New Member
Someone wrote an article on the reason to relax, and you know, this is a really good question. My mom put a relaxer in my hair when I was a little girl and a lot of my hair broke off. I have just been putting relaxers in my hair every since. This is all I know. I am currently 11 weeks post relaxer, and I want to relax at the 13 week mark, but now I am having second thoughts.
I was lying awake in bed this morning and was thinking about the chemistry behind the relaxing process. Protein bonds are broken, which results in straighter hair. That is why protein supplementation is such an essential necessity after the relaxer process, but is it that we use protein to nurse it back to the newgrowth stage and then start all over again?
A fellow by the name of Garret A. Morgan, rubbed a chemical off of his hand onto a wool cloth. The chemical then straightened out the wool cloth. A wool cloth? Then he tested the chemical on a dog, and the dog's curly hair came out straight. If you think about it, when this was tested on human hair, the results were not as expected. Negro hair is very fine and weak, and that is why our hair type is more susceptible to breakage.
I started thinking for reasons why I straightened my hair, and the only reasons I could come up with was to live up to society's standards, and being under the assumption that my hair does not grow. I wear my hair in a pony tail 95% of the time, or in the past I used to weave it away. I did however; wear my hair in high school a lot, but it never grew past shoulder length because of the abuse I have put it through to be accepted. I did not care much for my hair. I came to the point last year where I was getting tired of going through this same cycle of neglecting my hair.
I may be on the verge on transitioning, but I will make and post my decision at week 13 post. If I do transition, I would not do a BC. I would let the relaxer grow out. I just need some help in making my decision. I don't know if this sounds rational or not. Did some of you the ladies feel like this when you transitioned? I also want to hear from some relaxed ladies also. I know some relaxed ladies complain of breakage when going post relaxer too long.
I was lying awake in bed this morning and was thinking about the chemistry behind the relaxing process. Protein bonds are broken, which results in straighter hair. That is why protein supplementation is such an essential necessity after the relaxer process, but is it that we use protein to nurse it back to the newgrowth stage and then start all over again?
A fellow by the name of Garret A. Morgan, rubbed a chemical off of his hand onto a wool cloth. The chemical then straightened out the wool cloth. A wool cloth? Then he tested the chemical on a dog, and the dog's curly hair came out straight. If you think about it, when this was tested on human hair, the results were not as expected. Negro hair is very fine and weak, and that is why our hair type is more susceptible to breakage.
I started thinking for reasons why I straightened my hair, and the only reasons I could come up with was to live up to society's standards, and being under the assumption that my hair does not grow. I wear my hair in a pony tail 95% of the time, or in the past I used to weave it away. I did however; wear my hair in high school a lot, but it never grew past shoulder length because of the abuse I have put it through to be accepted. I did not care much for my hair. I came to the point last year where I was getting tired of going through this same cycle of neglecting my hair.
I may be on the verge on transitioning, but I will make and post my decision at week 13 post. If I do transition, I would not do a BC. I would let the relaxer grow out. I just need some help in making my decision. I don't know if this sounds rational or not. Did some of you the ladies feel like this when you transitioned? I also want to hear from some relaxed ladies also. I know some relaxed ladies complain of breakage when going post relaxer too long.