A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Home!


New Member
Hi everyone. I just wanted to say that I am encouraging everyone who wants to strengthen their relationship with God to first start off with worshipping him. God inhabits the praises of HIS people. If you have any unconfessed sin; truly repent and turn from your wicked ways. Yes, all of us sin but when we are in habitual sin with no conviciton of turning around, we are open to the enemy's attacks. He's going to try and attack anyway but when you aren't in right standing with God, you lose alot of your power if not all.

You know, I didn't understand everything at first and I still don't. But I knew that the bible said that I should worship God in spirit in and truth. I heard and read about giving sacrafices of praise even if my body didn't feel like it. I knew that someone in the bible ( ) said that "I will bless the Lord at all times and HIS praise shall continually be in my mouth." See, I don't know all the technical information but I do believe that bible is inspired by God to men he chose to write it. I had at least that much faith. As I began to actually do this, I began to grow stronger and stronger and had so much peace. I didn't know what to do but I just submitted myself to his Word and began to lift my hands in praise to God as a sign of my submission.

Now, I always believed that I was saved...but I got to the point where I was tired of the back-sliding and didn’t want to fall away. I was tired of hearing about everyone else and them experiencing God's power without having it myself, so on faith I stepped out and believed what his Word said. As I began to praise to "I worship you to Live" "Alpha and Omega" "holy, holy, holy" by Chris Tomlin I listened to the Words and focused on God's goodness. Then it all came to me: God is worthy to be praised, to be worshiped in spirit and in truth.

I truly believes that God gives the body of Christ talents and gifts. I believe Israel Houghton ministers to people through his music. I heard the song, "Alpha and Omega" before so I went on and listened to that. I lifted my hands and close my eyes and just focused on what this truly means. That God was here in the beginning and will be here in the end. I began to dwell on what that meant, that he created the earth, the heavesn, angels and fallen, humanity, everything. The only reason humans can create things is STILL because of God and him giving them the intelligence to do so.

Seriously, think about all the creatures of the earth; there are even some still unknown to man. How everything is ordained according to his Will and knows their place, except man-kind many times. Think of how he sends the rain and the wind. Think about how his spirit can be in many places at one time. Think about how the holy angels he created were so powerful that men fell down on their knees in fear of them and they told them not to worship them, but God who made them. And they are right, because if some angels, creatures created by God make people fall under their power then can you imagine how it would be to experience the FULL prescence of God the one who created them? That's why the bible says, "Every knee shall fall and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord." His power will make you fall.

Now, I also began to think about mankind. How since the beginning of time, creation of Adam, mankind...the creatures he created have disobeyed him. He gave Adam and Eve all the trees in the garden except one and even let him name the other creatures he made. Then, when Adam disobeyed he still cared for him and provided clothes and the rest of his needs.

STOP: Do you really think that an all powerful God, who created the heavens and the earth, whose angels can provoke the fear and trembling of men had to do this? Think about it.
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Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

The truth: He didn't but he did because he cared for them, he loved him just like he loves you.:yep:

Continue throughout history and we have people still disobeying him: the people surrounding Noah and his Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Israelites worshipping false idols instead of the one who made them and cared for all their needs. When you truly think about it; it is straight foolishness. Yet, he continues to forgive them again and again. Sometimes, we Christians can’t even forgive each other or other people for the smallest things yet God consistently forgives us (humans) when we are going against will.

Just as God created the world by his Word, he could have easily said, "Every human or creature of flesh made in my image shall now cease to exist." And poof, our ancestors would have ceased to exist. Why do you think God didn't do this? It's because he loves us. Do you believe that God really needs us solely to praise him because in the whole scheme of things, we are truly such small and seemingly unworthy. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, let alone what will happen in an hour. A microscopic virus can kill us in a few days but we go around thinking so highly of ourselves. . Do you know that if we don't praise him, the rocks will cry out. Regardless, God is going to be praised.

