7 1/2 Month Transitioners Big Chop TONIGHT!!!!


Well-Known Member
Soo.. I'm not really well known on this board but just so u know...pretty much every1 i know thinks that i'm crazy for wanting to cut my hair off but what can i say? im soo in love w. my curls! :D i cant wait to chop it off tonight!! right now i'm at full apl if not longer(4a/3c texture) and ive been transitioning for 7 and a half months ...::yep::
i think its time!
i'll be posting pics once i chop!


hey yall! I didn't forget and I come with pics!! :D
I didn't bc on friday but i did on saturday morning!!! :spinning:
my boyfriends mom started cutting my hair then she got scared and made me go to the salon so.. here are the pics!

before bc (i'm all the way to the right)

during bc (:lachen:)

after bc (look at all that hair!)

post cowashing and adding product

its so easy to do and i don't think i look any different w/ my bc..:eyebrows2 my mom freaked out about it but i'm sure it will grow on her... lol and my boyfriends mom wants to cut her 6 year old locks off now because of me...lol
all in all saturday July 17th was a good day!
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I won't forget to post pics!!!
@newbeginnings2010 lol great minds think a like!

ooooooooh! I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaait!
:woohoo: I'm excited for you!! Can't wait to see pics. Don't forget the before pics!
all of u women with these beautiful BCs are giving me the itch! i. must. resist. the. urge. to. BC. LOL. its beautiful, congrats!
Congrats on doing your BC!!! I'm really glad you're happy with your hair! It looks fantastic BTW!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience!