4b Transitioners: Please share your tips!


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, I’m 11 weeks post and this is after a 13 week stretch, where I did an underprocessed (Texlax) relaxer. I had a pretty straight relaxer in March, then did the texlax in June, so I have a good amount of “new growth” under the “hood”:lol:. I’m debating whether to go natural or not (I always am). Did any of you 4b’s not do the big chop, and if so, how did you achieve this. I don’t want to do a big chop. I am probably really a combo of 4a/b, but I want to get advice from 4b’s, b/c this is the areas of my hair that will be most difficult to maintain. Any tips are welcome. Thanks ladies!:)
Aug 30th begins my 9th month of transitioning:blush:. I had to use my fingers to count:lachen:, anyway, I haven't been doing anything extra special with my hair. I put lots and lots of conditioner (V05 strawberries and cream) on my new growth and detangle really well before I shampoo my hair. When I say a lot, I nearly used half the bottle, I don't mind because it's so cheap. So my hair is not dripping wet, but is nicely lubed up before the comb touches it. I also wash my hair in four sections, this helps keep tangling to a minimum. I still use the same products and do the same styles.
Aug 30th begins my 9th month of transitioning:blush:. I had to use my fingers to count:lachen:, anyway, I haven't been doing anything extra special with my hair. I put lots and lots of conditioner (V05 strawberries and cream) on my new growth and detangle really well before I shampoo my hair. When I say a lot, I nearly used half the bottle, I don't mind because it's so cheap. So my hair is not dripping wet, but is nicely lubed up before the comb touches it. I also wash my hair in four sections, this helps keep tangling to a minimum. I still use the same products and do the same styles.

Thanks. Bumping for more responses! Especially from those with APL or longer (but short haired ladies, don’t feel left out). I’ve got at least APL + BSL length hair, so I’m wondering if this is going to affect my transition???
I'm 9 months into my transition, here's some of the things I've learned.....
1. DC with heat twice a week, keeps moisture issues at bay..........
2. Try to find products that BOTH textures agree with, most of the time the products you used while relaxed will not agree with your newgrowth:wallbash:
3. Moisturize Daily, if not twice daily early into your transition, and continue.
4. Tie your hair up at night, and satin IS NOT the same as silk, like a Mercedes and Ford they are in two different classes. (silk seems to help the hair maintain moisture better)
5. Personally i have a low cone 98% natural reggie, this prevents me from having to shampoo as often and possibly fight tangles, cones(unles using heat, which i don't) and sulfates are not my friend :ohwell:
6. Leave it alone.....you have two different textures of hair on your head, everyday is not going to be a good hair day, always have a cute scarf, hat, wig or ponytail (i wear wigs 100% of the time)
7. Fingercombing is your friend, please do not try and yank a comb through your newgrowth, your new growth WILL WIN.
8. Try not to pull and tug your hair into a ponytail , you'll just cause breakage...try loose braids as an alternative.
9. Understand that your hair is going through a transition so you will experience shedding, just keep your moisture up, and do light protein, and DON'T worry. Look at it as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, the old stuff has to shed.
10. Continue to stalk foktis for inspiration and remember why your transitioning.
11. Patience, your hair will tangle just have alot of conditioner on hand at all times.

Thats all for now, I hope this helps!
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I'm 9 months into my transition, here's some of the things I've learned.....
1. DC with heat twice a week, keeps moisture issues at bay..........
2. Try to find products that BOTH textures agree with, most of the time the products you used while relaxed will not agree with your newgrowth:wallbash:
3. Moisturize Daily, if not twice daily early into your transition, and continue.
4. Tie your hair up at night, and satin IS NOT the same as silk, like a Mercedes and Ford they are in two different classes. (silk seems to help the hair maintain moisture better)
5. Personally i have a low cone 98% natural reggie, this prevents me from having to shampoo as often and possibly fight tangles, cones(unles using heat, which i don't) and sulfates are not my friend :ohwell:
6. Leave it alone.....you have two different textures of hair on your head, everyday is not going to be a good hair day, always have a cute scarf, hat, wig or ponytail (i wear wigs 100% of the time)
7. Fingercombing is your friend, please do not try and yank a comb through your newgrowth, your new growth WILL WIN.
8. Try not to pull and tug your hair into a ponytail , you'll just cause breakage...try loose braids as an alternative.
9. Understand that your hair is going through a transition so you will experience shedding, just keep your moisture up, and do light protein, and DON'T worry. Look at it as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, the old stuff has to shed.
10. Continue to stalk foktis for inspiration and remember why your transitioning.
11. Patience, your hair will tangle just have alot of conditioner on hand at all times.