But somehow, God deems us worthy. This to me was mind-boggling in itself because in our human way of thinking, we believe that in order to receive you have to do something to earn what you are receiving. I asked God, "Why are you so good to us?" He said, "Because I love you." Yet with God, we didn't earn it yet he gave his only begotten son as a sacrifice and allows us to either choose or accept him. That's free will. Many say it isn't but this is the truth: If you lived your life without God on earth worshipping the enemy and spending time with him, knowingly rejecting God-why would you want to spend eternity with him in heaven if you didn't do so on earth? Why only when it is to your benefit do you want to be with God? No, in your earthly life if you have rejected him and said you don't want him then he will give you what you want when you leave this earth and let you spend your time with the master you served. This is why the time is short and as the scriptures say, "Behold, now is the day or your salvation," for we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Even people that curse him and are his enemies, he loved. We were once enemies with him but he loved us first. He loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son down to die for our sins cause' he loved us and wanted us to experience his love and presence. And in his presence you desire to worship him. I thought and really pondered cause' I don't think most people (as I didn't in the past) how much of a sacrafice was made on our behalf with the Jesus dying on the cross-all because God didn't want to see us perish but made a way through his son Jesus that allowed us to be in his prescence and forgiven. Would I send my only son or daughter into a lowly land that he already own (yet many don’t give him the honor he deserves) only to be ridiculed and mistreated in order to die a horrible death in which I punish her/him and execute my judgment on her/him for a people who can't even admit that I love them? Would you send your daughter or son to do this?

So, I was watching a Christian program one day and this pastor comes on and points out something to me. That all throughout the bible, God tells his people or even wicked people to seek him.

Psalm 34:10 (New International Version)
10 The lions may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
Deuteronomy 4:29 (King James Version)

29But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
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Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

2 Chronicles 11:16 (King James Version)

16And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.

Isaiah 51:1 (King James Version)

Isaiah 51

1Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.

Okay, I hope you get the point. The Lord wants us to seek him above all things. Here's a link I found that you can see the MANY scriptures.

He said but there are times when God will seek you though most of the time the scriptures tell us to seek him. Here is the scripture:

23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

When you begin to worship God from your heart, realizing who he is and humbling yourself and realizing who you are, God is seeking YOU, his true worshippers. What follower wouldn’t want to be in God’s presence?

Now, here is the challenge. Your mission should you choose to accept it will certainly allow you to grow closer and closer to God.

- Take at least five minutes throughout your day for three days a week (preferably before you study the Word) to close off yourself to your environment and just worship God, completely focusing on Him. For me, I started off with worship music that would set the tone and prepare my heart for worship. I don’t care what anyone says, as many people say music doesn’t affect your mood but Craig Lewis was right on this one. It even says in the bible that when David played his music, Saul’s mood changed because the depressing spirit went away. This is how I started but now, I can just completely open up my mouth and worship him without music or just sing to him from my heart. But for those who are new to worship this is a good way to start. I still do listen to worship music though.

- When you are singing or praising HIM, lift your hands as a sign of submission throughout some of the song (if you can’t do all) and dwell on some of the points I mentioned above: how God truly is loving and merciful, yet still executes judgment when necessary. Just an example of many. Sing and praise from your heart with sincerity, understanding who he is and having reverence for him. For me, the thing that makes me cry is understanding that out of all the things I’ve done that went against God’s Word, he still loves me and forgives me. I know he didn’t have to but he did so cause’ he loves me.
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Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

- After the song is over, just start to sincerely praise him with your mouth with your own words. Telling him how much you love him for loving you despite your faults, for giving humanity chance after chance, for His grace, for supplying your needs, protecting you, etc.

Example of my praise and worship: I worship you Lord, I worship you because of all you’ve done for me. I so thank you for being holy for in your holiness, you can not accept the disgusting sin that has plagued man-kind. I bless Jesus and thank you for sending him down for my sins. You are holy, holy, holy and truly wonderful. Wonderful is an understatement cause’ I don’t really have or know any words that can express what you mean to me but I will say, “hallelujah” which is the highest praise.

