4b natural, New to this site seeking advice!


New Member
Hi everyone!

I'm dkp and I'm new to this site. I've been around lurking for some time and finally decided to spring for membership. I've been impressed by everyone's beautiful long and healthy hair and I'm hoping that I can have good growth too.

I'm a 4b natural with some breakage issues. I started a hair journal this year because I wanted to track my practices. But I realized one part of my problem is that I don't have a routine! I do something different every time I wash because I'm hoping to find some new miraculous way to make my breakage stop.

In the past month I got a clear rinse and did a light protein condition with my Aubrey Organics GPB because I was reading up on porosity and decided that maybe I needed to do some protein treatments so that my hair would hold moisture better. I just twisted my hair and it was drier than ever.

The only thing that seems to be quasi-helpful is weekly washes and spritzing my hair. But when a drop of moisture touches my hair while in twists they don't look fresh anymore and people start asking me if I'm locking (which is not for me right now). I also feel like so much hair breaks off when I twist.

I just feel really confused as to what to do. Journaling has helped me realize that the middle of my hair is stagnant and that may be because the area is thinning (I'm only 21 ya'll) and was the site of a BAD p.erm burn 9 years ago. But I don't know what to do.

I need some advice!!! And before you ask here's my product list

Aubrey Organics GPB (new product used once)
Suave Humectant w/honey and olive oil (used frequently)
Trader Joes NourishSpa (used sporadically)
Qhemet Amla and Olive Heavy Cream (used frequently)
Castor Oil (used sporadically)
Coconut Oil (used sporadically)
Kinky Curly Knot Today (new product used once)
Spritz of TJ condish/Vitamin E oil/Water (used frequently)
Hi and welcome to the site! There are some 4b ladies (including me) running around here. My suggestion is to scope out various 4b regimens and get a feel for what your hair may need. Some 4b's (not all) :

- are protein sensitive
- use thick "sealants" (e.g., shea butter mixed with an oil, etc.) to lock in moisture (water)
- use moisturizing deep conditioners (e.g., cheapie condish mixed with olive/coconut oil, LustraSilk mixed with oil, etc.)
- either twist, braid, or wear their hair stretched
- twist weekly after a wash, to keep the twists looking fresh

*I see that you mention spritzing, but have you tried sealing it in with a thick butter?
*Do you you deep condition with any moisturizing deep conditioners?
*Also, the fact that your hair was drier after the protein treatments implies that you may not have needed one. I really think it's that you need to deep condition and moisturize more effectively.

I'll come back to this thread later, but I'll bump it up for you ...
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I am pretty new too, but here are some thoughts:

- My hair got more moisturized when I stopped using products with cones. These can make the hair appear temporarily more moisturized, but they coat the hair and block moisture out. However, they are fine/good for some people. The Suave Humectant has dimethicone, I think. Not sure about other products. Esp if you have fine hair (size of individual strand) you could consider it.

- My hair got more moisturized when I used a clarifying shampoo and started using as few products as possible to eliminate product buildup (blocks moisture). Many ladies use a clarifying shampoo every 4-6 weeks.

- It's my understanding that porosity issues happen w/ chemical processes, so naturals may not have this issue...not totally sure though.

Welcome, and good luck!
*I see that you mention spritzing, but have you tried sealing it in with a thick butter?
*Do you you deep condition with any moisturizing deep conditioners?
*Also, the fact that your hair was drier after the protein treatments implies that you may not have needed one. I really think it's that you need to deep condition and moisturize more effectively.

I'll come back to this thread later, but I'll bump it up for you ...

Usually after I spritz I slather on some of my Qhemet Biologics Alma & Olive Heavy Cream

My deep conditioners change because I never feel like anything is really penetrating my hair shaft so I've been alternating between ORS Hair Mayo (although its a protein condish), Karen's Body Beautiful DC and Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol (that I used once with olive oil).

