A cutie with a nice twist out Tutorial!


Well-Known Member
She is too cute. She has one of the most professional set of videos I've seen. I cannot even entertain some of these bootleg put-togethers sometimes.
Adorable! Videos like these give so much motivation to keep pushing.:yep: I want to try that hairstyle, so I need to get me some hair first.:giggle:
I think this girl is sooo cute! I like the way she narrates her vids. She did a twistout with MJ Curly Meringue, AV gel and Olive oil. She uses the AV Gel to stretch her Meringue and uses the Olive oil to moisturize as she takes out her twists. Love her

Also check out her vid titled "How long did my MJ Curly Meringue Twist out last?)

One of the best Youtubes I have seen.

AWESOME. Lots of people need to take a lesson from her.:yep:
Adorable! Videos like these give so much motivation to keep pushing.:yep: I want to try that hairstyle, so I need to get me some hair first.:giggle:

You sound like me. If I do it right now, my hair will be reeeeally short looking. This will be my first hairstyle when I get some more length though.

I also like the fact that she stretches the Meringue (more bang for the buck!)
I loved her twist out and her vid was so professional. She is such a cutie. Thanks for sharing OP. :grin: I used to do my twist outs with my beloved Sunsilk hydra tlc, but it has been discontinued. Off to search for an alternative to Miss Jessie's. That price is a little too steep for me.
What would be a good replacement for Miss Jessie. I can't afford that. I have Black n Sassy Cream Set. Would that be an ok replacement. Also I have relaxed hair. I am thinking about twisting and curling the ends with perm rod rollers. How does that sound?

Quick question, when you first click on the video, what is the name of the very first artist before Fertile Ground?
Nice! I was about to sub to her then I realized I had already subscribed LOL so she must be good.
Very nice, she was so detailed without a lot of useless yakity yak during the video, really liked the voice over. I'll be watching more of her videos.
Thanks for sharing this video with us. I subscribed and will be stalking, I mean viewing her vids often!!! :)