3 inches of growth in one month...is it even possible?


New Member
This question has always crossed my mind, i know its possible to get2 inches of growth in a month - and consistantly as some have proved with the help of mtg and vitamins. Anwyhoo has anyone ever gotten of 2 inches or 3 inches in a month? Just curious...and if so how?


Crissi, x
Hmmmm, well two inches is hard for me to fathom, let alone three. Ive never even gotten 1" in a month. *shrug* Im not saying 3" is "impossible", but i would definitely have to SEE the before and after pics of anyone who has ever claimed to get 3" in one month. :look:
I wouldn't say that it's impossible but I would definately have see the results. Could you imagine what one would have to do have to achieve that kind of growth? Some of the ladies here already have a regimine that I KNOW I couldn't even THINK about dealing with. Yup, I'm lazy! :sleeping:Plus... 2-3 inches a month would have to giveyou a scalp-ache!
I think for most, it's almost impossible. It's best to concentrate on identifying a regimine good for your hair, and being consistent. Don't worry about it every week or what not, obsessing on growth will drive you crazy, just execute the regimine and it will grow for ya , i know it will, HHG !
probably impossible, like kinikakes i don't see 1. But i guess if you had your hair in a protective style for a month without touching it all, plus a headscarf outdoors at all times to to protect from the elements, a very healthy diet with exercise, quality products whether they be all natural or not- then i guess maybe you could measure the optimum length you could gain in a month.
it's not possible for me. the most i get each month would be 1/2-3/4 of an inch depending on whether or not i used protective styles. i guess it could be possible, but i haven't met anyone who has been able to obtain that much growth in such a short amount of time.
I'm not sure whether it's impossible or not, but if it is possible, I think it would probably be purely genetic.
There was this one time earlier last year that I got two inches, but I went and let this stylist give me a trim to even me out and make my haircut look good. Those two inches were gone like that. She even went from using scissors to using clippers. The only good thing is that my hairstyle did look good though. But when I got those two inches that was around the time that I was about 3-6 months pregnant. So that could be it...One of those pregnancy growth spurts. OR...I think I may go get me some prenatal vitamins though cause I have been thinking about that. :)
prettypuff1 said:
Man i am seeing like .5 inches a month... I dont know if it could happen with me...

Blame your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents... I don't know what your age is but blame that too ;)

Everything is hereditary!
Impossible. I mean just look at a ruler to see that length. I don't really listen to people when they are talking 2 inches a month, I don't think some people even know what a frickin inch is. I measure mine and am not even shamed to say it. I didn't relax for 6 months, wore braids and got a realistic 2.5 to 3 inches all over which is about 0.5 inches a month. I couldn't imagine all of that in the space of 4 weeks.
LondonDiva said:
Impossible. I mean just look at a ruler to see that length. I don't really listen to people when they are talking 2 inches a month, I don't think some people even know what a frickin inch is. I measure mine and am not even shamed to say it. I didn't relax for 6 months, wore braids and got a realistic 2.5 to 3 inches all over which is about 0.5 inches a month. I couldn't imagine all of that in the space of 4 weeks.

It's not impossible to get 2 inches a month. I have before and am currently 4 weeks post with 2 inches of new growth. Measured by a measuring tape. :)
Some people's hair just grows faster than others, and just because it hasn't happened to everyone doesn't mean it can't happen at all.
What's the rush??? If your hair were growing that fast, it would probably be drawing nutrients and energy from other parts of your body. I think it is possible to grow over 1" a month with pregnancy or some other growth spurt, but the average person is not going to get that consistantly. 6" per year is more than enough for anyone to handle IMHO.:)
sugarose said:
It's not impossible to get 2 inches a month. I have before and am currently 4 weeks post with 2 inches of new growth. Measured by a measuring tape. :)
Some people's hair just grows faster than others, and just because it hasn't happened to everyone doesn't mean it can't happen at all.

I'm not saying it's impossible for 2 inches a month, I'm saying I just choose not to listen to those that claim it, and consistenly every month but have no photos to show for it, If they get a whopping 20-24 inches a year then brilliant for them. 3 inches IMHO is impossible.
Sweetcashew has said in another thread that she gets about 2 inches a month. But she doesn't use any growth aides or such. And her hair is just about to her butt, so I believe her.

Anyone else? I am gonna need pics. Sorry.

I barely can get 2 inches in 4 mos.:(
LocksOfLuV said:
Sweetcashew has said in another thread that she gets about 2 inches a month. But she doesn't use any growth aides or such. And her hair is just about to her butt, so I believe her.

Anyone else? I am gonna need pics. Sorry.

I barely can get 2 inches in 4 mos.:(

What is SweetCashew's hair type? :)

As far as "black" women go, that is a factor! :lol:
Blossssom said:
What is SweetCashew's hair type? :)

As far as "black" women go, that is a factor! :lol:

Blossssom, you know better than that! Hair type doesn't plays a function in how fast the hair grows. I know some type 1s that grow like snails and type 4s that grow like the speed of lightening.:cool:

And I think she is a 3c/4a or something like that. She is relaxed too. She has a fotki too.
I think it would take a lot of nutrients and some growth aides to get it to go at that rate... I think 2 ins is a lot a month... I am HOPING for .75 in ches a month.. that would put me very close to my goal.. but i dont know.. I am trying to be ok that i may not see my goal as soon as i want
Been taking 10 mg of biotin for about 5 months now and i got an extra inch in a few strands. everything else grew .5 inches and just a few strands grew an inch. i think its very difficult to push your body beyond what its capable of. my hair was 9 inches on jan 1 and as of march first my hair was all around 10 inches with some weird strands stretching beyond 11 inches by a point or so. the strands dont count. they are not enough.
zailless said:
Been taking 10 mg of biotin for about 5 months
I tried that Biotin... Man I saw some extra growth and i am sure i woulda had an inch/month. however the acne that i saw with it was UNBEARABLE.. My skin has never broken out as bad as when i took that Biotin... I took 3000 mcg.......... It sucked cuz i know i would see a lot of extra inches....
prettypuff1 said:
I tried that Biotin... Man I saw some extra growth and i am sure i woulda had an inch/month. however the acne that i saw with it was UNBEARABLE.. My skin has never broken out as bad as when i took that Biotin... I took 3000 mcg.......... It sucked cuz i know i would see a lot of extra inches....

Sorry to thread jack ladies... but acne with biotin? I've haven't heard of that side effect yet. What brand were you taking? I plan on taking it after I have the baby but I am still working on scars that the last acne attack left.
Yeah, there is some rough acne that comes with it. I took it with a lot of water like people say, but i still saw a lot of acne..... A friend of mine got acne all over her body. She had pimples on her chest... But i never really had skin problems until i started taking it, andi had to stop after about a month
I suppose nothing is impossible, but I have NEVER known anyone to grow three inches of hair a month. My hair grows about half an inch a month, and that seems to be pretty normal when I compare it to other people I know. I don't use growth aids or supplements. I think my hair grew a little faster while I was pregnant though.