
New Member
I've been on LHCF for 6 months.
I'm 8 months into my transition.
I haven't had a trim in 7 months.
I was supposed to wait until the 15th
to reveal my progress, but I was anxious.
I did the rollerset yesterday.
Here's how it turned out.
My hair got lighter... it was dyed Black
so I guess the sun has taken it's toll.
The ends did get fuller... I was working with
about 3 inches of new growth, but it was easy breezy.
I'm right smack dab in the middle of SL & APL which is what
I predicted. I'm happy.


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Wow! Your hair looks beautiful! Congrats on your excellent progress! I'm in agreement about the presentation of your progress. It looks great!

Lots and lots of buns and pin-ups.
My ends never see the light of day ... it's hard sometimes.

Thanks everybody...
I better have a good presentation...
I spent 6 years and lots of student loan $$$
: undergrad & grad in Advertising.
Just working the hell out of it. ;o)
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Length, health, and thickness in 6 months... not sure it gets much better than that! :clap:congrats!
Your hair look nice. I like your presentation. I also like your blog; I visited it the other day. Keep up the good work.

I did have a question, you have not encounter any shrinkage on your hair journey? When I was in month 7 of my transition my hair started to shrink.
Oooohhh pretty and lush! Ok chica what's the regimen :bat: and don't leave out pertinent vitamin details:grin:
Your hair look nice. I like your presentation. I also like your blog; I visited it the other day. Keep up the good work.

I did have a question, you have not encounter any shrinkage on your hair journey? When I was in month 7 of my transition my hair started to shrink.

Absolutely I experience shrinkage.
I have pics in my fotki in August (2 months ago)
when I reached 6 months into my transition.
Here's one.

Oooohhh pretty and lush! Ok chica what's the regimen and don't leave out pertinent vitamin details

Thanks. My everyday regimen is on my blog.
But for these pics... yesterday... I...

-Part my hair in four sections
-Pre-pooed/DC'ed with Silcon mix for 45 minutes/steam towel under bonnet dryer
-Rinsed out in the shower, leaving it in the 4 sections
-Shampooed with Nexxus Therappe each section at a time
-Applied instant conditioner Suave Humectant each section at a time
-Detangled with Jilbere shower comb under water, rinsing out the Humectant each section at a time
-Rollerset hair using macherieamour's technique, but instead I rollerset in same 4 sections... this is easier for me
because I don't have to bother with parting and getting my hair tangled again. I set with Salerm 21 & water in a spritz bottle
-Sit under the dryer for 90 minutes.
-Wrap hair, wrap with saran wrap... sit under dryer for 20 mins.
-Take wrap out... flat iron the roots... pin curl four sections... wrap with
saran wrap... sit under dryer for another 20 mins.

That's it!!! BTW this is all on my blog & FOTKI ... slightly modified from what I did in July
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Beautiful progress Southern Tease!! I'm glad you posted early because I'd turned into a mini stalker and was getting so excited for the 15th to get here-LOL. Great blog btw-I enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work.
your progress is simply amazing!! i'm in advertising & marketing in my 9-5 and you presentation can compete out there! Very creative.

you go girl!!
My hair looks kind of dull in the pics...
it's much shinier in real-life...
bad lighting... I'm staying with family
temporarily... I might have to take better ones later.
Lots and lots of buns and pin-ups.
My ends never see the light of day ... it's hard sometimes.

Thanks everybody...
I better have a good presentation...
I spent 6 years and lots of student loan $$$
: undergrad & grad in Advertising.
Just working the hell out of it. ;o)

Loving it! *applauds*
Lots and lots of buns and pin-ups.
My ends never see the light of day ... it's hard sometimes.

Thanks everybody...
I better have a good presentation...
I spent 6 years and lots of student loan $$$
: undergrad & grad in Advertising.
Just working the hell out of it.

Work it, Girl!! Your hair and presentation are great!!