A Cautionary Tale (Pictures Included Of Course)


Well-Known Member

First, let me say that I am sorry to keep you waiting...Today was bittersweet on many levels but you shall see why...

Let me start off by saying, dontspeakdefeat aka Tamika Bell is the BEST!!!! She is a wonderful, knowledgeable stylist who understands the *ahem* eccentricities of her hair sisters. :spinning::spinning:


I was nervous for a number of reasons, but mainly because I had not sat in a stylists' chair in over a year and you know, LHCF can make a girl paranoid, lol...but she quickly calmed my fears. She is so down to earth and she talked me through everything that she was about to do to my hair.

As you know, my primary reason for visiting her was to get those pesky greys covered!!! As she started pre-detangling my hair, she realized that my greys were more than a notion- she informed me that I, at 32, was about 50% grey--she said that every other strand was a grey strand!!!!! :nono::nono: That took a minute to digest because I was not ready for that- but she did say that they were the pretty silver streaks (not that that was much of a consolation). By the way, she did a great job at covering them!!!

I explained to her that my other nervousness came from the fact that today would be a length check and I was worried that I still hadn't retained what I should have...she comforted me and she told me that she would take pics- very understandable and encouraging...

Cut to chase: Ladies...when I tell you that my hair has not budged...I have not retained anything since the last time that I straightened which was in March...I'm still about 1.5-2 inches from WL...My retention has stalled...dontspeakdefeat told me exactly the reason: this high-lifted color...

After dontspeakdefeat finished straightening me out, she said that her heart dropped when she saw the look on my face because I knew before she turned me around what the deal was :nono: :nono: Ya'll I wanted to cry--she gave me a big hug (like a mama would and it made me even more emotional--but I held it together).

I appreciated the fact the she felt my pain and knew that yes, even though I'm at MBL and that is what many consider long hair- that, I was understandably disappointed and she didn't look at me as being a drama queen.

So here's the cautionary tale ladies...I am still all for coloring, but there is a fine line between using color and growing hair...dontspeakdefeat told me that if she had been my stylist and she knew that I was interested in length, she would have given me a choice- obviously I would have chosen length, because there are so many other colors that are not as harsh as this bright blonde that I have on my head.

I can acknowledge that although I haven't lost any length, I would certainly call this color a setback because for the past 7 months, my hair has been at the same length!!!

As down as I was, Tamika suggested a game plan- something that she did for her daughter who had a similar color and similar issues--we are going to put a darker color over this blonde to kind of coat/protect my ends, so hopefully, that will put an end to the breakage (cause that's what's happening)...So, in a few months- maybe around September, I will go back for the change (I haven't been dark in YEARS)--I'm not excited about giving up my blonde but something has got to give--I'm about to lose it...but at least September-December will give me a few months to retain something...

And...on the bright side, I can color- just never this harsh again--so I've been looking at a red anyway :drunk::drunk::drunk: Alright--enough talking--here are the pics...

The first is from Dec 31, 2010; the second is from March 2011, and the rest are from today...Oh, and disregard the length shirt because I wasn't trying to get the lines even--once I saw that I hadn't retained anything- I was kinda like *forget* it...

Of course, when I got home, I took a pic in my "tracking" bra, so you could get a more accurate look.

Oh, and she did dust too...and the last pic is my attempt at showing where my waist is...

Thanks for listening and looking ladies...


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I am sorry for your disappointment. Despite your setback, you will make your hair goal. In the mean time, your hair looks great! I once had highlights like your color and my hair broke off terribly. Your setback will make reaching your goal so sweet!
I wouldn't call it a set back. Your hair is definitely thicker than the first pic. The ends filled in really nicely. Overall it's still great progress!! Congrats Janet!!! :yay:
I'm so sorry. :bighug:

But if it's any consolation, your hair looks good! I would LOOOOVE to get DSD in my grass lol.

