60-Day Water/Vitamin Challenge


Well-Known Member
So how many of you actually take the vitamins in your siggy every day without fail? What about drinking the suggested eight glasses a day of water?
(Yes I am calling my LCHF sisters out :D )
If you arent, the this challenge is for YOU!

They say it takes 30 days to form a habit...so for good measure I want to start a 60 day water/vitamin challenge beginning on July 15th! The goal is to take your supplements every day and to increase your water intake. The point of the challenge is to be consistent with the hope of establishing a permanent habit...water/vitamins are important for our overall health which improves the health of our hair...so it should be something we do without thinking.

Any takers for this challenge? Guidlines are simple: You just take whatever vits/supp that you have decided to use and drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily?
Yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY...even weekends!

I think it would be fun to do a point system for everyday that we reach our goal and check in with our points every two weeks...
i.e. Checking in: Day 14: 11 points We can see who earns the coveted 60 points! No cheating...

Soo...Whose gonna join the fun?

FYI: This post was inspired by the Vitamin and Water Challenge 2005...see next post...
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Just so that there is no confusion the CURRENT CHALLENGE is above...I am just posting this thread for educational purposes....Just in case you all wanted to read it....its slightly edited from original post ;) Posted by LHCF member BerrySweet

I want to invite you to join me in a 12 week supplement and water challenge. If you are like me, then you have the vitamins, but have been less than consistent in taking them. And water, forget it. I call myself the human camel -- I only drink about 2 glasses per day, if that.

The challenge: Take your vitamins (daily multivitamin and/or specific hair vitamins) every day and drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.

I'm beneficially challenged: I know there are many challenges, but if they work, then the more the better. I figure that by posting how many days per week we've taken our supplements and drank adequate water (I'm pushing for 6 glasses to start and I will work my way up) then we will start a new beneficial longlasting habit.

History of how I became a vitamin believer...I used to think it was all hype.

You: The Owner�s Manual: Now back to the supplements. I recently read and excellent book called �You: The Owners Manual.� Since reading this book I�ve improved caring for my body (i.e., I quit smoking � 4 months going strong and have a very powerful exercise regime.) But one of the most important facts of the book is that supplements are very important for one�s overall health and according to www.realage.com �regularly taking vitamin C (1200 mg/day), vitamin E (400 IU/day), calcium (1000-1200 mg/day), vitamin D (400-600 IU/day), folate (400 mcg/day), and vitamin B6 (6 mg/day) can make your RealAge 6 years younger.�

We all know that hair is dead and I've learned from other posts to watch how I say "healthy hair" however, we do want to decrease breakage and shedding. According to http://prodigy.healthology.com/focus...oss_anddiet&b=

�Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to increased hair shedding by weakening hair shafts that cause breakage to the hair and slow regrowth. Hair problems that are caused by nutritional deficiencies can be corrected by a proper diet. Principal nutrients that are involved include vitamin A, certain B vitamins, the vitamin biotin, vitamin C, copper, iron, zinc, protein, and water.�

Below is a chart of vitamins taken from You: The Owners Manual. Check your supplement to see how it matches up with the chart below. The chart is optimum and the Drs / authors recognize that most supplements are off a little. Nature Made Daily Supplement Vitamins came closest to their optimum list, but they were off a bit too. The only thing I would recommend is to make sure you do not exceed 2,500 IU of vitamin A. The book explains excessive vitamin A in supplement form increases the aging process.

Vitamin and Mineral Chart
A No more than 2,500 IU
Make sure your multivitamin contains less than 2,500 IU (less than 1.6 mg) of vitamin A, because too much vitamin A or beta-carotene ages you.

B6 4 mg a day

B12 800 mcg a day (25 mcg, in a supplement. B12 in a supplement is absorbed much better than the B12 found in f gcood)

C 400 mg a day three times a day (remember it's water-soluble, so you need several doses over the day).

D 400 IU a day if under age 60; 600 IU a day if 60 or over

E 400 to 800 IU a day Reduce this to less than 100 IU a day from supplements if you're taking a statin drug

F (folate) 800 mcg a day (folic acid, folate, or folicin, sometimes listed as vitamin B9)

Thiamin 25 mg

Riboflavin 25 mg

Niacin At least 30 mg a day, preferably more if you're taking a statin drug (check with your doctor)

Biotin 300 mg

Pantothenic acid 10 mg

Calcium 600 mg twice a day (1,600 mg total a day for women)
Magnesium 400 mg a day
Selenium 200 mcg a day
Zinc 15 mg

Potassium Four fruits plus a normal diet should do it.
Additional vitamin-like substances that might be taken daily

Lycopene Ten tablespoons of tomato sauce a week (400 mg) should do it

Lutein A leafy green vegetable a day (40 mg) should do it

Alpha lipoic acid Not indicated by data yet

Acetyl-L-carnitine Not indicated by data yet, but if you want it, 1,500 mg a day

Coenzyme Q10 Add 200 mg if you're taking a stating drug.

