep it very simple.
Well at least your realizing that NOW...instead of $400 later like me. I don't even NEED half of the crap I bought...just stick to the basics and moisturize daily, shampoo weekly & and protective style and you should be fine.

Good luck :D
I spent about $125 when I joined LHCF in March, and probably another $100 since then, mainly on replenishing supply of MN and staples. I've figured out what my hair likes and already experienced dealing with very minor setbacks from PJism (dang Organix Coconut Milk con!) and denial (I love V05 Strawberries and Cream; my hair hates it :sad: ). The few oopsies I've had are enough to keep me settled into my rotation of staples.

I must admit that when I happen upon a BSS in a mall, I simply MUST go in. Yesterday I bought rollers and a rattail comb - no products! - and am sitting here with my first roller set air drying (thanks for the inspiration Prospurr4 - great fotki!). Hope it turns out okay :crossfingers: !
yeah I try hard not to jump on bandwagons too:ohwell: the thing that's help me out is that I'm on a limited budget right now so I got to stick with the basics and what works:yep:
I have tried just about everything. I'm done now. I found a staple not I'm trying to use up everything. I have hundreds of dollars worth of products.
I went crazy my first few years, tyring this trying that... my hair rebelled something awful! I actually ended up in worse condition than when i started using every product and method mentioned. Stick to what you like and don't keep giving products "chances" after they've failed (2 chances MAX for me). Sometimes the $ lost is the hard learned lesson.
I've cut my hair stash in half in the past two months alone. Sometimes i try new things, but not nearly as much as i used to. I've identified what products/methods give me consistent and dependable results and im sticking to them!
I thought I was alone in this feeling. . . With my recent hair catastrophe and recently joining the board, I was ready to run out and buy every other product mentioned.
I'm still contemplating hitting up a salon tomorrow and asking them to chop it all off.:nervous2:

I went through an experimentation (PJ) phase when I first joined. And yes, it was expensive. But I honestly needed to find out what worked for me. My rule was that I waited to buy stuff until I could get it on sale, and I joined a BSS that had a member discount program (kinda like Sally's). I stalked the discount thread sticky!

Its easy for people to say not to jump on the bandwagons, but you really never know what's going to work for your head until you try it on your head . Just be smart about the way you go about it.
Thanks, ladies! All great advice! I am really purging some of my failed PJ products here recently. I joined a natural hair social group in my area & we are having a product swap meet at our next meeting. I'll be unloading some baggage. I am definitely working on striking the balance between KISS & filling in my needs in my regimen & staples. I have a solid grasp on what my transitioning hair & scalp need. Going for consistency now! Glad I'm not the only 1 who feels/felt the bandwagon effect. :)
I went through an experimentation (PJ) phase when I first joined. And yes, it was expensive. But I honestly needed to find out what worked for me. My rule was that I waited to buy stuff until I could get it on sale, and I joined a BSS that had a member discount program (kinda like Sally's). I stalked the discount thread sticky!

Its easy for people to say not to jump on the bandwagons, but you really never know what's going to work for your head until you try it on your head . Just be smart about the way you go about it.

For people that haven't found their staples yet, it's hard. Just plan ahead and make smart purchases. Don't put a product on your list after one rave thread. If I see that a product is being raved about repeatedly for months by people with similar hair, I will think it's worth trying out. Just tale it slow and accept that it may take awhile and a lot of money to find staples. also look for samples...
IA with everyone else..i really dont have the money top buy every single product. i might splurge on something every now and then..thats very rarely though.
i say stick with a conditioner,moisturizer/leave in,oil and DC...and if you use heat..a heat protector. i wanted to try so much but i noticed my hair loves simplicity and ingredients that can be found in a store.
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Yeah, i've actually filled 4 plastic totes with the OVERFLOW of products that dont fit in the closets AND the bathroom sink.. i have a mini BSS going on in my house! but for me it was about finding the products that work best for me.. only way to really know was trial and failure... Ex.. Aussie Moist.. gets rave reviews from some ladies but did absolutely nothing for me.. and i wanted it to so bad! the bottle is pretty and purple!! but sigh, its in the bottom of one of my totes.. i have a tote for poos and cons, one for treatments (leave ins, protein, hair lotions, creams, oils) one for styling products (rarely use) and one for combs, brushes, clips, ties etc...
Yeah, i've actually filled 4 plastic totes with the OVERFLOW of products that dont fit in the closets AND the bathroom sink.. i have a mini BSS going on in my house! but for me it was about finding the products that work best for me.. only way to really know was trial and failure... Ex.. Aussie Moist.. gets rave reviews from some ladies but did absolutely nothing for me.. and i wanted it to so bad! the bottle is pretty and purple!! but sigh, its in the bottom of one of my totes.. i have a tote for poos and cons, one for treatments (leave ins, protein, hair lotions, creams, oils) one for styling products (rarely use) and one for combs, brushes, clips, ties etc...

