A natural considering a perm!!! Please help me!!!


New Member
For the last few weeks I have been really considering a perm and I will probably take the plunge soon but I need everyone's help!
My hair is very fine and thin 3b/3c. In the past perms have taken my hair out from the root and being that it is already both thin and fine, it has ended up looking dry and scraggly (I have used Just for Me and Motions, Motions took my hair out really bad and Just for Me kept me with a little hair but dried it out).

This time I would like to try a lye perm and rollersets. I also have a tentative perm regime of wash once a week with creme of nature green and yellow bottle, condition with intensive blends, rollerset with phyto 9 and kms flat out, and use kemi oyl and phyto 9 during the week.

However, I have three questions:
1. Does this regime sound ok for permed hair (at least to start out with, I will adjust as needed according to how my hair responds)?
2. Any good relaxer suggestions for a fine haired tender headed chick? I would like to try affirm but I don't know how to get my hands on it, but maybe you all have better suggestions for my hair type.
3. Do you all know of any inexpensive (under 50 bucks) hooded dryers that will fit huge rollers under it when I get Rapuzel hair?

Thanx for your help in advance!
I just permed(texturized only) with Motions and my hair feels a little dry. I'm thinking the next time(when I touchup) I will use Revlon lye(mild) in the box. A long time ago I used it and my hair didn't feel as dry. My hair is fine also. This is just my opinion. Your routine sounds fine...except I don't think you'll need the KMS Flatout once you relax(except on your roots when it is near touchup time).

I forgot to say.....if relaxers took your hair out in the past then I wouldn't perm.
I have to agree with sweetcocoa. If relaxers took your hair out at the root, I wouldn't perm either. If you just must because you want a change, I would texturize (mildly relax) and not frequently. Your routine sounds fine.