6-week BKT comparison--You input requested...


Well-Known Member
Did my second Global Keratin Juvexin BKT two days ago. I haven't washed yet because I'm enjoying my nicely flatironed hair!

The reason I'm posting before the wash (when one actually gets to see the real results) is that I need some objective assessment of the length of my hair. As I flat ironed the nape area I felt my hair brush my shoulder a little (gasp!). Is this real growth since last month, or am I imagining things? And, btw, what length is this?

P.S. For those checking out my avatar pict: That was my first BKT, on 8-weeks post relaxed hair, November 2009. I am currently 100% relaxer-free.:yep:
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I think it's bottom of neck length, not quite shoulder. The 2nd pic def looks a little longer.

Thanks for the clarification. I wouldn't feel comfortable calling this "shoulder length" given that my hair's growing in many layers and the bulk (top and front) just hit around my chin. "Bottom of neck" sounds like an apt description for my not-so-dear mullet :look:
To be honest, it's hard to tell because of the two different angles. But, it does look thicker. This is neck length. In my opinion, shoulder length is when the bulk of the hair is resting on one's shoulders. But, you can claim it whenever you feel comfortable.
I would say that you are full Neck Length and I can definitely tell that your hair has gotten thicker...and I can see a little more length as well. Keep growing!!!
I appreciate all the input and encouraging replies. I'm so excited to have confirmation that my hair is, indeed, growing. I'll concentrate my efforts on not messing things up.

My new focus is RETENTION.

Thanks all!