The reduction in arterial aging with 162.5 mg or greater of aspirin is 36% versus 13 % with 82 mg of aspirin. The side effects are just a little greater with 162 mg. The risk benefit is much better with 162 mg.
Well, I'll join this challenge because I do this daily anyway. This started out as a personal challenge that I am doing to be more consistent in the things that I do for my overall health and hair...so this will be a piece of cake;)
soul_sista said:
I wanna join in on this one. Im trying to become more consistent with both the vitamins and water.

I'm in. I have been working on trying to drink more water everyday anyway, so now at least I know I'll be accountable at the end of 60 days.:)
YAY!! I am happy to see people that have joined the challenge..you ladies always motivate me :D

ONAM - you didnt miss the start date...I made it for July 15th to give people an opportunity to sign up...but since people are already joining we can all probably start earlier...maybe the day after 4th of July...we are going to need some vitamins and water after the cookouts all weekend :lachen:

So the new start date is JULY 5th!! Lets get started....yall got me hype :lol:
I'm in but I'm taking less vitamins. I plan to take:

In addition, I will be drinking burdock root tea twice a week. And will drink at least a gallon of water each day.
I'm in. I was just thinking about how I would like to start taking my vits again. I had stopped because my skin was breaking out, but even after I stopped my skin did not clear up, so I might as well try the vits again.
Count me in. I take my vitamins/supplements daily. I need to increase my water intake. My trainer said you should drink half of your weight. For example, if you weigh 140lbs you should drink 70 ounces of water.
I want to join too. The vitamins i am taking are biotin 10000mg, centrium one a day, CLA 4000mg (not really a vitamin), b-50 complex, and i will be adding nioxin and msm ( more for my joints than my hair..its hard on the joints being a giant:D) . I am slowly adding more water to my diet too . A month ago i was drinking about 2 glasses of water in 3 days(if i was lucky), now i am up to 1500 ml.
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Zora…you are hardcore with that gallon you go girl :D …my goal is 2-3 liters per day…

Undefeated…you are completely right about drinking half your weight (in ounces) of water…I am really into nutrition and have read that several places…I usually try to drink a little more than half my weight though…just for good measure


I am really pumped about this challenge so I hope that you are too…remember to keep track, each day you take all your vits and drink at least 64oz (8 glasses) of water give yourself a point. We will check-in after two weeks, to see how its going….Thanks Ladies for joining this challenge.

YAY for being beautiful and healthy inside and out!! :grin:
Good challenge! I'll start this today. It shouldn't be too much of a challenge since I already drink a lot of water. I just don't drink the recommended 6-8 glasses a day. I drink about 4 a day usually. I'm ready!!! No problem with the vitamins though. I take them daily.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Below is a chart of vitamins taken from You: The Owners Manual. Check your supplement to see how it matches up with the chart below. The chart is optimum and the Drs / authors recognize that most supplements are off a little. Nature Made Daily Supplement Vitamins came closest to their optimum list, but they were off a bit too. The only thing I would recommend is to make sure you do not exceed 2,500 IU of vitamin A. The book explains excessive vitamin A in supplement form increases the aging process.

Vitamin and Mineral Chart
A No more than 2,500 IU
Make sure your multivitamin contains less than 2,500 IU (less than 1.6 mg) of vitamin A, because too much vitamin A or beta-carotene ages you.

This is my first time hearing that you can get too much beta carotene. I have this book sitting in my bedroom right now, but I've never read it. I think I'll start reading it.

I'll start the challenge tomorrow. I'm a vitamin and water slacker.
I'll struggle to take them everyday but I am getting serious about growing my hair now before it was just I hope it grows now I am taking more steps to doing so!

I'm currently taking a multi-vitamin and MSM also a Omega 3 Supplement!

Water I love to drink! but my intake hasn't been so great lately.

See you in sixty days!
I see we have a second round of ladies joining, WELCOME!

I will remember you as a July 20th start date and check in with you 15 days from now! I will continue with you all until your challenge is done.

Thanks for joining....Best wishes!! :grin:
Hey...this a challenge that I can stick to, because I already take my vitamins on pretty regular schedule. I just need to step up the water.

I'm in!!!!!:) starting today!

however, I need to update the vitamins in my signature, because they have changed...
I'm officially starting today, July 20th. I've been drinking water all week but not 8 glasses a day. So count me in, too! I'm already taking my vitamins.