**3 years post toward natural journey and trim***


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

I'm still transitioning. It has been 3 years since my last relaxer. I was due for a length check so here are some progress pics:

I have been dusting every 3 months since March 2010 when I did a good inch trim but it didn't appear to be helping because my ends were gnarly when I flat-ironed yesterday. I am in protective styles ALL of the time and had been wigging it since 2008 so I don't know why they were so rough. I trimmed about 1'' to 2'' inches throughout my hair this time.

Here is a one year comparison photo. It's not much longer but it's much thicker:

March 2010

March 2011 one without the flash and one with the flash


When I first started this hair journey in 2007, I was bone-laxed and it was between ear and neck length and damaged through and through. I never really trimmed off that damaged hair and just let it grow out. Now I have around 2'' of relaxed/texlaxed hair on the very ends. At the moment, since I just trimmed, they aren't split and feel good but I know in time for my next length check, they will have to go.

Wash and DC 1x per week w/dr bronners castle soap and NTM Triple Moisture Mask.
Always wash hair in twists.
Detangle and redo twists every 2nd wash.
Coconut oil to seal water in hair as leave-in.
Flat-iron once every 3-4 months.
Dust as needed.
Protective style everyday.

I hope this helps someone. Thanks for looking!
YES! I remember that first pic....dang, I haven't seen you in a minute.
You suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure did POP back up with a BANG!
Your first and current pic are night and day! If anyone had a Cinderella Hairstory it's you. Your progress is amazing..congratz
Do you have any hair haters stories or nay-sayers who have now seen the LIGHT stories?!

Fortunately, I haven't had anyone say anything bad or have any stories because I am ALWAYS in a protective style so folks never get to see my real hair. Normally once I flat-iron for a length check, I wear it in a bun when I'm out and about. Trying to get to my goal with no setbacks so I just keep hiding my hair.
Beautiful progress!!! When do you think you will take the remaining relaxed ends off?
WOW 3 years!!?!?!? You are awesome girl and that hair is too die for!!! I can't even tell where the "damaged" ends are! Beautiful head of hair and great success story!
Beautiful! Your ends are nice and thick. When you do reach your length goals, at least you won't have any regrets about decreased density or wispy ends.
Beautiful progress!!! When do you think you will take the remaining relaxed ends off?

Thank you!

I'm hoping to get those relaxed ends off sometime in the next 4-6 months.

Girl you are good! I'm crying over 18 wks post. I must need a wig:look:

Try wigging it. It's so easy and you get to try out all kinds of styles without manipulating your own hair.

Beautiful! Your ends are nice and thick. When you do reach your length goals, at least you won't have any regrets about decreased density or wispy ends.

Exactly. If you look at my fotki, there are periods where my hair gets that tail and though there is nothing wrong with that extreme "v", I prefer more of a thick "u" shape.
Your hair is beautiful. I wish I could go for 3 years but I don't think I have that patience. Do you have any areas that are already natural?
Your hair is beautiful. I wish I could go for 3 years but I don't think I have that patience. Do you have any areas that are already natural?

Thank you for the kind words! Yes, the nape is completely natural now and other sections in the back but not entirely. I think those relaxed ends wither broke off or I trimmed them off over time.
Very nice ! I hope I can hang in there for 3 years. Great Job! Just the inspiration I needed to keep plugging along.

Great job OP. It looks terrific.
How do you style your hair daily?

I normally wear a wig that I make out of synthetic hair which lasts about a month at a time. My hair underneath the wig is in twists stuffed under a wig cap. I don't moisturize each day either since I wash, DC, and seal once a week. Extremely low manipulation reggie.