I really want color but when I hear stories like yours it sets me straight, especially since I have fine hair and weird textures. :nono:
Don't speak too quick, I see some growth and definitely some thickness. Your game plan sounds good, you'll reach wl in no time.
you still have had great progress, and your ends are looking thicker...i can't wait to see the dark hair, i'm sure it will be stunning.
Girl, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! And definitely thicker. I love it! You have no reason to be disappointed. It grew more beautiful. Congrats!!!
You know Janet it looks like your ends thickened up quite a bit. Looks lovely. And on the bright side, you can start looking for other colors, likes browns and auburns, for your next appointment.
:bighug: Janet, be encouraged. Your hair is gorgeous, and I'm sure you will make your hair goals. If you decide to go darker, you could always add tracks of blond to get the color you want without the damage.
Set backs are SO frustrating. I just experienced my first one. No fun at all. I need your hair lady to be my hair lady for reals.

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Your hair still looks great! I mean your ends are alot thicker than on the first pic. I would die to be at your length. I was at APL but Im at my second setback to SL due to severe split ends so I can feel your pain on that end too. It's a journey and we'll get through it!
Your hair looks beautiful!...it has definately grown, and is noticiably thicker. You will reach your goals very soon...stay positive!
I think these type of issues come with the color territory. Color is what brought me here in the first place. Everything in moderation.

On another note: Pictures don't lie!!! (good ones anyway :look: ) Whenever I feel like my hair hasn't budged or is stalled out, I whip out the trusty digi cam and it sets me straight again. And these pics are speaking the truth janet.
I am sorry about your disappointment... I think most of us knows what it feels like.
But on the bright side, your hair/ends look a lot thicker than it did in December/March.
I am happy you've found a stylist who completely understand and knows exactly to get you on the right track.
Though you have not reached your goal, you have a game plan, good help,and support. Your hair looks wonderful!

Umm Ebraheem
You're going to get so much encoragement on here. Its just so. Great. I've always lusted over your color and hair. It looks so pretty straightened too. I had blong highlights while I was relaxed and "oh my" but I found a stylist who helped me through you are blessed to.have that one that's so supportive and encoraging but still considering your plans you have for your hair. Good luck!
You still have some of the best hair I have seen.

And the way you cheer everyone else on I know a lot of people want to see you reach your goal.
don't let it worry you & thanks for posting. your hair still looks great & is noticeably thicker on the ends!:):):)
Your length is nice, and your ends don't look all chewed and jacked. They're very nice so that's a positive for sure. It is REALLY nice to have a stylst that understands. Go dontspeakdefeat!!! :up:
I just want to say that you are one of the most positive people on this board and everyone is rooting for you. With God and then patience, you'll make your goal!
Sorry for the setback. :bighug:

As the unofficial super cheerleader of lhcf, you know that this is just a bump in the road. Your hair is getting thicker and now you've found a wonderful stylist. I wish you luck on your journey because all of the positive energy you've sent to us will surely be sent back to you as you continue to nurse your hair.

Keep us posted! :)
:bighug: Sorry to hear about your disappointment! You will make your goal especially with your new game plan and the wonderful stylist that you have! Your hair looks alot thicker now than in the Dec & Mar pic and the problem was caught before it was too late! So I will be waiting for those WL pic! :yep:
Janet, as the other ladies have already said I am sorry you are disappointed, believe me I know how you feel I am right there with you myself. I've been struggling to get to BSL an i was so close i could taste it but I did a long over due trim putting me at needing 3 more inches to reach my goal. But i will say that now I am more determined than ever to make it to where I want to be just like I know you will, you really don't have far to go. You are very encouraging to others on the board and always willing to offer up good tips and advice, anytime I see a post from you it always puts a smile on my face so thanks for that It is because of you and the other ladies on the board like you that I have tge umph to want to continue with this journey of mine and feel that I can get there successfully.

So hold your head, and keep up your positive attitude because while you haven't progressed how you would have liked, you did make some progress, the thickness you've gained is to die for!
Janet' looking good girly! (((hugs))) It might not have been the length check moment desired but your hair is still gorgeous and you'll hit your goal(s) in no time.