You should sell them on the product exchange forum if you don't want to try to use them up. You could make quite a bit of dough. :yep:
But wait till December to sell them...I'm on a no-buy challenge till then. :sekret:
Whew...I'm so there right now - but coming out of being a PJ. It's hard when you first join because you are looking for answers, products regimen's, etc. At least for me, I had some idea about how I should take care of my hair but I've learned so much more from this board.

I do agree that you must try different products before you find out what works for you.

And yes, it's important to stick to the main products you'll need - conditioner/deep conditioner, shampoo (if applicable), moisturizer, leave in, oil and a heat protectant if necessary. I've realized that I have two of several of these staples and decided not to 'try' out anything that's raved about until I run out - at least of the products that agree with my hair. I've also started looking at ingredients. If someone is raving about a product, I look to see the ingredients of that product to a - see if it's similar to something I already have b- to see if it has ingredients that don't agree with my hair.

I just joined in the summer and I know I must have spent at least $300 so far. I've calmed down a bit and have started to develop a regimen. And will only look for products that fit into that regimen, when needed.
Keep your reggie simple. KISS

Also, if it works for your hair then continue with the use.

Yes, you can go broke LOL! Seriously do with works best for your hair.

Welcome NEWBIE and good luck.
LOL @ all the PJs. I'm cautious by nature and cheap and I stalked fotkis and read Sistaslick's articles on what I would need. I also tried to look for people with similar hair types and see what they rave about and read the ingredients before buying. I did have some misses though like the Hawaiian Silky Detangler, made my hair even worse.

And if I have to order it online, I'm not buying (except for Sabino Moisture Block and I had a coupon :D).

Luckily I've found my staples and I'm sticking to them. I have one hood dryer which is not an LHCF fave and a Sally GVP flat iron which does the job.
Yeah, i've actually filled 4 plastic totes with the OVERFLOW of products that dont fit in the closets AND the bathroom sink.. i have a mini BSS going on in my house! but for me it was about finding the products that work best for me.. only way to really know was trial and failure... Ex.. Aussie Moist.. gets rave reviews from some ladies but did absolutely nothing for me.. and i wanted it to so bad! the bottle is pretty and purple!! but sigh, its in the bottom of one of my totes.. i have a tote for poos and cons, one for treatments (leave ins, protein, hair lotions, creams, oils) one for styling products (rarely use) and one for combs, brushes, clips, ties etc...

Me either! Alas, I have a 75% full bottle just waiting to find a new home at my natural hair group swap meet next week. :)
LOL @ all the PJs. I'm cautious by nature and cheap and I stalked fotkis and read Sistaslick's articles on what I would need. I also tried to look for people with similar hair types and see what they rave about and read the ingredients before buying. I did have some misses though like the Hawaiian Silky Detangler, made my hair even worse.

And if I have to order it online, I'm not buying (except for Sabino Moisture Block and I had a coupon :D).

Luckily I've found my staples and I'm sticking to them. I have one hood dryer which is not an LHCF fave and a Sally GVP flat iron which does the job.

The 14 in 1 Leave-in was a heavy, hot mess miss of a product rave that I jumped on! It too will find a new home next week.
I don't regret my bout with PJism... Most of the stuff I tried I was able to mix with something else to make it work. And, trying all those products helped me to really figure out what works for my hair. I now have:

Deep Conditioner
Daily Moisturizer
Repairing Moisturizer (every 3 days)
Growth Aid (Family Dollar MN--no more shipping charges for me).
I use an egg mixed with a tablespoon of Castor Oil as a protein treatment.
Generally, I've broken it down and simplified more lately as I enter my 5th month post relaxer and am learning my transitioning hair more! I have staple poos, cons (but I do have a slight affection for con, so that's where I am willing to try things more), deep cons, proteins. I am still experimenting a bit with serums/ heat protectants, but I got a hook up on some and paid only a fraction of the cost to try out Paul Mitchell, Redken, Mizani & Keracare's versions. I have heat protectant 'til Jesus comes back! LOL Once I am completely natural, I will have to play a little more with curly products, but I stalk Pokahontas' fotki and recommendations, and she hasn't failed me yet.
Oh, yes! I don't even want to think about all the money I have spent after I found LHCF. FedEx and UPS were making weekly deliveries to my home.