A and D Ointment for Scalp basing???



Hello All!

I've been doing this for years and wanted to share. I have a very sensitive scalp. I normally burn real easy with relaxers, even the mildest ones. And I also am sensitive to certains shampoo's if they are to harsh. Anyways, I ran out of base one day decided to use the only thing I had in the house, A and D Ointment. It is noramlly used as a diaper rash ointment. It worked wonders and I had no irratation. After my relaxer, when my hair has dried, I put on enought to lighly grease my scalp and I have no problem with any itch or irratation. Also, I use this when my "Biotin Itch" is completely out of control. Its inexpensive and can be found in the baby isle of any drug store or grocery store.
Thanks Tebby, and thank you for the Hair conditioner recipe from another thread...and save some of the ointment for your nephew's tushy!
i use this ointment 2...for my hair line..it works wonders...i use it about 2x a week...
"Hey I just used some of this on my ends today b/f reading this (what a coincidence). I use it on my kid's scatches and dry skin. It has cod liver oil in it.
i use this ointment 2...for my hair line..it works wonders...i use it about 2x a week...

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What does it do for your hairline?

I am so glad I'm not the only one! My husband said, "Don't post that, everyone will think you're nuts!". But it works great! I also use it on my feet after my pedicure. The vitamins in it are great for healing and soothing!
"Hey I just used some of this on my ends today b/f reading this (what a coincidence). I use it on my kid's scatches and dry skin. It has cod liver oil in it.

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I've never used this one my ends, but I will try this tonight!