4b Natural Curls


The Credit Countess
I have been transitioning for 9 months now and I am really really thinking about a BC. Right now I wear my hair how in a twist out puff most days.

I really want to know what does other mostly 4b natural ladies use to make their curls pop. I would love to do a wash and go puff or something like that when not doing twist out. My hair grow out not down. Right now my hair is close to my ear and most of that is new growth. I probably have about 3 inches of relaxed hair ready to go.

Also, any and all products that you have found helped your hair as a 4b natural.

The only thing I know that is able to make 4B curls have definition is shingling. I don't know the process, but I think it includes adding a heavy amount of product on the hair. Usually 4B texture has no curl definition, although I think it depends on the hair's texture. Don't quote me, but I believe the ladies with a finer, more silky texture will have an easier time getting their 4B curls defined. It'll take much longer to try to get thick, course 4B hair to have noticable curls.
Most of us 4Bs don't really care about curls popping. S Curl will make your hair curl back into a nice round afro but if you're talking about clumping spirals/coils, then that's something you'd achieve with shingling like Lovenharmony said.

When I used to hear this question, I just thought people wanted to get their hair to get coily and not be straightish, so I'd say S Curl does that. But S Curl just makes your hair shrink back into its coiled state and if you comb it, you get a circular shape. That's it.

The definition you're asking about doesn't happen easily with 4B coz the coils are too small to be seen, so even if you achieved it, from afar it'd not stand out like 4A.
The definition you're asking about doesn't happen easily with 4B coz the coils are too small to be seen, so even if you achieved it, from afar it'd not stand out like 4A.

Exactly! I'm 4b/c, texlaxed now, but when I was natural, my curls were so microscopic...it just look like an afro.
Thanks ladies, that makes sense that 4b doesn't have curl definition. I didn't know if there was anything to make the curls more defined. I will look into S-Curl or even World of Curls.

:bump: for more replies.
If you don't have curls, any of the "curl defining" products won't help....

It HAS to be one of those things you either were born with or not.

Don't "go natural" in hopes for defined curls..because more often than not, 4Bs don't have em
I'm not going natural for hopes of defined curls. Thank you. I'm going natural because my hair hasn't done good with relax hair. I just wanted to know if anything could be done to help the progress along. That's all. Nothing more nothing less!

If you don't have curls, any of the "curl defining" products won't help....

It HAS to be one of those things you either were born with or not.

Don't "go natural" in hopes for defined curls..because more often than not, 4Bs don't have em
There is a youtuber who tried to convince me it was possible to make 4b hair curly by layering the usual stuff - conditioner and glycerin based products. I commented something along the lines that not all hair does that. She disagreed - I didn't see the point in debating it further. Anyway all you can do is try. If your hair curls up you don't have 4b hair. If it doesn't curl up then learn to appreciate your hair for what it does rather than hatin' on it for what it doesn't do.
I was really just curious. That's what this hair journey is all about isn't it. Trying new things and learning about your hair.

Thank you everyone for the replies.
Wanting curls when you are a 4b IMO is like wanting light skin when you are dark or wanting to be curvy when you are not...it's just this endless, unsatisfying battle. Believe me I know. It's best to focus on having super healthy, moisturized hair. It's best to work with what you have. Curly hair is not the end all and be all. Yes, it is pretty:yep:, but so is kinky, fluffy, dense hair. All hair when healthy, well-conditioned, moisturized is beautiful. Sorry to go on a tangent but not just talking to you OP but also to myself and anyone else who is praying for curly hair.
I was really just curious. That's what this hair journey is all about isn't it. Trying new things and learning about your hair.

Thank you everyone for the replies.

It's a great question and a very common question. We are just trying to encourage you to love whatever type of hair you have because lawd you can end up spending so much time and money searching for curl definition. Please don't take the responses personally, it's just a topic that sparks a lot of interest. Best of luck with your journey.
Thanks hopeful,

I'm not really taking the replies too personally, been here long enough not to. It's just that I know how it can go here. You ask one question, one person takes it to another place and off it goes. I wanted to stress that no matter what I'm not going natural for the curls but I just wanted to know if it was possible. It's all good.