Why am I thanking God for his holiness? Think of all the sin in the world. I mean the sins that we humans tend to think are the most horrible, like an adult beating an infant or someone drinking blood or some crap. God cannot tolerate this because he is holy and would never delight in these things.:nono:

Right after worship, read your bible praying from your heart that you interpret his Word by his holy spirit and not by what you want to get from it and your own human way of thinking. Asking this in his son Jesus name.:yep:

This is just a simple guideline but I prayed that someone would grow closer to God because of this.
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Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This was really good, I recently started doing this more over the past few months, when I am alone at home on my day offs...I have spent hours in prayer, praise and just crying out to God. Sometimes people ask what I did on my day off and I reply just spent the day with Jesus. A while back I would have been embarrassed to say that but not now... not with all HE has brought me through. I get emotional just thinking about it see...now I can't even see the screen through my tears.

I have changed more in 6 months in my room on my face before the Lord than I have in 6 years going to church. Geez I have to go an blow my nose see what you started.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This was really good, I recently started doing this more over the past few months, when I am alone at home on my day offs...I have spent hours in prayer, praise and just crying out to God. Sometimes people ask what I did on my day off and I reply just spent the day with Jesus. A while back I would have been embarrassed to say that but not now... not with all HE has brought me through. I get emotional just thinking about it see...now I can't even see the screen through my tears.

I have changed more in 6 months in my room on my face before the Lord than I have in 6 years going to church. Geez I have to go an blow my nose see what you started.

Girl, I'm glad you understand me on this. I used to think that if I go to church, everything was okay regardless of what I did throughout the week. :look: Then I grew and found out this was not okay.

Then I got another level where I thought as long as I clap and sing, then that was okay. I was to embarrassed to do anything more and I really didn't understand it.

Then I got to a point where I learned more and more from testimony, other Christians that even though you go to church God requires more of you. Sitting in church for 3 hours, singing, standing up for reading of the scripture, then sitting down again to listen the preacher for 1.5 hours is not enough to grow. Yes, we should not forsake the fellowship of saints and the joining of its members. But, like someone put it to me: What would we think of a "friend" who only devoted three hours of their week to your friendship, never really talking to you (equiv. to praying to God) but when they want something they are trying to knock down your door? You'd think they were just trying to use you. So, I learned that more is required of me even when no one is around and that means worshipping him not just at church but other times when I'm by myself.

Man, I wish someone would have broke it down to me like my posting did. This is just stuff I have learned over the years of trying to do right by God. And don't get frustrated because you may not have some immediate life-altering experience the first time or second, or third. Just keep pressing on!
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Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This has been a personal challenge for me thanks for this wonderful thought provoking post. ( I have been personally blessed by this forum this past year.)
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Wonderful post. Its great to assemble ourselves in praise and hear the Word from the anointed but from maturing more in Christ this year I found myself really picking up the Bible at home more preceded and/or followed by prayer, also shutting off the t.v. and all distractions and taking the time to praise God and allow him to fill me with his presense. All the years of going to church then not going to church and going back to church its like finally I get it and Im not letting go. Keeping the lines of communication open in every walk of your life is sooo important. Great thread.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

David in Psalm 34.

One of my favorites.

Hi everyone. I just wanted to say that I am encouraging everyone who wants to strengthen their relationship with God to first start off with worshipping him. God inhabits the praises of HIS people. If you have any unconfessed sin; truly repent and turn from your wicked ways. Yes, all of us sin but when we are in habitual sin with no conviciton of turning around, we are open to the enemy's attacks. He's going to try and attack anyway but when you aren't in right standing with God, you lose alot of your power if not all.

You know, I didn't understand everything at first and I still don't. But I knew that the bible said that I should worship God in spirit in and truth. I heard and read about giving sacrafices of praise even if my body didn't feel like it. I knew that someone in the bible ( ) said that "I will bless the Lord at all times and HIS praise shall continually be in my mouth." See, I don't know all the technical information but I do believe that bible is inspired by God to men he chose to write it. I had at least that much faith. As I began to actually do this, I began to grow stronger and stronger and had so much peace. I didn't know what to do but I just submitted myself to his Word and began to lift my hands in praise to God as a sign of my submission.

