3 Mth Vit Challenge: Check In #3


New Member
:bouncy:Howz it goin'?:bouncy:

My challenge is going along GREAT :bdance: !!!! I'm sooo very proud of myself! The longest I've gone without my vits was 1 day! In fact, taking vits every other day is working FARR better for me :yay: .... I'm consuming my vits without the agony of swallowing them daily!

Oh yeah, I have a lot of follicle action going on with my scalp.... I hope those subtle "itchies" are a result of my vits :lol: . ( Off topic... my finger nails are growing sooo fast. I like em short...before I would clip them mthly, but now I'm having to clip every 2 wks... so I guess the vits are 'a working :grin: )

As far as da' hair, while dry, I can't tell if it's grown, but wet (stretched), I can DEFINITELY see a lil more growth :woot: ......

C'mon ladies, SHARE, don't be shy now!​
Yep, I'm still downin' my vitamins, one good thing, I haven't started anything new, I just replenished what was running low, I had the head itchies from growth yesterday, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a half an hour trying to all those big brown flakes out my hair, I'm taking it down and getting twisted on Sunday...and guess what the vitamins keeping me from getting sick, I haven't had a cold or anything...
Considering that I cut my hair, no real change apparent.

But my nails are out of this world. I need a fill-in every week!
I haven't been doing great. I stopped taking vitamins when I had the flu so for the first two weeks of February, I don't think I took a single vitamin. :nono: It hurt too much to take anything that wasn't a liquid. But since I got better, I've started back. I'm considering adding Country Life Maxi Hair. I need to speed up my turtle hair growing pace.
Hey! :wave:, so far so good. Since our last check in, I've missed ONE, I left the whole batch at home :mad: ! If I didn't have such a bad commute (45 miles - 1+ hour in traffic), I would have gone back to get them (I was like half way to work before I realized it!). So, I just took my usual 'before I go to bed" dose and tried not to feel guilty.

I can't really tell how much new growth I have, perhaps this weekend I stra ighten my hair (but I have to use heat so maybe not....). My nails are great though, my mom is almost ready to shed her acrylics and go natural too!

Hey Tai, sorry to hear you weren't feeling better, hope you're on the mend and going better than ever at reaching your vitamin consumption goals!!
I am still taking my vitamins. I haven't really noticed any changes in my hair, but my nails are really growing and becoming stronger.:)
I'm still going strong :) Need to buy more vitamins soon. I haven't measured my hair or anything, but my nails are growing fast and my skin looks better (that might also be my Mario Badescu products working their magic).
I'm doing good. I took one week off b/c I read in another thread that it's good to take a break so the vitamins can continue to be effective.
Hey guys, guess I'll jump in on this one. I have a full array of vitamins, that I have recently started taking.

Multi Vitamin
Multi Mineral
Vitamin E
Hair Skin and Nail Formula
Hi ladies!
Just checking in. I have been taking my vitamins consistently not missing one day. Hopefully I will have noticeable growth when I do my comparison pictures at the end of march for the challenge.:) Happy Hair Growing!
So far so good. I think I might have forgotten to take my Centrum and Silica once and that's not bad at all. It's kind of hard to tell the effect the vits are having on my hair, however, my nails are definitely a lot healthier and stronger.
Looks like we're all doing very well with our challenges :yay:

Senimoni... I've never taken silica... sorry, but I can't be much help to ya'

Are there any more updates???​