It's a great question and a very common question. We are just trying to encourage you to love whatever type of hair you have because lawd you can end up spending so much time and money searching for curl definition. Please don't take the responses personally, it's just a topic that sparks a lot of interest. Best of luck with your journey.
Godpromise, that was not really such a crazy question. If you look at a few 4B strands close up, they clump up:

So one would think it's a style you can pull off. Except when seen from afar, it looks more like this:

So OP don't think people are being cheeky or find your question silly. There have just been so many people who go natural thinking they'll have hair like Billsbackerz67's (3C) or Glamazon's (4A) and then get very disappointed because they cannot pull off WNGs that look like theirs.
Yep yep. Every time I see a post that says "4b hair does not have a curl pattern" I get confused as to how people come to that conclusion. Because I think of many pics I've seen of 4b naturals Like Nonie's and Mwedzi's and I'm like mmhmm. Also my brother has coily 4b hair and I've styled his hair numerous times and low and behold, there's curls. LOL
^^^^^ I agree. Threads like this confuse me. I thought I was a 4b, but I definitely have curls and I don't experience all of the hardships other 4-somethings mention.

I wash & condition with Tresemme' Flawless Curls. Sometimes I cowash with Salon Selectives Moisture (I have cornrows right now, so I forgot the exact name.) and finger comb in Long Aid activator gel.

I don't use a lot of products but my curls are visible, so that's why I just say I'm 4-something. Hair typing can be so confusing to me.
Good luck w/your journey Godspromises.. I believe you've found your answers from the responses here.. consensus is that you most likely won't have curls that "pop" if you are a 4B. Have fun growing your hair to whatever desire you have for it and keeping it healthy :-)
Most of us 4Bs don't really care about curls popping. S Curl will make your hair curl back into a nice round afro but if you're talking about clumping spirals/coils, then that's something you'd achieve with shingling like Lovenharmony said.

When I used to hear this question, I just thought people wanted to get their hair to get coily and not be straightish, so I'd say S Curl does that. But S Curl just makes your hair shrink back into its coiled state and if you comb it, you get a circular shape. That's it.

The definition you're asking about doesn't happen easily with 4B coz the coils are too small to be seen, so even if you achieved it, from afar it'd not stand out like 4A.

Yep, yep.:yep:
Great responses ladies!

Here's my take:

I have 4b hair. In my avatar, you see my "curls popping". It is simply a twist out on wet hair using Oyin's Shine and Define. It looks more like a 4a wash-n-go to me, but still... my curls are "popping".

In my siggy below (the before pic), my TWA is a true wash-n-go. You can't see it from the pic very well, but there weren't very defined curls here. In the after picture, my hair is in a dry flat twist out. My hair is stretched here so you don't see very many curls.

So... my conclusion is, yes you can have "curls" with 4b hair with the right product. However, these will be very small, coily curls like in Nonie's pic above. What you won't have is large, curly curls like 3b hair types. Like hopeful said, a desire for this will be an endless battle. 4b hair is not 3b hair. Period.

I am confident you will love your hair whatever type it is. Every hair type can be styled and rock'd in so many beautiful and versatile ways. When you BC, you will see how amazing it is. HHJ! :)
I"m 4a/b and my curls don't clump really well. I find that heavier products like cholesterol help w/this but leave build up on the hair. Properly moisturized hair tends to have the best curl definition IMO. Cowashing + oil+ gel gives me decent curls but they still don't clump like type 3 hair. My hair is poofy and grows out as well so I have to twist or braid to get hang time w/my hair.
I am nearly 8 months post relaxer and I do not know if I want to transition or not. I just wanted to know how my natural hair would look like and if it could come out curly and beautiful. I have spirals throughout my hair that are the size of coffee stirrers. I am still not sure of my hair type and I really don't care. If I decide to transition, I will make the most of the texture of my hair. It's all about kind of playing with your hair to see what works for you. I am sure you will be successful in your transition.
I say just try heavier products and see if they work for you, It don't hurt to try and if it don't work it just don't work, that doesn't mean you don't like your natural texture, I have 4b parts in my hair and when my hair is really short I had curls, but as it grows longer there are no curls, just hair, but other parts are curly. I try to blend it with Gel. But play around with your hair, make it fun & enjoyable for you.
^^^ I agree with the above post. Play around and find what product work and dont work for you. It might get expensive and its gonna suck buying a product to only use it once but usually thats what it takes with our type of hair. Luckily I found stuff right off the back and havent changed it up since the last couple of months when I got my hands on some Yes to Carrots. I BC'd also at 9 months and it was the best decision I made yet. At first I thought my texture would change and asked how to get my curls to define more but realized my texture was not like that and accepted it. I keep my hair in twist 95% of the time and now that my hair is little longer I like to wear wash and gos a lot more. Good luck on this journey its tough but fun.
ITA w/ all the 4Bs who have posted responses!

I think the best way for someone with 4B hair to achieve the crinkly or curly look is to do a twist-out or braid-out or bantu knot-out or straw/roller-set, etc... you can unravel when dry and have defined curls/crinkles .... and depending on the size of the sections used to create the twists, braids or bantu knots, etc, the resulting crinkles/curls will either be small, medium or large

Our hair type is composed of the teeny tiniest coils that do not clump naturally into defined coils/curls ... it naturally takes on a beautiful cloud/afro appearance ....it would take a LOT of work and product to force our coils to clump, making something like shingling w/ gel a daunting, unnecessary task IMO!

So yes our hair can easily form the defined coils/curls you are looking for with a simple twist/braid/bantu knot-out/straw/roller-set instead of a wash n go ... different methods, same beautiful results!

OP I think you will be pleasantly surprised w/ what your hair can do ... it's only a matter of figuring out "how" :)
For the last 2 months I have been wearing twist outs formed by doing a two stand twist into a bantu knot and I have been very happy with it. I was just trying to figure out if I could do the same thing without the twisting part. The answer seems to be no and I'm ok with that.

Last night I did a BC and most of my relax ends are gone : happy dance: I then did my usual twist/bantu knots and this morning it is in a twist out puff. Since I have no where to go tomorrow I think that when I get up in the morning I will wash it and just let it dry naturally and see what the outcome will be.

Thanks again. I am now reading post on natural 4b hair as well as youtubing.
I have some patches of 4b hair I think. I'm not even sure any more

Most of my hair coils up but for other parts that don't I just twist the hair around my finger a little and instant coil, it looks like the hair that coils up on its own. You could probably try doing that.
Last night I did a BC and most of my relax ends are gone ...
...Since I have no where to go tomorrow I think that when I get up in the morning I will wash it and just let it dry naturally and see what the outcome will be. .

You B.C.'d! Could you please post pics?!:yep:
4b checking in. I have no natural curls to define:nono: and trying to define my little coilies would surely lead to a lengthy detangling session:nono: So I'm co-signing with what has already been said.

To the OP: I hope you have fun exploring your new hair!:yep:
For the last 2 months I have been wearing twist outs formed by doing a two stand twist into a bantu knot and I have been very happy with it. I was just trying to figure out if I could do the same thing without the twisting part. The answer seems to be no and I'm ok with that.

Last night I did a BC and most of my relax ends are gone : happy dance: I then did my usual twist/bantu knots and this morning it is in a twist out puff. Since I have no where to go tomorrow I think that when I get up in the morning I will wash it and just let it dry naturally and see what the outcome will be.

Thanks again. I am now reading post on natural 4b hair as well as youtubing.

Congrats on the bc GodsPromises! How exciting. I like your twist/Bantu knot idea, I need to try that. I think my hair is some combo of 4a/4b and maybe a little 3c. When I was natural I did find products & techniques that made my hair appear curly, but I still remember the day I put my hands in my hair and felt all the gunk, all the extra gels & creams & oils and I was just like enough is enough, this is just too much. That's when I realized it had become an obsession. But ITA with Signaturebeauty, enjoy playing with your hair and trying different techniques and products. You may also be surprised at how your hair changes. When I first bc'd my crown would not hold a twist, it would just unravel. Later my crown held twists beautifully. I can't wait to bc and be natural again--you have inspired me :).