Now, I always believed that I was saved...but I got to the point where I was tired of the back-sliding and didn’t want to fall away. I was tired of hearing about everyone else and them experiencing God's power without having it myself, so on faith I stepped out and believed what his Word said. As I began to praise to "I worship you to Live" "Alpha and Omega" "holy, holy, holy" by Chris Tomlin I listened to the Words and focused on God's goodness. Then it all came to me: God is worthy to be praised, to be worshiped in spirit and in truth.

I truly believes that God gives the body of Christ talents and gifts. I believe Israel Houghton ministers to people through his music. I heard the song, "Alpha and Omega" before so I went on and listened to that. I lifted my hands and close my eyes and just focused on what this truly means. That God was here in the beginning and will be here in the end. I began to dwell on what that meant, that he created the earth, the heavesn, angels and fallen, humanity, everything. The only reason humans can create things is STILL because of God and him giving them the intelligence to do so.

Seriously, think about all the creatures of the earth; there are even some still unknown to man. How everything is ordained according to his Will and knows their place, except man-kind many times. Think of how he sends the rain and the wind. Think about how his spirit can be in many places at one time. Think about how the holy angels he created were so powerful that men fell down on their knees in fear of them and they told them not to worship them, but God who made them. And they are right, because if some angels, creatures created by God make people fall under their power then can you imagine how it would be to experience the FULL prescence of God the one who created them? That's why the bible says, "Every knee shall fall and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord." His power will make you fall.

Now, I also began to think about mankind. How since the beginning of time, creation of Adam, mankind...the creatures he created have disobeyed him. He gave Adam and Eve all the trees in the garden accept one and even let him name the other creatures he made. Then, when Adam disobeyed he still cared for him and provided clothes and the rest of his needs. STOP: Do you really think that an all powerful God, who created the heavens and the earth, whose angels can provoke the fear and trembling of men had to do this? Think about it.

Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This was really good, I recently started doing this more over the past few months, when I am alone at home on my day offs...I have spent hours in prayer, praise and just crying out to God. Sometimes people ask what I did on my day off and I reply just spent the day with Jesus. A while back I would have been embarrassed to say that but not now... not with all HE has brought me through. I get emotional just thinking about it see...now I can't even see the screen through my tears.

I have changed more in 6 months in my room on my face before the Lord than I have in 6 years going to church. Geez I have to go an blow my nose see what you started.
I understand this. When I think of the goodness of Jesus......there are just no words to describe it. I also am no longer embarrassed to say that I spend my day with Him. I love doing that. It's difficult with a family but I do it. I find myself getting frustrated at the end of the day and saying there just aren't enough hours in the day. Sometimes He is all I want.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I understand this. When I think of the goodness of Jesus......there are just no words to describe it. I also am no longer embarrassed to say that I spend my day with Him. I love doing that. It's difficult with a family but I do it. I find myself getting frustrated at the end of the day and saying there just aren't enough hours in the day. Sometimes He is all I want.

I totally understand that sometimes I am so anxious for my DH to leave for work so I can start my praise and worship time you would think I was having an affair or something. There are days that it seems that I am almost desperate for God.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Wonderful thread! I have to bring worship back into my life. What a great idea OP! thank you and God bless!
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom


I totally understand that sometimes I am so anxious for my DH to leave for work so I can start my praise and worship time you would think I was having an affair or something. There are days that it seems that I am almost desperate for God.
Yes, yes, yes!! :clap:I don't find many "Christians" who can relate to this.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Yes, yes, yes!! :clap:I don't find many "Christians" who can relate to this.

I know right!! I tried it to explain that to someone. That sense of urgency I sometimes feel to get into the presence of God. Well I am so glad you can relate!
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Wow... so timely. I believe this is where the Holy Spirit is guiding me
in my life. It feels like a welcoming invitation and not a forceful demand.