Whenever I use a deep conditioner it feels good until I rinse my hair. When it's all out it feels dry as ever.


I am pretty new too, but here are some thoughts:

- My hair got more moisturized when I stopped using products with cones. These can make the hair appear temporarily more moisturized, but they coat the hair and block moisture out. However, they are fine/good for some people. The Suave Humectant has dimethicone, I think. Not sure about other products. Esp if you have fine hair (size of individual strand) you could consider it.

- My hair got more moisturized when I used a clarifying shampoo and started using as few products as possible to eliminate product buildup (blocks moisture). Many ladies use a clarifying shampoo every 4-6 weeks.

- It's my understanding that porosity issues happen w/ chemical processes, so naturals may not have this issue...not totally sure though.

Welcome, and good luck!

I think that I am suffocating the hell out of my hair with all the products I use but I don't know how to minimize. I would love a simple routine with products that REALLY work but its been difficult to find them. I usually clarify once a month. I recently got a dr bronners castile soap bar which was great in the shower. However conditioner is still a mystery to me. I've used everything from aubrey organics to suave humectant to trader joes nourishspa to aussie moist to V05 to Pantene Relaxed & Natural. If you could suggest another natural conditioner it would great.

I'm also going to bump for more responses
Usually after I spritz I slather on some of my Qhemet Biologics Alma & Olive Heavy Cream

My deep conditioners change because I never feel like anything is really penetrating my hair shaft so I've been alternating between ORS Hair Mayo (although its a protein condish), Karen's Body Beautiful DC and Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol (that I used once with olive oil).

Whenever I use a deep conditioner it feels good until I rinse my hair. When it's all out it feels dry as ever.

Ah okay. That's good that you're sealing it in.

As for deep conditioners, maybe you can hold back on the ORS Hair Mayo. Your hair may not like the large amount of protein in it. As for Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol mixed with olive oil, how often have you tried it? Just once? I'm not familiar with Karen's Body Beautiful DC so I can't really comment on that.

Also, what are you using to shampoo? Is that the Trader's Joe?

Im 4b natural also and im starting to get a hang of this hair growing thing lol...I can say coconut oil, henna (once a month or every other month) ****henna helps me with strength and thickness***, conditioner!!, and protective styling ROCKS for me :woot: LCHF has helped me learn to not try EVERYTHING believe it or not. I have learned to keep it simple, stick to the basics, and try to have patience with my hair

P.S. I get the same results with my twist after a couple days and moisturizing, I just braid my twists into one cornrow down the back n leave it but braiding instead of twistin might help. HTH
Usually after I spritz I slather on some of my Qhemet Biologics Alma & Olive Heavy Cream

My deep conditioners change because I never feel like anything is really penetrating my hair shaft so I've been alternating between ORS Hair Mayo (although its a protein condish), Karen's Body Beautiful DC and Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol (that I used once with olive oil).

Whenever I use a deep conditioner it feels good until I rinse my hair. When it's all out it feels dry as ever.

I think that I am suffocating the hell out of my hair with all the products I use but I don't know how to minimize. I would love a simple routine with products that REALLY work but its been difficult to find them. I usually clarify once a month. I recently got a dr bronners castile soap bar which was great in the shower. However conditioner is still a mystery to me. I've used everything from aubrey organics to suave humectant to trader joes nourishspa to aussie moist to V05 to Pantene Relaxed & Natural. If you could suggest another natural conditioner it would great.

I'm also going to bump for more responses

I really like Shescentit avocado. There are some other good suggestions over here:

I also just want to say that having the correct hair practices is just as important as finding products that work well for you hair.

This includes:
- consistent moisturizing of your hair
- protecting your hair with a silk/satin scarf at night
- making sure the way you style your hair isn't damaging
- gentle combing/detangling

Also, drinking enough water ensures that your hair is more moisturized from the inside out.

Almost forgot, welcome to the site!! :)