4 weeks in a ROW of Dudley DRC and Aphogee and I STILL HAVE HAIR!


New Member
So before I found LHCF, my on again off again stylist who works out of her home told me when I went to her with BAD breakage/shedding that if I used Dudleys DRC it would stop the breakage. She warned me it was expensive ($60 where I purchased it) but said it would work. I finally found it, and applied as per directions. I noticed some slow down in breakage for the first 2 days after use then back to breakage. I assumed I needed more and used the following week with same results. I then used a third week in a row with same results. Out of desperation I googled breakage and shedding and black hair and found this forum. I read about Aphogee two step treatment and used it the following week with GREAT results.

Now that I know a little more about protein, moisture and balance, I am SHOCKED that I still have hair on my head after those successive intense protein treatments.

Fast forward 6 weeks to Friday. I did an Emergencee treatment to prep for my touch up next week. My hair felt and still feels FABULOUS! I have used ORS replenishing paks almost every week for the past 6 weeks.

This to me would seem like protein overload, but my hair is stronger than ever! Is it possible my hair was SOO damaged that all the protein didn't lead to further damage or is it possible that my hair just can't get enough protein? I've read a couple of people on here use Emergencee every other week or even weekly. I was considering this to maintain the strength. What do you ladies think?
welcome to the forum. i'm really not sure. i try to avoid too much protein. however, a lot of women here do it quite often with no problems. just listen to your hair. if it starts getting brittle or not having enough elasticity, it would be a good idea to slow down on protein and start moisturizing. also, make sure to follow these protein treatments with a moisturizing treatment. hth.
So before I found LHCF, my on again off again stylist who works out of her home told me when I went to her with BAD breakage/shedding that if I used Dudleys DRC it would stop the breakage. She warned me it was expensive ($60 where I purchased it) but said it would work. I finally found it, and applied as per directions. I noticed some slow down in breakage for the first 2 days after use then back to breakage. I assumed I needed more and used the following week with same results. I then used a third week in a row with same results. Out of desperation I googled breakage and shedding and black hair and found this forum. I read about Aphogee two step treatment and used it the following week with GREAT results.

Now that I know a little more about protein, moisture and balance, I am SHOCKED that I still have hair on my head after those successive intense protein treatments.

Fast forward 6 weeks to Friday. I did an Emergencee treatment to prep for my touch up next week. My hair felt and still feels FABULOUS! I have used ORS replenishing paks almost every week for the past 6 weeks.

This to me would seem like protein overload, but my hair is stronger than ever! Is it possible my hair was SOO damaged that all the protein didn't lead to further damage or is it possible that my hair just can't get enough protein? I've read a couple of people on here use Emergencee every other week or even weekly. I was considering this to maintain the strength. What do you ladies think?

My hair loooooves emergencee...I do it every 2 weeks!
Since your hair is responding well, you needed it. According to the directions of these products, you can use them more frequently, most of the time weekly, until your hair doesn't need them anymore. As long as you keep your hair balanced, you will be fine. Balance is a relative thing since everyone has different types of hair and different starting points so as long as your hair keeps responding to the treatment, keep doing it. As your hair starts to not need it anymore, just decrease the frequency and start alternating with products with more moisture as you hair tells you to do so.

Welcome to the board!
Over the last few months I've had significant breakage. I love Emergencee. It is a must. I used to purchase Emergencee at my local CVS but they stopped selling it there so I stopped using it. I unable to locate a place where I could purchase so I decided to use Apoghee again. NO HELP whatsoever. I recently found a Walgreens where I can purchase Emergencee. The Apoghee is gong back tonight!!!!!

Emergencee provides immediate relief and works very well on my hair. I will not stop using it unless they stop making it.
This reminds me that I need to get sticky icky with some Aphogee tonight. It's been a while since I've had some serious protein.
Since your hair is responding well, you needed it. According to the directions of these products, you can use them more frequently, most of the time weekly, until your hair doesn't need them anymore. As long as you keep your hair balanced, you will be fine. Balance is a relative thing since everyone has different types of hair and different starting points so as long as your hair keeps responding to the treatment, keep doing it. As your hair starts to not need it anymore, just decrease the frequency and start alternating with products with more moisture as you hair tells you to do so.

Welcome to the board!

I agree. Sometimes when your hair is badly damaged, doing this weekly is really a big savior. As long as you follow with a deep conditioner after, I don't see a problem with following that regimen until your hair stops breaking. There's a thread that posted advice on this issue, I'll try to bump it for you. But this is exactly what I do if I think my hair's had too much heat, or gets dry in the summer.