Not to mention God definitely moved and spoke through the sermon today
and that was spoken on several occasions about seeking God in "spirit and
in truth".

I don't know, but there is certainly a movement in the body of Christ. People
are hungry and are feeling hopeless and... ONLY God. There's no other answer - Period!
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I so much need alone time with GOD .
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This was really good, I recently started doing this more over the past few months, when I am alone at home on my day offs...I have spent hours in prayer, praise and just crying out to God. Sometimes people ask what I did on my day off and I reply just spent the day with Jesus. A while back I would have been embarrassed to say that but not now... not with all HE has brought me through. I get emotional just thinking about it see...now I can't even see the screen through my tears.

I have changed more in 6 months in my room on my face before the Lord than I have in 6 years going to church. Geez I have to go an blow my nose see what you started.

Amen girl! I have spent many times in my shower just crying out naked and unashamed <-Ironically :)
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

This was really good, I recently started doing this more over the past few months, when I am alone at home on my day offs...I have spent hours in prayer, praise and just crying out to God. Sometimes people ask what I did on my day off and I reply just spent the day with Jesus. A while back I would have been embarrassed to say that but not now... not with all HE has brought me through. I get emotional just thinking about it see...now I can't even see the screen through my tears.

I have changed more in 6 months in my room on my face before the Lord than I have in 6 years going to church. Geez I have to go an blow my nose see what you started.

I want to do this also on my day off worshipping God ,crying out to God on my day off,but i don't know how best to begin ?
Put on a worship song or sing whatever comes out of my mouth,or just read the bible and pray only ?
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom


I totally understand that sometimes I am so anxious for my DH to leave for work so I can start my praise and worship time you would think I was having an affair or something. There are days that it seems that I am almost desperate for God.

Psalm 63

1O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

There is a beautiful song "thirsty" (Marvin Sapp)
As the Deer is thirsty for the water, so does my soul long for thee...

Beautiful words and a wonderful worship song. I so understand where you are coming from...Great thread Chica.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I will take this challenge for the next 6 months thank you for posting.

I dont know why dont the statement below rang something in me. Its so true that we think so highly of ourselves yet God could send a plague of microscopic or invisible whatever and whip us out. He can say he's bored with us and flood the whole place (even though he promised he wouldnt do that again, thank you Jesus). And that we believe that God needs us but he doesnt, everything sings he's praises. He created us to love us and he still does. Amen!

A microscopic virus can kill us in a few days but we go around thinking so highly of ourselves. . Do you know that if we don't praise him, the rocks will cry out. Regardless, God is going to be praised.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I want to do this also on my day off worshipping God ,crying out to God on my day off,but i don't know how best to begin ?
Put on a worship song or sing whatever comes out of my mouth,or just read the bible and pray only ?

Just start by singing three songs from your heart to him. Try "How Great is Our God" by Chris Tomlin and "Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord", then, "Holy Spirit Rain Down." The first one is speaking about the greatness of God but if you want to make it more personal, you can insert "how great are you God?" It's a rhetorical question but in stead of using third person (He) you can use second person (you).

So instead of singing, "He wraps himself in light" you could say, "You wrap yourself in light," thus you are speaking directly to the Lord Almightly.

The second song asks God to open the eyes of your heart so that you will fully see who He is and finally the third song, is asking The Holy Spirit to come in your life and reign. Then a short prayer to conclude everything would be crying out to God in a loud voice with sincerity holding up your hands as a sign of submission saying, "Forgive me for anything I've done against your will and by your Holy Spirit show me how to live according to Your will. Father, I am stepping out on faith and trying to seek You and Your will. I submitt my self to you and resist the devil. I draw near to you so draw near to me and manifest your prescence in me and my life stronger than it ever before. Speak to me of God, in any way you see fit and let me know without a doubt that it is You. In Your son Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen."

This would take about 10 minutes out of your whole day. If you do it fervently, I guarantee you the Lord will reveal himself to you.

