911 Help for Twists :(


Active Member
Ugh, someone help a sista out here. I've been playing with doing twists in my hair lately. And I've finally gotten to the point to where they look decent only to have to go to sleep and wake up to them looking all SMUSHED up and FLAT!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to do something new with my hair this summer instead of the constant WnG and Scarves/Headbands. I loved how the twists looks and I really want to rock them this summer but not looking like a darn Bedhead!:lachen:
Thanx so much!
Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

I would love to know the answers to some of these questions also. In regard to the washing, I'm not sure who had suggested it, but I use the pantyhose method. I put a pantyhose cap over my twists, put some watered down condish in a recepticle and pour it over my head, gently patting it into the twists. It's worked so far for me...HTH.
Hey girl! whenever I wore twists I had to 'sleep pretty' you know like you have rollers in your hair or somethin and only let the side of your face touch the pillow :lol: Also do you wrap them? It helped me to be able to start the twist with a braid then twist, not sure if you can do that yet, but it kept the top better that way,also what product do you use? any kind of holding product? not that I suggest one, cause I dont know if that would be good either. how long does it take you to twist? if it doesnt take long you could just do it daily. I understand it being a style you want to keep in though. so then all you can do is just sleep pretty and yeah thats really hard! are you flat twisting or doing individuals?

Are you tying your hair up at night? That helps protect the style. I also always make my twists tighter than I intend them to be because they'll loosen up a little bit. And that's before washing! Smaller twists tend to look good longer than larger ones.

When I wash them in the shower, I make sure my hands are going in one direction from scalp to ends.

Sometimes I put the twists in a twist set. Just gather a bunch of twists together to make a bigger twist. Undo in the morning.

Depending on how much kink your hair has, you may need to put some gel on your ends to help them stay. If that doesn't help, you can try rollersetting your ends.

Hey....I wear my hair twisted ALL THE TIME..I have bolded my responses :)

Ugh, someone help a sista out here. I've been playing with doing twists in my hair lately. And I've finally gotten to the point to where they look decent only to have to go to sleep and wake up to them looking all SMUSHED up and FLAT!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4"). I would sleep w/ a covered nylon. Gets some pantyhose. Cut off the top and save the legs for later use. Tie a note at the top, put over head/twist, and go to bed. In the morning, spritz your hair w/ some water. I would jump in the shower and the steam would make my twist fluff back out. I would then use my hands to fluff some more.

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything? You can do 2 things, add some styling gel or plait twist at the top and twist the bottom. Or if all else fails, just keep redoing that one :drunk:

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it. I tend to NOT like to wash my twist b/c they look FRIZZED after. But if I do wash time, I put a nylon over my hair first and then wash that way. The nylon tends to help reduce the frizz/unraveling....

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to do something new with my hair this summer instead of the constant WnG and Scarves/Headbands. I loved how the twists looks and I really want to rock them this summer but not looking like a darn Bedhead!:lachen:
Thanx so much!
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How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").

When I'm wearing twists, I still sleep in a baggy at night. In the AM, I eithe CW them or dunk them in a solution of ACV and let them drip dry. The reason I do this is I like my twists to hang straight down and not do that weird wave that they might do. This always makes them look "fresh". No flatness or twists pointing in some weird direction.

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?

I haven't experienced this so I'm not sure what one would need to do. When I twist my hair, I make the twists really small so the ends sort of interlock like pen springs might if you pressed them together.

This is how the ends look after dunking in ACV solution: the strands just kinda inter-twine forming spirals that follow the coil pattern of my hair.

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

I wash my twists the same way I wash my braids. I concentrate on applying conditioner to my scalp and then as I rinse, squeeze the shampoo through the twists. I don't smooth my hair down the twists. I squeeze them gently w/o any manipulation. One or two do untwist, but most don't. The pic above shows my hair straight after a wash.

Here's another set of air-drying twists.

I don't know if this makes a difference, but I don't use products to twist or after. I find this makes hair untangle and separate with ease when I'm redoing so that "finger detangling" is a breeze. I doubt this has anything to do with them not unraveling but just thought I'd throw it out there.

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").

When I'm wearing twists, I still sleep in a baggy at night. In the AM, I eithe CW them or dunk them in a solution of ACV and let them drip dry. The reason I do this is I like my twists to hang straight down and not do that weird wave that they might do. This always makes them look "fresh". No flatness or twists pointing in some weird direction.

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?

I haven't experienced this so I'm not sure what one would need to do. When I twist my hair, I make the twists really small so the ends sort of interlock like pen springs might if you pressed them together.

This is how the ends look after dunking in ACV solution: the strands just kinda inter-twine forming spirals that follow the coil pattern of my hair.

