A couple of ???'s...


New Member
A couple of ???\'s...

Hey ladies, just wondering...

1- I always thought that petroleum and mineral oil were drying to the hair. So why is Vaseline beneficial for dry ends?

2- When (orally) taking supplements, particularly, MSM, Silica, EPO, and Flax Oil, I understand that it benefits the new growth. But can anybody explain how it affects your already existing hair? Being that hair is dead, I'm just wondering how the nutients work their way into the hair shaft. I know this may be an odd question, but some reason, this has been on my mind today.

Re: A couple of ???\'s...

The vaseline works when used on wet or damp ends by locking in the moisture so it can't excape the same way it locks out moisture.

Oral supplements do not affect already existing hair, but it does affect the hair that begins growing after you start taking them.
Re: A couple of ???\'s...

Here are my two cents

1 - I always thought that vaseline would dry my hair out too until I actually tried it. It works on damp to wet ends, because it prevents the moisture from evaporating. For ME, this means those ends must stay in a bun. So my ends don't fully dry out if there is vaseline sealing in the moisture. If my ends are dry and I were just to put vaseline on it by itself, it would not be beneficial at all, just adding grease to it.

2 - Nutrients can't possibly travel down the hair shaft and benefit existing hair. You are correct. However, oils and panthenol in hair products do thicken/soften hair, but they are not "feeding" the hair that exists.

Re: A couple of ???\'s...

Thanks for your replies. Also, after re-reading other posts, I realized that certain supplements also help to prolong the "life" of existing hair strands, helping your hair to be thicker and promote length.

Thanks again!