6 months post length check! (Long transition!)


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:congrats:Absolutely awesome, your hair is thick and pretty. please share your regimen with us because i know some persons like myself would live to know. I loved the video too.

Do you have any pictures of your hair straightened. I bet it will look so gorgeous.
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Girl, you have a beautiful head of hair! So thick and lush, awesome progress! :clapping:
This is very inspirational for me. I was trying to decide on whether to bog chop or long term transition and your journey has spoken to me. Long term transition it is!!!

Thanks for sharing! You have a great blog too.
:congrats:Absolutely awesome, your hair is thick and pretty. please share your regimen with us because i know some persons like myself would live to know. I loved the video too.

Do you have any pictures of your hair straightened. I bet it will look so gorgeous.

I thanks God, hon! I'm currently staying away from heat until I can at least get to HL..lol! However, will try some no-heat stretching techniques like curlformers and African threading!

Girl, you have a beautiful head of hair! So thick and lush, awesome progress! :clapping:
I thank God, hon! Thanks for commenting, hon!

Congrats! That's some lovely progress
Congrats, thanks for sharing. I'd love some regi tips too.

Thanks be to God, hon! Regimen in next post below!

Great progress! Your hair is so thick and yummy!

So, uh, yeah, where da tips at?
I will be adding tips and regimen in the next reply below. Thanks, hon! (To God be the glory!)

Your hair is so pretty!

I'm so envious lol.

Love it!!! :love: It looks so thick and healthy. :yep:

Gorgeous hair and great progress!!!

Great progress and love your hair!

Your retention is awesome!

Your hair is pretty & healthy...

Happy Hair Growing!

Your hair is beautiful!!!! Congrats on your progress!

Nice progress.

You and your hair are so beautiful. Love the thickness!

This is very inspirational for me. I was trying to decide on whether to bog chop or long term transition and your journey has spoken to me. Long term transition it is!!!

Thanks for sharing! You have a great blog too.

:blush: I thank God for LHCF and other such sites, ladies!

Great progress! *Waits for regimen*

Oh wow, very nice! Need reggie ASAP!
Regimen in next reply...lol! I thank God for the growth and patience (I usually am not this patient).

Love your curls!

Very pretty and you got some amazing growth!!!

Glory be to God, ladies! Thanks for commenting!
Current Regimen:
- Moisturize and seal twice daily with a moisture spray and a light oil!
- Protective style: Two-strand twists/Flat twists / Buns/ Havana Twists
- Co-wash or Apple Cider Vinegar rinse once a week
- Deep condition every 1 - 2 weeks.
- Rhassoul Clay treatment to clarify and detangle every 2 months.
- Finger detangle every week

- I leave some conditioner in my hair after final rinse to keep it soft!
- Always air dry my hair!
- Dust (light trim) ends as needed.


  • Moisture spray: usually just diluted Tresemme Naturals Conditioner +/- Aloe vera juice.
  • Current conditioner: a homemade conditioner I have been working on with lots of aloe vera juice in the mix. Otherwise, I co-wash with Tresemme Naturals.
  • Shea Oil: Still loving it after one year of using this and trying to make an oil mix of similar consistency with castor oil and rapeseed oils as the base ingredients.


  1. I swear by protective styling! I will either bun, twist or do both! lol! I can wear the twists down as long as I moisturize a bit more often.
  2. Always moisturize your hair at least daily. My minimum is twice a day (quick spray in the morning and at night before bed).
  3. I always go to bed with my satin scarf AND bonnet (I sleep hard...the scarf would not make it through the night without the extra anchor).
  4. Try out new oils: they are usually quite cheap (except Rosehip and Argan oil) and you can mix them to get the results you want. For more costly, oils just add a small amount to your fave cheapie and go. You only need a little of those oils to have the effect anyway (the Vitamin E effect!).
  5. Take pictures every month or every few months: it really motivated me to keep going (and growing).
  6. Find inspiring bloggers and YouTubers to follow: they can help you stay on this journey. Not to forget the lovely ladies on LHCF! :drunk:
  7. Don't stop believing (:lol:) in the growth potential of your hair. People will not believe until you have evidence to show your efforts are working. Until then, keep doing what you're doing and let them titter on!
lolascurls Thanks for the regimen. Do you use heat at all?

Moisturise, protective style, low manipulation and satin scarf for bed - That's what I swear by too. That's my winning combination.

It looks like you gained serious length and thickness in just 3 months!
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Your hair is beautiful... Congratulation!! I hope my hair can get to those length

All, I can say it :clap::clap:: and Well Done!. Your hair is so pretty and lush!

nice :)


oh wow congratulations!! that's wonderful progress

Thank you ladies!

@lolascurls Thanks for the regimen. Do you use heat at all?

Moisturise, protective style, low manipulation and satin scarf for bed - That's what I swear by too. That's my winning combination.

It looks like you gained serious length and thickness in just 3 months!

Hi, hon! No, I don't use any heat. I just don't want to risk any damage or slow my progression to HL with any setbacks. I agree that this seems to be a pretty winning combination for maximal length retention.

Thank you ladies!

Hi, hon! No, I don't use any heat. I just don't want to risk any damage or slow my progression to HL with any setbacks. I agree that this seems to be a pretty winning combination for maximal length retention.

Totally understand. I made the same decision to stay away from heat for the same reason. Just keep doing what you are doing! you'll be HL in no time!