Thats all for now, I hope this helps!

Totally agree with the bolded. For a couple of weeks, I've was trying to detangle with a wide tooth comb in the shower with my hair saturated in conditioner. The comb still wins ya'll. Besides this, it may detangle, but because of the demarcation line and the fact that your hair is weak when wet...not a good idea. Fingercombing in the shower and before I put my hair in braids to put under my wig has worked wonders. I even part with my fingers.

I don't think I will comb my hair until my FIRST EVER :yay: growth update in July when I straighten it. Haven't been doing this haircare thing long.
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I'm 9 months into my transition, here's some of the things I've learned.....
1. DC with heat twice a week, keeps moisture issues at bay..........
2. Try to find products that BOTH textures agree with, most of the time the products you used while relaxed will not agree with your newgrowth:wallbash:
3. Moisturize Daily, if not twice daily early into your transition, and continue.
4. Tie your hair up at night, and satin IS NOT the same as silk, like a Mercedes and Ford they are in two different classes. (silk seems to help the hair maintain moisture better)
5. Personally i have a low cone 98% natural reggie, this prevents me from having to shampoo as often and possibly fight tangles, cones(unles using heat, which i don't) and sulfates are not my friend :ohwell:
6. Leave it alone.....you have two different textures of hair on your head, everyday is not going to be a good hair day, always have a cute scarf, hat, wig or ponytail (i wear wigs 100% of the time)
7. Fingercombing is your friend, please do not try and yank a comb through your newgrowth, your new growth WILL WIN.
8. Try not to pull and tug your hair into a ponytail , you'll just cause breakage...try loose braids as an alternative.
9. Understand that your hair is going through a transition so you will experience shedding, just keep your moisture up, and do light protein, and DON'T worry. Look at it as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, the old stuff has to shed.
10. Continue to stalk foktis for inspiration and remember why your transitioning.
11. Patience, your hair will tangle just have alot of conditioner on hand at all times.

Thats all for now, I hope this helps!

I just had to bump this because after reading these, my confidence going into my transition has tripled! :grin:

I'm only 5 months into my transition and i'm a 4a/b mix...hope I can still answer lol

Co-washing 3 times a week really helps me. I only detangle once a week and I've discovered that if I don't co-wash throughout the week, my hair will get really tangled and it'll take about 2hours to detangle. I pre-poo with raw shea butter, virgin coconut oil, and evoo and finger detangle and try to get out most of the shedded hair. Sometimes I comb through the relaxed ends and finger detangle through the ng since it's not wet and i don't want to comb it. After I shampoo, I detangle in 4 or 6 sections with a leave-in and I air dry using the scarf method.

I don't really do anything special, I don't stay away from "harmful" ingredients, I don't deep condition, so I say my number one helper is co-washing. It is a life/time saver for me! And because I co-wash so frequently, I don't feel the need to moisturize and seal.
I'm at 10 weeks with 4a/b hair (feels more like 20) and like everyone said condition and moisturize are so important.

This is actually the second time I'm growing out my relaxer. I did a BC back in 2001 and grew it out naturally to SL. Then I decided to rock a relaxed pixie cut for a while and eventually growing it to SL. But after suffering the same breakage I suffered from prior to my first BC, I've decided to go down this route again but transition for at least till the end of the summer. And that's in part because of LHCF and all the wealth of information I have this second time around.

I'm still looking for products to help me through, and trying to end bad habits like playing with my hair and basically treating my hair like the roots are still bone straight. So trying not to comb my hair from root to tip every night, and moisturizing are still things I work on. Oh, and I'm trying not to obsess about the shedding/breakage. But it's been hard!

But S-Curl, HH long term leave in, Pantene R&N, NTM's silk touch, and Gleau have been so helpful these last 2 weeks. Oh, and I really like my curlformers. I can't do braids (I breakout) and I'm also doing this without weaves, phony ponies etc, even though my hair just above my shoulders.

But I'm still looking and lurking around the boards for more ideas as I transition....
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Confession: I still do not know my hair type but I"m gonna roll with 4 something. :look:
Detangling in the shower (stand under the water)
Pre-pooing and co-washing
Silk scarves at night
Moisturizing my entire head
Protecting my ends

Transitioning since December '08.