4a/b Brastrap Naturals...Regimens Please!


Well-Known Member
I know there are some of you out there, but I can't recall any names. I'm curious to know your regimens. I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to manage that much hair, since brastrap/mid-back is my goal length.

Please detail which products you use, how often you wash, use heat, do you airdry, etc.

Can't wait to hear from you.
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Well I'm not brastrap (yet) but I'm getting there. Right now my hair in the back is between my shoulder blades and the front is a little past my collarbone which I'm very excited about cause ever since I cut my hair at 17 y/o, the front never got that long until now. I'm finding that I need to keep my ends moisturized more than ever. Every night I spritz with Giovanni vitapro and seal with some oil blend. I've gone back to using silicone. It just makes it easier and faster to detangle. I shampoo weekly and clarify once a month. I also do protein treatments (aubrey gpb) every 2 weeks to keep my hair strong. So far I'm retaining length so I'm happy, I'm hoping to hit brastrap by this winter.

Some good fotkis are Peachtree, Iris & Maestradiva77
I actually expected my hair to be much harder to deal with at this length than it is. Sometimes I think newer naturals are just starting to learn how to manage their hair, so the thought of having longer hair seems overwhelming, but you forget that in the process of growing it to that length, you'll become a pro at doing your hair. Things will be second nature to you by then so it won't actually be as big a deal as you expect.

As far as my regimen, it has changed a bit recently and you can view it and my previous regimen at my hair site (in siggy). In general I like to keep it simple with wash and go styles. I'm low on products but big on moisture via frequent washing. I straighten about twice a year, which is also when I trim. My ends are always "free" as I don't wear braids or twists or anything, so I'm pretty protective of my ends otherwise. I always tie my scarf on at night, I use primarily my fingers for detangling, and I never, ever pick my hair out into an afro or afro puff--always shrunken and coily.
BlackCardinal said:
I actually expected my hair to be much harder to deal with at this length than it is. Sometimes I think newer naturals are just starting to learn how to manage their hair, so the thought of having longer hair seems overwhelming, but you forget that in the process of growing it to that length, you'll become a pro at doing your hair. Things will be second nature to you by then so it won't actually be as big a deal as you expect.

As far as my regimen, it has changed a bit recently and you can view it and my previous regimen at my hair site (in siggy). In general I like to keep it simple with wash and go styles. I'm low on products but big on moisture via frequent washing. I straighten about twice a year, which is also when I trim. My ends are always "free" as I don't wear braids or twists or anything, so I'm pretty protective of my ends otherwise. I always tie my scarf on at night, I use primarily my fingers for detangling, and I never, ever pick my hair out into an afro or afro puff--always shrunken and coily.

Thanks for the info Black Cardinal.