4 a/b Girls with Texturizers or those that use a Mild Relaxer


Well-Known Member
I want to see pictures of my 4a/b ladies with a texturizer or a mild relaxer. I have very fine hair and I would like more body. So I was think of switching to Phyto Index 1 and as oppose to Phyto Index 2. Please post pictures of you hair.
Well you can see the difference in my album. The first texturizer was done w/Index 1 for 8 mins. The second was done w/Index 2 (by mistake) and over worked by a stylist. After that I've been touching up w/Index 1, b/c 2 took me straighter than I wanted to be.
I fall into that group. I however use Affirm mild...not sure if u want to see my pics or not...if so...see my siggy.:)
Nice said:
Question: Are you girls able to wear your hair straight at times ?
Thanks Nice. ;)
Yup :) , w/ease. My ponytail method of drying makes my hair straight w/just a little wave in some parts. But if I wrap it or once I lay on it, it goes away. My rollersets come out big (my own skill set I'm sure), but smooth. Again wrapping makes it completely straight.
my hair is texturized aswell, there are some pics but its just to show the texture of my hair - there is no styling involved . I mostly wear my hair straight from rollersetting/blowdrying.
Im not texturized, eventhough parts of my hair looks like it is. I am very underprocessed in a lot of areas. I actually like the wave/curly parts. The next time I relax my hair I will purposely underprocess it. I will process the edges last and only for a small amount of time. Affirm Mild Lye really leaves my hair underprocessed. I have a tub of it at home, I will use it next time I relax.
I use a mild relaxer for 10 minutes only. My pics are in my album.
I've never worn mine straight - I think I would need to blow-dry it or flat-iron it for that and I don't use heat. I rollerset (haven't learned to wrap yet) to dry my hair and then do a braidout or bun or something. I can wear it "as is" also after rollersetting.
I used Phyto Index 1 last relaxer and I love the way it worked on my hair. I have nice waves but I still can get my hair straight. before that, I ws using Affirm Fiberguard in regular (many, many head like mine reported underprocessing with the mild formulation) .
So let me get this strait, you can use any relaxer as a texturizer? :eek: Just leave it on for less time..... :think: Thanks! I think I'm gonna try this for my next touch up!
What is the difference between "underprocessed" and "texturized"....which is just leaving it on for a shorter amount of time.
senimoni said:
What is the difference between "underprocessed" and "texturized"....which is just leaving it on for a shorter amount of time.
That's what I want to know. I would love to use a mild relaxer but I'm afraid of having "underprocessed" hair. I've had underprocessed hair before and it was hard to manage and was breaking. Maybe it's because I had some straight ends left. I'm wondering if I would have to cut off all previously relaxed hair in start over with a mild relaxer in order to have texturized hair. Or, maybe it depends on your hair type. I"m confused.
Hi Nice,

I have 4a/4b texturized hair and I use Designer Touch mild texturizing relaxer for 15-25 minutes. Pics are in my album for end results. I have never worn my hair straight since I texturized it.
I use a mild relaxer all the time. The only time I've ever used a reg is after having braids for a while because I had a whole lotta new growth. I've underprocessed on accident by not smoothing properly, but usually in just one small space no bigger than the size of a tiny post-it note. My hair will get bone straight with a mild by leaving it on for about 15 mins and smoothing really well.
Hi Nice, I finally have a picture...I used Phyto for the first time today --Index 1 and the haristylist told me that my hair would not be really straight and I would still have some wave in the roots..that was fine with me because I no longer want my hair bone straight--like you my hair is very fine and bone straight is not the best for my type of hair. I have been using Affirm Mild or Sensitive for years in the past..I like the Index 1 results. My hair has sooo much body...I don't even want to sleep on it :)

I will use Index 1 going forward..she did it for the full time...I think 18-20 minutes total I think I will leave it in for a shorter amount of time next time....I think stretching my relaxer for 15 weeks showed me that I don't need bone straight hair.

You can see pictures (link in my sig)
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