After you do this, lay quiet for a while so you will be able to hear from The Lord clearly.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

YOu know..I was in prayer about a week ago and crying and asking God for peace and understanding and He said to me these simple words: Seek Me. There was my answer.

Thank you for your post. I will be doing this. :yep:
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Just start by singing three songs from your heart to him. Try "How Great is Our God" by Chris Tomlin and "Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord", then, "Holy Spirit Rain Down." The first one is speaking about the greatness of God but if you want to make it more personal, you can insert "how great are you God?" It's a rhetorical question but in stead of using third person (He) you can use second person (you).

So instead of singing, "He wraps himself in light" you could say, "You wrap yourself in light," thus you are speaking directly to the Lord Almightly.

The second song asks God to open the eyes of your heart so that you will fully see who He is and finally the third song, is asking The Holy Spirit to come in your life and reign. Then a short prayer to conclude everything would be crying out to God in a loud voice with sincerity holding up your hands as a sign of submission saying, "Forgive me for anything I've done against your will and by your Holy Spirit show me how to live according to Your will. Father, I am stepping out on faith and trying to seek You and Your will. I submitt my self to you and resist the devil. I draw near to you so draw near to me and manifest your prescence in me and my life stronger than it ever before. Speak to me of God, in any way you see fit and let me know without a doubt that it is You. In Your son Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen."

This would take about 10 minutes out of your whole day. If you do it fervently, I guarantee you the Lord will reveal himself to you.

After you do this, lay quiet for a while so you will be able to hear from The Lord clearly.

Thank you very much !

Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I am so grateful I read this thread today. I am not used to sharing my praise and worship sessions with the Lord but I want to share my experience today.

After I read this thread and 35mins before my conference call, I decided to spend time praising and worshipping. I opened Youtube and listened to Karen Clark Sheard - Jesus is a Love Song. I just got on my knees and laid my face on the ground and thought of his goodness and sovereignty. I'm not that emotional of a person but worship music will put me in tears instantly. I talked to God then I played KCS-Holy Thou Art Holy. I just sang and praise his name. Later I listened to Mary Mary - God in me. Instant tears but I was so full of joy.

I feel so connected with God. I have this peace and this confidence that God hears me and his perparing me for something great. I feel joyful and blessed that I can actually praise him freely.

Ladies...this is hands down the best way to start your day. Whether in your room or in your car, show God how great he is. He deserves it and you'll be more confident in your walk with him.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

Today I was home discouraged about some things in my life.

I mean I just feeling real bad.

Then the Holy Spirit snapped me out of it and all I was asked to do right where I was to get up and start Worshipping and Thanking the Lord. I done this and I tell you I am so greatful to just worship the Lord. I just started worshiping and I felt better about the situation to now it is no longer in my thoughts.

Thank you for starting this thread.
Re: A Challenge to All Christians Who've Never Worshipped in the Privacy of Their Hom

I am so grateful I read this thread today. I am not used to sharing my praise and worship sessions with the Lord but I want to share my experience today.

After I read this thread and 35mins before my conference call, I decided to spend time praising and worshipping. I opened Youtube and listened to Karen Clark Sheard - Jesus is a Love Song. I just got on my knees and laid my face on the ground and thought of his goodness and sovereignty. I'm not that emotional of a person but worship music will put me in tears instantly. I talked to God then I played KCS-Holy Thou Art Holy. I just sang and praise his name. Later I listened to Mary Mary - God in me. Instant tears but I was so full of joy.

I feel so connected with God. I have this peace and this confidence that God hears me and his perparing me for something great. I feel joyful and blessed that I can actually praise him freely.

Ladies...this is hands down the best way to start your day. Whether in your room or in your car, show God how great he is. He deserves it and you'll be more confident in your walk with him.

OMGoodness, girl! You know exactly how I feel. You were in the prescence of the Lord. Girl, it is so wonderful...I'm telling you. I didn't want to make the challenge to hard for people so I didn't include the prostrate position that I begin worship with but I didn't have to tell you; The Holy Spirit did.:grin: