6 month no-relaxer challenge


New Member
I've noticed that many of the ladies on the stretching relaxer challange are trying to fo beyond month 4 or 5. I secretly set this goal for myself a while ago. I'd like to see if I get could get to the 6 month mark with minimal breakage. So far the longest I've gone is 4 months. After that, I don't know. BUT, I've really been inspired by many of the transitioners on the board who've gone way longer without a relaxer and their hair is still looking good.

You in no way have to feel committed to complete this challenge. If you start experiencing more breakage than you're comfortable with, do what you have to do. I consider this a win/win situation. Plus we can share specific techniques/strategies for new growth maintenance at specific weeks.

OK, so my hair is 4a and I'm already 12 weeks post relaxer.
My goal is to go another 12 weeks without relaxing. Any others?
I'm in! I plan on wearing braids until the ends of the year anyway so it should be easy for me. I'm arleady at 12 weeks
OK count me
I just took out my braids a week ago- I bought a wig to wear for the remaining of the challenge.
My regime is:
wash/deep condition hair every week
Spray mixture of surge/castor oil twice a day

I am 4a and I am already 16 weeks post relaxer- (last relaxer date: february 12th)
Count me in as well. I'm only four weeks post relaxer so I have about 20 more weeks to go. I'm not worried about the next three months because i've gone four months between relaxers before. Month five and six I dont know but I am definetly going to try. I think I just need to be more patient and I can get through. Don't know my hair type, my guess would be 3 something. Once I get my album up maybe someone can help me out in that area. Good luck ladies.
This is great
I'm glad to see so many are interested. Please feel free to share any obstacles, bad hair days, product recommendations and techniques to make life a lil easier for us all. We can use this thread for a lil while, but if it gets too large, I'll start a new one. Stay motivated.
I'm in too.. my last relaxer was around Feb. 12th..like someone else said that hers was.. so I'm in..I figured that if I could get through the summer..I will try not to get one again... I think I'm a 3c???
Six months was the length of my transition before I decided to relax again. My stylist commented that I had no breakage and I think that what helped me the most were the conditioner washes that I do every other day.

It also helped that I finger combed and detangled my hair before every wash.

I won't be joining the challenge this time (I relax every three to four months) but I wanted to wish everyone luck and HHG!

Hmm...I'm lucky I still have hair. My stylist is always chastising me for letting 3-4 months go by before she sees me again. 6 months wouldn't be too much of a stretch for me..LOL!
I'm in too, I got my last relaxer in May at 24 weeks. I had some breakage, but I didn't know all that I know now about taming the new growth and keeping it moisturized, so this time I should be able to stretch it longer without all the breakage. My hair type is 3c/4a but mostly 4a.
What a great challenge! I love stretching out my relaxer as much as I can, which in the past has been a little over 3 months. 6 months would be wonderful but too long for my hair. Maybe I'll check out that Tangle Tamer...
I have no idea if I'm going to make it that long, but I'd really like to try. Believe me, I'll be the first one running for a relaxer if I see any breakage

Thanks for the encouragement ladies
. GMMP, I'll have to look into this tangle tamer.
My last relaxer was 2/1/04, so it is possbilbe, I just took my braids out(had them in for 7 wks) I am know sporting a bantu knot set. I plan on getting my hair blown-out by the domicans on saturday. So I guess I am about 1 month away from 6 months.

What's the purpose of stretching so long? I know that we want to have enough new growth so that we are not overlapping.... but, don't we have enough new growth at 10 weeks to avoid overlapping? will the hair really be healthier after waiting 6 months then it would be after waiting 3 months?

I'm considering joining in on this challenge but I want to make sure it will be worth it...
I dont know yet...the longest I stretched my relaxer was a little under 2 months...right now Im shooting for 3 months...

ITA w/ keylargo, what the beneficial difference in waiting for 6 months than waiting for 3 months???
What's the purpose of stretching so long?

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I was wondering the same thing. I am currently 18 weeks post relaxer and the only reason y i didn't get my hair relaxed is b/c i'm too lazy
I just stretch it out b/c i don't wear it out so much anymore. And since I plan on getting my hair braided, i don't intend on getting it relaxed until August/September... i think
It makes sense to me. Just think, even though u are only relaxing your new growth, the relaxer chemicals still goes down the length of your hair while being rinsed out. To a certain degree it seems that the less often you put chemicals in your hair, the better.

For example, when I had to cut almost all my hair off a little over a year ago, I didnt relax my hair for about 5 months. My hair was so week and damaged I was afraid to relax it at all. My hair grew like a weed, I think partly from no chemicals and partly from no heat.

I dont know that I could do it with my hair out, but I wore it up in a ponytail piece and did weekly deep conditionings and it was fine. Since Ive started wearing my hair down again and relaxing @ 6 weeks, I dont like my progress, so Im going to try to wait at least 2.5-3 months between touch ups from now on. Ill see how managable my hair is at 9,10 and 12 weeks and decide whether its best to go ahead and relax or if I can hold out.

I think this is an individual thing though, some people benefit from stretching and some dont, but I think that those who think they cant do it would be suprised to find its possible with proper care. I personally think its salon hype that you have to retouch after 6 weeks...my hair was shedding and my stylist talked me into relaxing at six weeks, well the shedding didnt stop AND it got even worse. I dont think it had much to do with needing a relaxer so from now on Im not relaxing till IM ready.

Just think of how much less money salons would make if everyone stopped retouching @ six weeks and waited 3 or 4 months ????? lol
I may try it also, but without any growth helpers (surge on hairline, stinky hair potions, GNC skin/hair vitamins, etc..) I am no longer using growth helpers, because I've experienced lots of growth these past few weeks and it's a lot to handle at a rapid rate. I normally go 3 months with no difficulty and I am at week 8 with some resistance. I am only taking a multi vitamin. So, we'll see how this last month goes.
kitchen_tician said:
I may try it also, but without any growth helpers (surge on hairline, stinky hair potions, GNC skin/hair vitamins, etc..)

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What stinky hair potions have u used???

How much growth were you getting with growth helpers???
I was using Glovers Medicated liquid stuff and some other sulfur oil. The details are listed in the Stinky Hair Challenge thread.

As far as growth, I don't actually measure. But I've taken pics of the front of my hair, where the super growth is. The pics may be a little misleading, so I think maybe an inch, of new growth which is alot for me. But I really don't know. I just know that it's more than usual.
Thanks ArmyQT this is right on time!!! I need support big time, b/c getting pass this 4 mo mark is getting challenging!! I have a 'wet' vacation coming, so I'm going to be a week or so short of 6 fulls months.

Currently, I'm a few days shy of being 16 weeks post relaxer. I have another 9 weeks to go.

Since my hair is texturized it hasn't been a huge issue managing new growth. I've been able to get it all to blend using braid and twist-outs which straightens my roots nicely these days. It's only after 2-3 gym visits that I notice them at all. And when I really can't stand it I condition wash. Other things that have helped... Phytodefrisant and Nacidit softens my hair so much that I was actually looking silky this week.
Girl, I wish I could join, but if I waited that long between touch-ups, I'd only see hair on other people's head! LOL!
My hair starts breaking if I wait too long. Good luck to everyone else.
I don't plan on doing the challenge but I wanted to wish everyone luck!
I look forward to reading everyone's updates.