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

I wash my twists the same way I wash my braids. I concentrate on applying conditioner to my scalp and then as I rinse, squeeze the shampoo through the twists. I don't smooth my hair down the twists. I squeeze them gently w/o any manipulation. One or two do untwist, but most don't. The pic above shows my hair straight after a wash.

Here's another set of air-drying twists.

I don't know if this makes a difference, but I don't use products to twist or after. I find this makes hair untangle and separate with ease when I'm redoing so that "finger detangling" is a breeze. I doubt this has anything to do with them not unraveling but just thought I'd throw it out there.

Nonie your twists are so pretty,they look twirled! Remember my attempts with my cheeto lookin twists!? :lol: I gave up!
Nonie your twists are so pretty,they look twirled! Remember my attempts with my cheeto lookin twists!? :lol: I gave up!

What Cheeto looking twists? I'm sure they weren't bad. Can you point me to the "article"? :grin:

Thanks for the compliment. I do wish they were fuller though.:ohwell:
My twists usually look a little flat when I get up but after a spritz of leave in conditioner and the steam from the shower, they perk right on up. The last time I put twists in, when I cowashed them I pulled them up into a ponytail with a ponytail holder and concentrated mainly on my scalp. I squeezed,smooshed, the conditioner into my twists and afterwards let them airdry while still in the ponytail. I noticed I had way less frizzies.
What Cheeto looking twists? I'm sure they weren't bad. Can you point me to the "article"? :grin:

Thanks for the compliment. I do wish they were fuller though.:ohwell:

yours are so twirly I WOULD have killed to have twist like that while I was still trying to twist! and yes they were cheeto, straight at the roots, strangely enough and thin and scraggly and the ends OMG , down the twists were just thin ends

so yeah, here they are, the pics did them more justice than they really looked! trust me
:grin: Yours can look like that too. Mine look like yours when I freshly do them. Then I ALWAYS soak them well, either by doing an ACV rinse or a CW and letting them drip dry. That makes the ends get twirly like that. The hair shrinks from being wet so that the ends aren't straight, thin and straggly. They shrink and spring up creating the spirally look.
:grin: Yours can look like that too. Mine look like yours when I freshly do them. Then I ALWAYS soak them well, either by doing an ACV rinse or a CW and letting them drip dry. That makes the ends get twirly like that. The hair shrinks from being wet so that the ends aren't straight, thin and straggly. They shrink and spring up creating the spirally look.

OOHHH! See now nobody shared that bit of wealth with me back then! Maybe I will try them again! :yep:
Omgosh, you all have given some excellent suggestions for me. I am definitely going to try these tips out. I wouldn't have thunk the hose tip would still work for washing twists. Thanks SOOOO MUCH!!!
Btw, Nonie, your twists are so cute!! I'm going to have to check that ACV or CW on twists for sure and definitely baggying my twists! Who'd have thunk it?

Hey girl! whenever I wore twists I had to 'sleep pretty' you know like you have rollers in your hair or somethin and only let the side of your face touch the pillow :lol: Also do you wrap them? It helped me to be able to start the twist with a braid then twist, not sure if you can do that yet, but it kept the top better that way,also what product do you use? any kind of holding product? not that I suggest one, cause I dont know if that would be good either. how long does it take you to twist? if it doesnt take long you could just do it daily. I understand it being a style you want to keep in though. so then all you can do is just sleep pretty and yeah thats really hard! are you flat twisting or doing individuals?
Oh Irresistable, why did the bolded make me bust out laughing?!?!:lachen::lachen::lachen:Of course, I know wha'cha mean. But you think I'm going to be worrying about looking pretty when I'm sleepy? LOL!!:lol:
But on to answer your questions:
Yes I've wrapped them with my satin scarf or cap and still get mushed up twists.

As for the braid then twist method, nope never tried that one, but I would think that'd definitely work great to keep the roots looking good. Will try that one soon, I'm sure it's long enough.

As for a product used to twist with, I first tried it with ORS Lock/Twist gel, ewwww for doing twists. Then I recently tried it with Qhemet Biologics' AOHC and the OHHB and they look WONDERFUL!!! I'm doing individual twists at this time. I already knew how to do flat twists and 2 strand twists on the front of my head. The individual twists is just what I'm having problems with currently.

It only takes me like an hour to hour and half to do my whole head, but I ain't trying to do that everyday woman LOL:lol:--I'm trying to K.I.S.S. girl!

Hope those answers helps anyone else should there's anymore input from anyone else. But I'm going to try these tips and see where it gets me. Gotta go get some more ACV though LOL Thanks again ladies!
Looks like you've got lots of good ideas here sis. I'll add what i do to the list ;)

Ugh, someone help a sista out here. I've been playing with doing twists in my hair lately. And I've finally gotten to the point to where they look decent only to have to go to sleep and wake up to them looking all SMUSHED up and FLAT!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").

I had that problem too but what i do now is; after i moisturize with a spritz, i put my twists in about 4 braids at night then spritz the ends again to make the twirl around each other, put on my scarf and go to sleep. In the morning, i undo the plaited twists and go about my day or i might spritz them a little bit to plump them up (the shower steam would prolly do the same thing. The twists in my June album were maintained like this. The result looks like a rollerset but nicer ;)

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?

i'll take my denman brush, redampen to make sure the hair is good and wet and brush the last 2 inches or so then twist to the end. Then twirl the ends around my fingers to make them "set". Sometimes a little gel is helpful if they've been in there for a few days.

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

Sometimes i don't care whether they unravel, i'll just cowash them as is - 3/4 twist and 1/4 twist out doesn't look that bad lol. If i want them to stay totally twisted, i'll plait them up first in about 8 plaits, smush the conditioner in the plaited twists then rinse out.

Braiding the roots is a good idea too if they loosen up from the roots down alot. Make sure you make your twists on the small side too - the smaller ones last alot longer than the larger ones.

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to do something new with my hair this summer instead of the constant WnG and Scarves/Headbands. I loved how the twists looks and I really want to rock them this summer but not looking like a darn Bedhead!:lachen:
Thanx so much!

Almost forgot, if you braid your twists for the night, it usually smooths down all the frizzies. this has become my favorite way to put them to bed at night.

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").

Just make sure you braid large sections of your hair before going to bed. I'll add my cremes and EVOO to each section I'm going to braid then spritz it with water (w/added lavendar essential oil). This keeps the frizz away and stretches out the hair (do this for your braid/twist outs as well).

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?
I just twisted my hair two weeks ago and washed them tonight. I spent about an hour retwisting using my styling cremes (not a long time considering it took me 7.5 h to twist my whole head...I like them small). Mind you some probably won't stay but I like a uniform look. I keep my twits for a month so hopefully next week most will set and retwisting won't be necessary. I've tried twisting the hair 3/4 of the way then braiding the rest of the way (still came aloose). I've tried braiding the root then twisting (didn't work, plus takes entirely way to long to take them out). Just go with them loosening and retwist when you wash them or whatever regimine works for you.

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.

After the initial twisting I let them "set" for about a week and a half to two weeks (it you're averse to not washing your hair then you might not want to do this). After I started doing this I had less twists come undone than when I washed them within a week of twisting.

Have fun with it!


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How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4");).
Hey! Well when my hair was that length I was getting my hair professtionally twisted and my hair would be flat and sticking to my head after I came from under the dryer. So I would tie them up @ night and in the morning spritz them with a little water, moisturizer mix and when my hair dried they would poof a little. Also she did them fairly thin.

Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?
One or two things. 1. Retwist it but using a little less hair or 2. Use a little shea butter on the ends.

Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.
I just CW them then put them is a few elastics, banding downward until the dry. (pics in Fotki if you need a visual) That keeps the shrinkage down and keeps them from unraveling too much.
I had the smushed twist problem and what I did was not tie up my hair. My logic behind that was my hair was getting smashed twice from the pressure of the scarf to my hair and laying on my head. I wanted to reduce the amount of smashing, so that's why I opt not to tie up twists. You can wrap or pin your scarf to your pillow, if don't want to sleep on your pillow case. I found that in the morning, my hair wasn't smashed or flatten much. The steam from the shower or spritzing will revive the twists.

If a twist doesn't stay twisted, I would add a gel to the end of the twists and put a bobby pin on the end of it. Once the gel dries, I'll take off the bobby pin.

I don't have much of a suggestion on rinsing twists because my twists shrinks to the point where it doesn't look much like twists, but they don't unravel.
I had the smushed twist problem and what I did was not tie up my hair. My logic behind that was my hair was getting smashed twice from the pressure of the scarf to my hair and laying on my head. I wanted to reduce the amount of smashing, so that's why I opt not to tie up twists. You can wrap or pin your scarf to your pillow, if don't want to sleep on your pillow case. I found that in the morning, my hair wasn't smashed or flatten much. The steam from the shower or spritzing will revive the twists.

If a twist doesn't stay twisted, I would add a gel to the end of the twists and put a bobby pin on the end of it. Once the gel dries, I'll take off the bobby pin.

I don't have much of a suggestion on rinsing twists because my twists shrinks to the point where it doesn't look much like twists, but they don't unravel.

your twists are so cute!! :yep: Good suggestions
Good tips in this thread. my mom and i twisted my hair up a few hours ago and I am going to "attempt" to wear this style for a whole week. I already know it's going to look crazy in the morning :lol: