4A/4B Naturals... Tell Me Your Fave NATURAL Line!


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie at having a head full of completely natural hair, and I've also never used natural products before. I'm overwhelmed by all the choices, but I just want to get together a very basic regimen to grow my hair out long and healthy. I'll probably just be wearing braids and twists a lot. I need a shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer to start.

I've been looking at Oyin, Qhemet Biologic and Anita Grant but I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks in advance!
I like Aubrey organics GBP conditioner and Giovanni's direct leave-in. I'm waiting on my Elucence shampoo to come in. I have been using Aubrey's organics Island naturals but I have found it to be drying. HTH.:)
out of all the popular natural product lines, oyin and ashas gave me the best results. try buying a sample pack from each company before you buy any large sizes to test them out first.
i only used the conditioner from jane carter. but it was the best conditioner i ever used and it smells good also. no conditioner ever made my hair feel that soft. but it's the only natural line i ever used so i can't compare it to any others.
what works for me is oyin greg juice, whipped pudding and shine and define, carol's daughter healthy hair butter and qhmet alma and olive heavy cream
KiSseS03 said:
I'm a newbie at having a head full of completely natural hair, and I've also never used natural products before. I'm overwhelmed by all the choices, but I just want to get together a very basic regimen to grow my hair out long and healthy. I'll probably just be wearing braids and twists a lot. I need a shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer to start.

I've been looking at Oyin, Qhemet Biologic and Anita Grant but I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Bump! Im really looking for a line as well, I dont mind things that are moderately priced (maybe even a little expensive if necessary) I just want them to work, and I'd like to try to sticking with a line (for shampoo and conditioner). I've tried cheaper stuff: suave and V05, and maybe once I get my hair in better condition, they might work, but for now- not so.

Also, what do people with dry 4a/b hair use to moisturize??? I really need a good moisturizer that works for most of the day.
locabouthair said:
i only used the conditioner from jane carter. but it was the best conditioner i ever used and it smells good also. no conditioner ever made my hair feel that soft. but it's the only natural line i ever used so i can't compare it to any others.
Thanks! Never heard of it.

kinchen said:
what works for me is oyin greg juice, whipped pudding and shine and define, carol's daughter healthy hair butter and qhmet alma and olive heavy cream
thanks also!
I like the Qhemet Biologics line. For years I was strictly using shampoo and Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter, but I recently decided to try the Qhemet Olive Detangler and the Amla and Olive Heavy Cream because some other natural ladies with hair similar to mine raved about her products. I can now give the Healthy Hair Butter the boot because the Qhemet line is working wonderfully. Hopefully she'll put out a shampoo soon and then I'll be set.

I second Babyblue's recommendation to buy the sample packs first.
Great idea, Babyblue, on the sample packs. Oyin and Qhemet both have them so I think I'll purchase one of each... I haven't read much about Anita Grant, so maybe those products aren't that highly recommended.
What no Hairveda Stans haven't popped up in the thread yet...She has an array of products that I love, I particularly love her oils. I'll give you a review on her other products as I experiment with them.

I'm still looking for a DC that knocks my socks off with my adding butters and oils to it to enhance. The closest thing is AO White Camilla, I can use that straight and feel conditioned.

You can not go wrong with Qhemet... This is an absolute staple for me.
What no Hairveda Stans haven't popped up in the thread yet...She has an array of products that I love, I particularly love her oils. I'll give you a review on her other products as I experiment with them.

I'm still looking for a DC that knocks my socks off with my adding butters and oils to it to enhance. The closest thing is AO White Camilla, I can use that straight and feel conditioned.

You can not go wrong with Qhemet... This is an absolute staple for me.
thats cause this thread is from o6' :giggle: they will pop in tomorrow :lachen:

u make me want a sedu even more:lick:
When I was natural (4a) my hair loved OYIN and Qhemet Biologics products(those two are truly the best if you have thick hair) As for conditioners, aubrey organics has the best conditioners hands down for natural, course, hair. For shampoo, I used Dr. Bronners peppermint soap. For a leave-in, I used oyin honey-hemp conditioner. For Moisturizers, I used Qhemet AOHC or Burdock root cream and Oyin burnt sugar pomade.

Now that I'm relaxed, I can only use qhemet burdock root cream and AO HSRC because the other products are too rich in moisture(better for natural hair)
I found that oils dry my hair out. It just clicked..because I was trying to figure out why had my ends been so crunchy and breaking. I had started to use oil to try to SEAL in the moisture. Hahaha...

So be careful with oils. I would stick with creamy leave ins and butter.
shampoo...baking soda/water mix....oyin's honey wash
conditioner...oyin's honey hemp conditioner...giovanni smooth as silk deeper moisture conditioner (can be used as a DC or cowash)
moisturizer...coconut oil...oyin's honey hemp conditioner
castor oil...to keep hair soft and protect the ends
I found that oils dry my hair out. It just clicked..because I was trying to figure out why had my ends been so crunchy and breaking. I had started to use oil to try to SEAL in the moisture. Hahaha...

So be careful with oils. I would stick with creamy leave ins and butter.

I always use oils on damp or wet hair...I don't know if they actually "seal" in moisture or if it's just easier for them to work when the hair is already a little wet...but they always leave my hair really soft and moisturized.

When I use them on dry hair...my hair just feels dry and oily.

Of course, everyone's hair is different but you may want to try it on damp/wet hair.
What no Hairveda Stans haven't popped up in the thread yet...She has an array of products that I love, I particularly love her oils. I'll give you a review on her other products as I experiment with them.

I'm still looking for a DC that knocks my socks off with my adding butters and oils to it to enhance. The closest thing is AO White Camilla, I can use that straight and feel conditioned.

You can not go wrong with Qhemet... This is an absolute staple for me.

Yep, I decided this week to try hairveda after hearing so much. I went to the site and now I'm just as confused on which of the products to try??

Otherwise I'm a fan of AO HSR
I'm not natural at all but my stylist is going to help me transition. I'm interested in trying out HYDRATHERMA NATURALS. There's a thread somewhere on this board with very balanced reviews, and the creator of these products is a member of this board (Godsflowerrr). She's been natural and relaxed. Her and her products are on http://www.healthyhairjourney.com/.

I'm anxious to see what products my stylist puts me on as I get deeper into my transition, but I'm also interested in these products.
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I always use oils on damp or wet hair...I don't know if they actually "seal" in moisture or if it's just easier for them to work when the hair is already a little wet...but they always leave my hair really soft and moisturized.

When I use them on dry hair...my hair just feels dry and oily.

Of course, everyone's hair is different but you may want to try it on damp/wet hair.

I use it on wet hair too. I finish washing add my leave ins seal with oil. Result not soft hair. I am going to try a different oil though...castor oil seemed to work well, but I never really put it through all my hair. But, I am going to break it back out because it is FREEZING (well 40F) lol. And I think I am going to check out Jojoba Oil from TJ's. Maybe it was just the type of oil I used.