4b Relaxed Ladies, Transitioners, and Stretchers


Well-Known Member
Question for 4b Relaxed Ladies, Transitioners, and Stretchers

This question is for relaxed ladies, transitioners, and stretchers, specifically if you have more relaxed hair and live in a humid climate. This was one of the issues I had that made me give up transitioning before. How do you get your braidouts, twistouts, and bantu knot outs to last the entire day? After 20 minutes outside in this Floridian humidity, my relaxed hair loses most, if not all, its style and just hangs there all stringy and icky.

Here's my process: I washed with CON shampoo in 4 sections, towel-dried my hair, conditioned with Shea Moisture conditioner, detangled, used Shea Moisture Elixir, and airdried in the 4 sections overnight. Woke up and bunned that morning.

That next night, I spritzed my hair VERY lightly with water and EVOO, added a little raw shea butter (hoping it would help with hold), braided down overnight.

I took out the braids, looked super cute in the mirror, went out to grab something from the grocery store, came home, and looked like HAM. All in all, the only part of my hair that holds the braidout is the 2.5 inches of natural hair. The rest just hangs there....what am I doing wrong? TIA

Also, I've tried this without the water, EVOO, and shea butter before on freshly airdried hair, and I get little to no hold without it.

Suggestions for changes welcome!
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alot of ladies have a hard time with humidity the only thing i have found so far is flax seed gel but out only holds a day give it a try and let me know
Ok, I used to live in San Francisco which is a very moist environment due to the fog. What worked for me was using a tiny bit of Eco styling gel when I braided my hair the night before. You might have to co-wash in the middle of the week though. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I was afraid of buildup with hold products, but I haven't tried them. I'll definitely pick a product and add it to my braidout regimen. Thanks!
I don't usually do this to my braid outs, but based on what other people are saying, you could also try fruit of the earth 100% aloe Vera gel from Walmart, that may bring you less build up than a product with cones